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Can't Stop Laughing

Started by random_goldfish, August 14, 2008, 03:47:35 PM

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I in no way have an animosity for Christianity but this is what happens when you get a whole bunch of close-minded Christains talking about video games. I had to grab tissue because I started crying with laughter.
Mairéad Murphy-Irish extraornaire fiddles on the roof and where ever she damn well pleases. ^_^


that's kinda funny... it almost seems to absurd to be real though...

but if it's real... then it's really funny...

"and i can take a random number of letters from any page on this board and firmly state that you people worship Satan. does that make it so? no ofcourse not."

and this guy is now "under investigation" and his rank is unsaved trash...
It's on a need-to-know basis that you don't need to know.


This site is INCREDIBLE! I'd be considered Unsaved trash by these people's standards because I'm redheaded and Irish...that's it! If I were to reveal to them I was Wiccan and played video games...whoa, hot dog!
Mairéad Murphy-Irish extraornaire fiddles on the roof and where ever she damn well pleases. ^_^


holy crap! that somewhat is very stupid :P it's sorta funny to see them so ignorent and just judge it by how it's all colorfull and crap. I wonder how trolls are treated there. I wonder what happens if you had an account there and named it something like Mario guy and have all the sigs and every thing XD. I would love to see that guy make a thread JUST TO SEE what happens :P. but I realy think there stupid and I'm Mormon Boomf. I win :P lol jk but it was indeed pretty lol.


The trolls get labled as Unsaved Trash and are put under investigation. I think I'm going to troll there because it sounds like fun, haha.
Mairéad Murphy-Irish extraornaire fiddles on the roof and where ever she damn well pleases. ^_^


Quote from: the thing on the bottom of the pageThe information presented here is Biblically accurate. Opinions concerning the technical difficulties, fitness requirements, safety, and ratings of self-crucifixion, flagellation, stoning, destroying enemies of GOD utterly, without mercy, and other activities inherent in Christianity are subjective and may differ from yours or others' opinions; therefore be warned that you must exercise your own judgment as to the difficulty and your ability to safely protect yourself from the inherent risks and dangers. Do not use the information provided on this site unless you are a True Christian â,,¢ who understands and accepts the risks of participating in these activities. Landover Baptist Church makes reasonable efforts to include accurate and up to date information on this website, errors or omissions sometimes occur, therefore the information contained on here is provided "as is" and without warranties of any kind either expressed or implied. Viewing, reading, or any other use of the information contained within this web site is purely the voluntary will of the viewer or user. You, 'the viewer' or 'user' shall not hold the publisher, owner, authors or other contributors of The Jesus Experience responsible for any incidents related directly or indirectly to the Experience. Landover Baptist Church, et. al., assumes no liability or responsibility for your actions.

lol. Reasonable. Right.

[EDIT] WOW. 153 active users and 132 guests
Maybe we should become anti-Video Game Christian Psychohaulics?  :P
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


When I say I hate Jesus Freaks, that's the kind of people I meant.


Yeah. I know what you mean, Mike.

They said  that I worship grape soda...  :'( :'( :'(
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


Hmmm, grape soda. Long time since I've drank any.

Edit: Gah, turns out that those forums exist simply to mock Christians. So everything on it is purposely stupid. The owner is actually Atheist.


haha where the hell did that pull that out of.

But yeah, that site is amazingly awesome.

me irl


Well, if you visit their main page which is

Its all jokes.  On the forums its also a joke, but they take it way too far.  They make fun of everyone horribly. 

but yeah I've been going to this site for a while and its awesome...people go on their and take it seriously.  They are based in Freehold, Iowa.  That city doesn't exist.

ugh, I never got around to watching the fox news video about Mass Effect that it links to in that topic, but now that I see it, it really is horrible.  I watched that sex scene, you see the side of a boob and a girls ass for 1.5 seconds, how terrible.  I have a much easier time typing in "porn" in the google search than I do playing through hours and hours of being nice to this girl in the game.

I made a landover baptist account and I got banned a while ago.

Also:  Everyone read this   it is hilarious, and very true.


Oh, thank God it's fake! I was worried about there being so many radical people that actually exist.
Mairéad Murphy-Irish extraornaire fiddles on the roof and where ever she damn well pleases. ^_^


The scary thing is that people are actually like what you are seeing there.

me irl


Yes, they are a parody of Westboro Baptist Church, which is pretty much Landover but serious.

Look it up, you wont like what you see. 


That is probably the funniest thing I have ever seen. I have never laughed harder! This is so ridiculous! I'm happy it's not real because I was seriously considering like, hacking the forum or something. Delete everything, that was my idea. I didn't like this.




LOL!1!!!!1!!!!1!one!!!11!! <-- NSFW