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Obama vs. Mccain.

Started by SuperFireKirby, August 19, 2008, 10:59:20 AM

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Who do you want to win?

12 (44.4%)
15 (55.6%)

Total Members Voted: 27


This is the place to express your point of view on the presidential election and to comment on how much George W. Bush is an idiot. And yes, I know some people don't live in the U.S. but this election really effects all nations.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Delete this topic before arguments break out and people start hating each other all over again.

For future reference, Religion, Politics, and Sex are things you should never talk about with close friends, for they create arguments because everyone has a different view.


McCain, because Obama wants to tax big oil companies and my dad works for Marathon. :P I want to keep my money.


Let's get my word in before this dies.


Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


i don't like either of them.. is like bush and kerry.. the lesser of 2 evils...
Conversation on Shoddy Battle:
<death09>my girlfriend broke up with me and sent me pix of her and her new boyfriend in bed
<death09>yeah. i sent them to her dad

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Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever



Quote from: Dude on August 19, 2008, 12:05:29 PMMcCain, because Obama wants to tax big oil companies and my dad works for Marathon. :P I want to keep my money.

WTF are you on crack? If they tax the companies it's from the company not the employees.


One word. Salaries

I want to see another raise.  ::)



It doesn't matter if I'm not American.  The American elections are almost as important as our own elections and are certainly more interesting.


Definitely Obama, I was a Ron Paul fan, but since he had dropped from the race I find Obama closest to my views. Not McCain, I don't want to see the draft started up again as he had mentioned. Although, I don't think that would happen anyways.

Quote from: DaveyTheRebelDelete this topic before arguments break out and people start hating each other all over again.

 For future reference, Religion, Politics, and Sex are things you should never talk about with close friends, for they create arguments because everyone has a different view.

   Not true. If the people discussing it aren't complete idiots and can debate without starting a flame war, then these threads are fine. Perhaps religion is one on that list that would be unfitting for debate(almost certainty actually). I find the rest of them very debatable subjects in which a forum can discuss.


so very true. But, if i may. If McCain decides to start up the draft again, it will be so that we might contribute to the war. When Hillary wanted to start up the draft (and the Democratic party may just do that) it was so that they might scare people that their little boys/girls would get sent to war, and thus totally oppose the war. So, one draft reason is somewhat, well, reasonable. The other is just a scare tactic. Personally, though, i was for Huckabee (and it wasn't because Chuck Norris supported him).


Obama says he's christian but is ok with abortion!?!?!? i'll go with Mccain. plus when obama and hillary teamed up Mccain already won

okay okay I get it


it doesn't look like hilary and obama are teaming up.. and if they are then their not doing a very good job of it... i orginally didn't like anyone that was running and i still don't... although i kinda think that if obama is president he is gonna get shot... because alot of people don't like him already... and mccain wants to start up the draft... which is dumb because we have no business in iraq anyways... why make it worse? oh and also i want to see which idiot starts world war 3 with russia... (i'm not talking about the candidates... but all the countries on earth).
Conversation on Shoddy Battle:
<death09>my girlfriend broke up with me and sent me pix of her and her new boyfriend in bed
<death09>yeah. i sent them to her dad

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