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Nintendo's realy going down the drain >__> and with VC too.

Started by MetroidHunter26, August 15, 2008, 07:27:33 PM

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really? that i would like you to tell me how that makes me a fanboy.

because you are completely and totally wrong XD

but i guess you are able to have your uneducated accusations about me thats okay :D


well the truth is... aside from the good games on 360, shooters or not, there are in honesty a lot of pretty crappy generic shooters, just like the wii has some good games, but also has millions of random crappy games about ponies etc.

the 360 is the better system in every way except for marketing in which the wii frankly dominates... even nintendo's first-party franchises aren't enough to keep the ship afloat to hardcore gamers, and because of other reasons such as general lack of multiplayer... but assuming the generation population of the world still remains in love with the wii, it will be nintendo who will continue to bring in the cash, which is every companies true goal, to make money...

on a side note, the newer generation of gamers, tend to be kids who think that they're incredible, crazy hardcore gamers just because they're busy shooting something...  and because of this, the 'new' definition for hardcore has become almost synonymous with the fps genre, or more specifically blood, gore and shooting... which is kind of sad... but i'm not sure if the nintendo fanboys who cling desperately to nintendo despite nintendo vehemently ignoring their pleas are sadder or not...

anyways, that was off-topic but nintendo may (and has already) lose/lost credibility among the 'hardcore' gamers, both new and old, but it's still on top of the gaming market in terms of cash...
It's on a need-to-know basis that you don't need to know.


Which is why they're sucking cock right now, the Wii has become a novelty toy that everyone HAS to buy right now.  Nintendo doesn't have to make any effort to sell anything, people will just buy the products.

me irl


Quote from: Gamer4250 on September 14, 2008, 03:52:05 PMWhich is why they're sucking cock right now, the Wii has become a novelty toy that everyone HAS to buy right now.  Nintendo doesn't have to make any effort to sell anything, people will just buy the products.
cuz people are dumb. the wii at this point has been gimmiked to death, and because the wii is all about those gimmiks, theres very few real games for the wii, so thats why their sucking - its... its... beautiful!


There's the Wii zapper, which is awesome, yet no good FPS'! Maybe the conduit, but is that it? I don't see why Microsoft don't just release a zapper thing for the 360!
Quote from: Arison The Bat
oviosly so far i've only got "little unmature kids" to respond to this thread
After months of mediation and exams, I return.
Probably not for long.


I agree with Blah. The "Hardcore" game has become a generic, bloody, gory, f-bomb filled, FPS. I miss the days when a hardcore game was Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy IV, Ocarina of Time, or Soul Caliber. If we could just convince everybody to go buy Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn (Wii) or Eternal Sonata (360) then maybe there could be some hope yet.  (Although Final Fantasy XIII shows some major does Infinate Undiscovery.)


        on a side note... how is fire emblem radiant dawn? it looked pretty good and i was thinking about getting it...

        But anyways yea i agree with blah. Gorey FPS are the new hardcore... which really stinks because some kids are too ignorant to play the old games that use to be hardcore... and alot of times even when they do they continue to say like... oh cod 4 is the best game evur... which it isn't (but still good none the less). and yea gamer is right too.. the wii is basically a novelty item... there aren't a whole lotta good gamer games.. (barring metroid prime 3 though... and probaly fire emblem...maybe super mario galaxy.... maybe..)..

        There's a few games where they have potentail to be good multiplayer games but instead they ruin it... MoH: H 2... the online looked fun in the reviews and the controls were really good... and there is barely any lag.. (well for me atleast).. but everyone on them are basically noobs just doing suicides with grenades or just sitting on a ledge with a bazooka or panzershreck and just camping.. u also can't really boot because no one sees it... i would say talking but i kinda understand why they have that wierd quickchat thing... oh and that the german weapons are kinda overpowered... the kar98k does more damage than the m1 garand and it usually takes a full clip of the m1 garand to kill somone... oddly.. mp40 has more ammo and is faster than the thompson (lol?).. stg44 and B.A.R. shoot the same yet the stg44 has more ammo.. making it better.. shotguns are same luckily.. gewher 43 far out performs the springfield... it shoots faster and with more ammo... zooka and shreck are the same...

