Nine Lives' Replacements

Started by NineLives, May 31, 2020, 10:22:54 AM

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Quote from: Static on June 23, 2020, 12:41:26 PMFlight of the Zinger
  • That repeating LH pattern should actually look like this:

    However, it's... pretty difficult to play at tempo, to say the least. Either you could focus on this part, using both hands to play it and ditch the RH part, at least until m37, or you could use a simplified version, which I think highlights the important notes and sounds close enough to the original. Take a look:
For this, I chose to go for the simplified ostinato.
Quote from: Static on June 23, 2020, 12:41:26 PM
  • At the m39 section, I would try to find some way to include the bass notes, since those are integral to the original harmonies. Some ideas might be to just include the original bassline instead of the ostinato, or to change the notes in the ostinato to reflect the harmony, with the first note the bass note.
Here I decided to just do the bass line for more simplicity.
Quote from: Static on June 23, 2020, 12:41:26 PM
  • Your beaming is sometimes inconsistent: you have 3 8th notes beamed together in m39, but m4 uses a quarter tied to an 8th on beat 3. You should break the beam in m39, 43, etc., or change quarter-tie-8ths into dotted quarters in m40, 44, etc.
I did your second suggestion for this one. The rest I didn't quote I took care of.


Looks good, I'd just edit m44 to look like m40, and add bass notes where there's rests in m45 and 53, since it sounds like there are notes in those spots. Also, I adjusted the formatting on page 4 for you, so it has the same spacing as pages 2-3.


Quote from: Static on June 23, 2020, 01:54:04 PMLooks good, I'd just edit m44 to look like m40, and add bass notes where there's rests in m45 and 53, since it sounds like there are notes in those spots. Also, I adjusted the formatting on page 4 for you, so it has the same spacing as pages 2-3.
Done and done. Thanks for the formatting as well!



Super Mario Kart - Koopa Beach
Looks good! A few things:
- F in m. 7 should be sharped
- I'd suggest moving m. 5 down to the next system; the first system is a bit squished right now.
- The courtesy natural in m. 18 isn't super necessary since it's at the end of the bar (and there's a system break since the last)
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Flight of the Zinger
Overall, you've got a pretty good arrangement here. I just have one comment. I know you said you just went with a simple bassline, but I think something like this would work better:

If you want to emphasize the onbeat notes more, just add octaves below, like so:

Whether you incorporate it or not is up to you, but I'd at least like you to fiddle with it a bit first. This is off of the same drum line you wrote in, so I think it's pretty valid interpretation of the voice you chose to transcribe.


Definitely agree with Maelstrom's comments above, see if you like how that sounds. In the current arrangement the contrast between the 16th note rhythm and the quarter note rhythm is a bit surprising.
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Rockface Rumble
Another great one, really like how it turned out. Just one thing - maybe add a courtesy time signature right before the repeat? You can do that by adding a measure to the end, changing the time signature with the "composite" to 1/128, then checking the "use a different time signature for display", filling the measure with a 1/128 note, pressing h to hide, and then shrinking the measure into oblivion with the measure tool. I realize that probably took more time to type than it would to change it myself, but it's too late for that.


All right. So "Koopa Beach" got its fixes, "Flight of the Zinger" now has the bass line suggested with octaves, and "Rockface Rumble" now has its courtesy time signature. All sheets have been updated on the folder.


Super Mario Kart - Koopa Beach
Great! Approving this one.
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Quote from: NineLives on July 11, 2020, 04:38:42 PMAll right. So "Koopa Beach" got its fixes, "Flight of the Zinger" now has the bass line suggested with octaves, and "Rockface Rumble" now has its courtesy time signature. All sheets have been updated on the folder.
My bad, I said time signature (which is 100% the right thing to do) but can you also make it a courtesy key signature? Oh, and put the repeat after the extra short measure. You can use the measure tool to remove the barline in between the last measure and it.

For Flight of the zinger, maybe you should just have a cresc. dynamic instead of a smartshape that spans half the page.

Fix these and I approve of both.


I got both covered, though I want to ask if I need a line of some sort after the "cresc." If it's not necessary, then I'll leave it be.


nah, it's implied.
Both are now accepted


Title Theme - Diddy Kong Racing
This is such a happy song... I've never heard it before haha. I love David Wise's stuff :)

- I think all the melody figures like the one in m. 11 would be better off as mordents than 16th notes. At this speed, it's not a huge difference, but let me know if you disagree. I think it better differentiates the sound of that from regular 16th notes like in m. 40.
- In measures 9-10, I'd strongly recommend writing in the G# grace notes before the A bass notes. They give the part a lot of characters
- The last triad in m. 14 doesn't sound quite right... it sounds like A-Cn leading into the following measure? (Excluding the bottom E in the lower voice)
- m. 17 beat 3 RH should be G# instead of A
- Measure 22 last note in the RH should have a staccato (as the C# is part of the voice that goes into the next measure)
- Last bass note in m. 26 should be F#
- RH rest shouldn't be hidden in m. 30
- I think m. 34/50 beat 1.5 RH is a G# instead of A
- Flip the first pair of 8th notes in m. 38 RH so the contour of the slur and the descending thirds matches the ones that follow.
- m. 49 is missing the RH on beat 2 (A)
- I think the last chord would sound better as a four-note A chord in root position. Try that out and see how it sounds.
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



I'll be honest, I wasn't too familiar with mordents. They do work pretty well though! Along with those I've hopefully gotten the rest of the changes updated in the file without missing any.