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what's the hardest game you've ever played?

Started by PseudoMario16, August 11, 2008, 07:19:12 PM

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Quote from: SuperFireKirby on September 02, 2008, 12:44:04 PMLand of the free and the home of the Whopper.

And probability BattleToads for the NES

<<Last number is 8


The blatant spelling eror in the title is annoying me.

^you see what I did there?  ;)


@Nintendo4life: For the love of Nayru! Final Fantasy 3 is not very hard.....until you get to the end game. Holy matrimony batman! Six FRIGGING BOSSES IN A ROW WITHOUT SAVING OR HEALING!!!! DANG! I died on boss #2 last time I tried. He took my whole party out in one hit with his mega lightning attack thing. All my party members are in lv. 60s to!

@Wiiman: L.L  Twilight Princess was by far one of the easiest Zelda games I've ever played. It's just so freaking long! The easiest was Phantom Hourglass, but still. I'm a Zelda Veteran though.....maybe that helps, because most zelda games aren't that hard for me. Exceptions would be Zelda 2. Link to the Past and Majora's Mask are on the hard side, but I don't need a guide....well....A guide helped a bit trying to 100% Majora's Mask. I can get the masks without help, but all the other little junks is hard!

MetroidHunter v26

Well I may have a new one and it is Sonic Unleashed OMG! That thing was so freaking hard! but I'm happy I beat it :) very enjoyable.


hmm.... Revenge of Shinobi, Theme Park World, Super Mario World 3, Batman Forever, Super Mario 64 and Sunshine, Rolo to the Rescue lol. oh well, most of the games that didnt had a Save system...


Metal Gear Solid 2 on European Extreme difficulty. All the other difficulty levels were easy, but it took me weeks to get past the first boss, and I gave up when I got to the second one.

damn commies.


Fire Emblem games are hard...or at least stressful at times...especailly since I won't let even one of my guys die...screw that. RESET!

Zelda games aren't hard for me.

The only part of DK64 that's hard for me is that dumb arcade!
Mairéad Murphy-Irish extraornaire fiddles on the roof and where ever she damn well pleases. ^_^


Quote from: random_goldfish on December 27, 2008, 10:23:42 PMFire Emblem games are hard...or at least stressful at times...especailly since I won't let even one of my guys die...screw that. RESET!

Zelda games aren't hard for me.

The only part of DK64 that's hard for me is that dumb arcade!
Fire Emblem is only hard if you're trying to do a perfect run! (Nobody dies, all chests, etc.) then it's mind numbing. That and trying to get through the stupid Lagdou Ruins 5 times in a row without losing a character....well, that's more time consuming than hard, but still.


Mairéad Murphy-Irish extraornaire fiddles on the roof and where ever she damn well pleases. ^_^


Quote from: random_goldfish on December 28, 2008, 03:30:41 PMExactly how I play my Fire Emblem.  :P
Whenever I play through a FE game it's:
Nobody Dies, All Chests, Rout Enemy on Every Map, Get as many possible support bonuses as I can, and Make sure every single house is not destroyed by bandits.


i'm surprised no one's mentioned Devil May Cry 3 lol... that one was brutal...

btw the hardest fire emblem in my opinion is FE4...
It's on a need-to-know basis that you don't need to know.


Fire Emblem is evil.  I always want to make sure nobody dies, because if they do die, you're fucked later on.

me irl


I think there are some characters you could seriously do without...but for the most part yeah, better keep them up and running...that and I just like saying no one died.
Mairéad Murphy-Irish extraornaire fiddles on the roof and where ever she damn well pleases. ^_^


Quote from: random_goldfish on January 03, 2009, 03:17:35 AMI think there are some characters you could seriously do without...but for the most part yeah, better keep them up and running...that and I just like saying no one died.
Especially in Path of Radience. There were a few characters that I found almost useless. Especially since there was not a skirmish system like in Sacred Stones. If there had been, than you could have trained some of the low level characters that you got at the end of the game!


path of radiance was easy at the end lol... just give ike aether and let him solo the last few maps lol...

all the gba FE games could be really easy if you wanted them to be lol... arena abuse in fe6/7 and the stupid tower in fe8...
It's on a need-to-know basis that you don't need to know.