           oh and try metroid prime 3 with the wii zapper... it's pretty fun =P. if only samus could use her 5 ton right arm to pimp smack someone... =P
Conversation on Shoddy Battle:
<death09>my girlfriend broke up with me and sent me pix of her and her new boyfriend in bed
<death09>yeah. i sent them to her dad

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Quote from: Palagerini on September 16, 2008, 04:38:28 AMon a side note... how is fire emblem radiant dawn? it looked pretty good and i was thinking about getting it...

but anyways yea i agree with blah. Gorey FPS are the new hardcore... which really stinks because some kids are too ignorant to play the old games that use to be hardcore... and alot of times even when they do they continue to say like... oh cod 4 is the best game evur... which it isn't (but still good none the less). and yea gamer is right too.. the wii is basically a novelty item... there aren't a whole lotta good gamer games.. (barring metroid prime 3 though... and probaly fire emblem...maybe super mario galaxy.... maybe..).. and tehre's a few games where they have potentail to be good multiplayer games but instead they ruin it... MoH: H 2... the online looked fun in the reviews and the controls were really good... and there is barely any lag.. (well for me atleast).. but everyone on them are basically noobs just doing suicides with grenades or just sitting on a ledge with a bazooka or panzershreck and just camping.. u also can't really boot because no one sees it... i would say talking but i kinda understand why they have that wierd quickchat thing... oh and that the german weapons are kinda overpowered... the kar98k does more damage than the m1 garand and it usually takes a full clip of the m1 garand to kill somone... oddly.. mp40 has more ammo and is faster than the thompson (lol?).. stg44 and B.A.R. shoot the same yet the stg44 has more ammo.. making it better.. shotguns are same luckily.. gewher 43 far out performs the springfield... it shoots faster and with more ammo... zooka and shreck are the same...

oh and try metroid prime 3 with the wii zapper... it's pretty fun =P. if only samus could use her 5 ton right arm to pimp smack someone... =P

Ouch I could only be bothered to read the bit at the end which was relevant to me. Could you paragraph it, please?
Quote from: Arison The Bat
oviosly so far i've only got "little unmature kids" to respond to this thread
After months of mediation and exams, I return.
Probably not for long.


I really want Radiant Dawn because the first one pwned. Only...I am currently at college and my Wii is a couple hundred miles away at my house with my brother that won't cough it up...he doesn't even play it.
Mairéad Murphy-Irish extraornaire fiddles on the roof and where ever she damn well pleases. ^_^


A hardcore game is a game that isn't gimmicky controls and is actually fun to play with enjoyable gameplay for long periods of time.  It's a game that is MEANT to be enjoyed, not sell millions of copies.  Although that usually happens if it's a good game.

me irl


Quote from: Palagerini on September 16, 2008, 04:38:28 AMon a side note... how is fire emblem radiant dawn? it looked pretty good and i was thinking about getting it...

radiant dawn is more difficult than FE9 or FE8 (lol) for example, but that's a good thing... but only the first parts, which i might compare to hector hard mode from FE7 (which really isn't that hard)... and when you're in trouble, turtling never fails...

but radiant dawn has a horribly told story... but if you liked any other fire emblem, then you should like this one...
It's on a need-to-know basis that you don't need to know.


hm... ok... probaly gonna save up for ps3 then =P.

better? i suck at language arts... i hate language arts and it hates me....  :P although i'm better at writing than reading and grammer =P..
Conversation on Shoddy Battle:
<death09>my girlfriend broke up with me and sent me pix of her and her new boyfriend in bed
<death09>yeah. i sent them to her dad

Before you post you might want to make sure you have a couple of these: ..!!??,,,

Feel free to place them wherever.


i'm not sure if this has been stated but the wii is selling for $250 and it has about 256MB as far as i've seen a bad graphics card. Also if I want cheap games I could just buy them from e-bay or amazon used for their original console.


Quote from: Gamer4250 on September 16, 2008, 06:20:47 PMA hardcore game is a game that isn't gimmicky controls and is actually fun to play with enjoyable gameplay for long periods of time.  It's a game that is MEANT to be enjoyed, not sell millions of copies.  Although that usually happens if it's a good game.
Well said!


i used to like Nintendo. You might say i was even a fanboy for a few years. When the Wii came out, i enjoyed it, there were some good games. then there stopped being good games. I feel that Nintendo has forgotten about gamers and i've given up on them as a result. I haven't played my Wii for months.

it really is too bad...

damn commies.