
Rest in pepperoni, Mario Mario, 1981 - 2021
He will be missed by all, except for me! WARIO, NUMBER ONE!

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"Fixing the Forum" Project

Started by Davey, August 11, 2008, 08:46:18 PM

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Alright... So Dekudude and I were talking... and we came to an absolute decision. The forums have gone to hell. People have discarded any moral decisions and completely ignore the rules. People shrug off warnings and temporary bans like nothing happened, as they haven't learned anything. This is the NinSheetMusic community, and we need to make it look professional. This isn't any random garbage forum on the internet, this is a well-oiled machine that has fallen on rough times. We need a new solution to people that decide to be part of the problem. I quote from Dekudude:

Quote from: Dekudude on AIM(11:25:49 PM) Dekudude: we need a good moderating system
(11:25:52 PM) Dekudude: a way to choose good people
(11:25:56 PM) Dekudude: and keep their power limited
(11:26:02 PM) Dekudude: and useful
(11:26:07 PM) Dekudude: Simple moderation, maybe

So Dekudude and I are talking about Active, Clean members to become Simple Moderators to help keep the forums in shape. Please, discuss thoughts, and try and prove your case to become a Simple Moderator.

I was thinking maybe we could come up with some nice, high-quality police system, where we have a plethora of "decent" people navigate, and warn people when they do something wrong. If it's really bad, we might mute someone for a short while. Not too bad? Just let them know they are doing something wrong. NSM is a great place, but it still has a ways to go before it hits perfection. Let's clean it up!


I like the idea...but you have no power to do this.  :P

Translation: Staff/Admins/Mods should look into this.  :)
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


Dekudude is a moderator... Remember... this was pretty much his idea to start fixing it before we started cleaning posts and warning people... I wanted to clean stuff right off the bat.


Quote from: Brawler4Ever on August 11, 2008, 08:54:03 PMI like the idea...but you have no power to do this.  :P

Translation: Staff/Admins/Mods should look into this.  :)

I asked him to make the topic. ;) I'm backing up the idea 100%.


well i think part of the problem is because the moderators generally aren't active enough... in the previous forum, the moderators were pretty active... and there weren't that many members, so everyone was on fairly good terms with each other...

but since the forum has gotten bigger, the problem stemming from this, (if you ask me) is that there just seems to be a big clash between two groups of the forum... i'll avoid naming people, but in general it's the forum veterans or older members on one side clashing with the newer members of the forum, and vice versa...

It's on a need-to-know basis that you don't need to know.


Dekudude and I have come up with a good list of 7 people that will be PM'd tomorrow if they'd like the job. These are people that we think are clean, active, good to be around, trustworthy, helpful, and generally an all around good person.

Concerto No.20 in D minor

What the hell?  Do you guys really need me THAT MUCH?!  *is irritated that I had to come back for this*


I think I'm only a moderator because I offered to help JaMaHa with something one day and he never bothered to remove the powers (and still wouldn't even when I asked him to).  I kind of need them to update though (if ANYONE takes this as initiative to ask when the next update will be, I will delete their post and/or slit their throat), so I guess there's really no point in removing them.  Just don't expect me to be moderating around the boards unless something is reported.  I only really browse the first 5 boards on here. (Plus I have a moderation position on another website that has much friendlier community (not my AC:CF forum).  Sorry, but it's true.  Some of you guys are just mean. :P )

All that said, I definitely support the idea of some Simple Moderators (maybe don't call them that, makes them sound.. simple.  Maybe Basic Moderators?).  And if they prove themselves responsible enough, give them more powers.  Maybe some more strict moderation will turn this into a community I want to be a part of again.


I'd be happy to be a moderator, though I don't see it happening... This is a HUGE problem though, and I'm glad someone is finally taking action.


heh i suggested something like this in another thread around here.... more moderators is something we don't have that quite alot of forums have... and also it would make people a little bit nicer... because we all are a little mean at some point in these forums... (yes including me) =P
Conversation on Shoddy Battle:
<death09>my girlfriend broke up with me and sent me pix of her and her new boyfriend in bed
<death09>yeah. i sent them to her dad

Before you post you might want to make sure you have a couple of these: ..!!??,,,

Feel free to place them wherever.


Quote from: Nintendude73 on August 12, 2008, 03:55:44 AMAll that said, I definitely support the idea of some Simple Moderators (maybe don't call them that, makes them sound.. simple.  Maybe Basic Moderators?).  And if they prove themselves responsible enough, give them more powers.  Maybe some more strict moderation will turn this into a community I want to be a part of again.

Glad to hear it. Considering most of the people we picked most likely don't know PHP Language, they probably won't go so far as to becoming updaters. Which is why we thought they had a fairly simple job, they aren't going to be moving topics or changing the actual website, they are just simple moderators. Anyway it's not my decision what they are going to be called, but I liked the idea of Simple Moderation.


Updater =/= Moderators.

You don't need to update to be a moderator but both positions a certain degree of trust. And if you're trustworthy enough for either of them, you can probably do both.



The chances of me ever having power again is zilch :P

But that doesn't mean I wouldn't like it ::)

Super Zombie

I haven't seen anything like this going on.


I like the idea.

Although I think 7 people is like way too much, they'd end up arguing against each other on who gets to do what. Maybe 2 or 3.

Also, if we do use this system, the simple mods should only have the power to lock topics and archive them. It should be the simple mod's job to lock anything that needs to go, and to report those who cause trouble to the higher authorities (aka dekudude, jamaha, etc), maybe in some board that simple mods and up can see. Have like a topic for each member that's started trouble, and people can discuss what to do with him/her there.

Too many people with power will make us worse off than how we are now.

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever