what's the hardest game you've ever played?

Started by PseudoMario16, August 11, 2008, 07:19:12 PM

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I Wanna Be The Guy is tough, and it's near impossible to beat the original Tekken with Jack.  :P


Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Realistic Difficulty.


Yeah, but Rainbow 6 isnt as bad 2-player, which is what I usually what I do.

Magus Darkwind

How about hardest boss I've ever fought? Cuz just the other day I got into a boss fight in FF6 which took more than 1 hour!!!

Magic Master: my levels under 30, (note:  was just getting my lvl 3 spells, firaga, blizzaga, thundaga, and curaga) so I climbed the tower w/out actually getting reflect rings(I never had enough money to go shopping anyways, and they didn't really catch my eye) so it was a challenge getting up the tower especially near the end part, those last few mobs were taking several minutes a battle, so I figured this stuff was in lieu(replacement) of the boss...I was wrong, so when the boss appeared I was like...crap, lemme go look up an FAQ, they said stuff like how to beat him, and then "In his dying breath he casts ultima...you die, game over" but there are ways to avert this(none of which I had...of course...) so I knew I had to never give him the chance to cast ultima, ie drain ALL his 50000 mana...so for 40 mins, I fought, trying to keep reflect up, trying to keep my one-shottable characters alive,(I think I had a total of 9 deaths in this time) and he was using about as much mana as I was draining...(note: I also had to heal him so he wouldn't die before he was out of mana) so, I went online and looked at his list of immunities to see if I could get him to stop ******* casting, so he was not invulnerable to beserk...too bad only one party member knew how to cast that...10 mins later, he is beserked and the magic boss can no longer cast magic, problem over, finishing the battle took about 20 mins
Necrophobe: "Enough of this! DIE!!!"
*casts flare*
Gilgamesh: "I believe that's MY line!!!"
*Self-destruct* They both die


nub, you have to get reflect rings and levitate rings on everyone and it's a piece of cake.

me irl


Yeah, it's one of the easiest fights in the game if you know what you're doing.


Magic Master was plain fun. I made sure my three party-members (plus Gogo) had Ultima. The first two would cast Ultima, the third one would be able to cast Ultima twice and then Gogo would mimick it: two more Ultima's. I still love that battle.


Wow, i just found the hardest game in the world... to enjoy.
well, i didn't really find them, i just decided it would be a good idea to play them again.
Tekken, and soul caliber have to be the worst games ever made. They don't change hardly anything between sequels, and are never any fun.

oh, and check this game out. it's beautiful.
he also agrees, tekken blows.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1dvSlvZLG8 - its... its... beautiful!


Quote from: PseudoMario16 on September 25, 2009, 05:30:51 PMWow, i just found the hardest game in the world... to enjoy.
well, i didn't really find them, i just decided it would be a good idea to play them again.
Tekken, and soul caliber have to be the worst games ever made. They don't change hardly anything between sequels, and are never any fun.

oh, and check this game out. it's beautiful.
he also agrees, tekken blows.

No, those are good as long as you have only played one or two of them.


me irl


I love Tekken3, but I hate the other Tekkens...


You want to know what the hardest part of tekken is(besides trying to enjoy it)? Trying to understand why they're still making new ones.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


me irl