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Halloween 2k19 Update

Started by Latios212, October 01, 2019, 04:16:38 PM

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Hi everyone,

It's now October which means it's time to get ready for our yearly Halloween update! Please keep reading if you want to contribute.
  • Post your sheets here to be considered for the update. We will provide feedback here, you'll respond accordingly, and we'll approve and accept. Check back regularly if you submit something!
  • Since this has a strict deadline, we can't guarantee that every sheet submitted here will be included, but we will try our best to get in as many as we can! If it ends up being too much, we will prioritize as best we can and any unfinished sheets can still be submitted through the normal process.
  • There are no strict requirements for what constitutes a "scary" sheet for the update but please try to keep it reasonable - we'll take it on a case by case basis if there are any questions. Generally these will be sheets for tracks that have a creepy sound, game, or track title.
  • We'll need to receive submissions no later than (October 16) in order to leave sufficient time for finishing up.
Aaaand here are the sheets!


List of sheets currently set for the update (ordered by arranger, then by priority; each is linked to the original)

Submitted, pending feedback
Pending arranger response

Sheets that will go through normal submissions at a later time since the arranger is too busy to finish in time

My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!


Ooh, I'm gonna root through my sheets right away. I need to get on this!

EDIT: Okay, here's some sheets I have already that I could possibly contribute to this:

Defunct list. Do not open.


I especially want those Castlevania II sheets on the site. The coverage of that game should not be as poor as it is right now.

What do you think?
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music!'s Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread!'s Arrangements


If you've got sheets for all of these lined up and ready to go, we'll get to as many as we can! What I suggest is ordering them by priority so we know what to prioritize if we don't have time for everything.

What I'd personally suggest (i.e. what I think we'd get the most benefit from) is the replacements as well as the Deltarune sheet. It's up to you, though!
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!


Okey-dokie! Then, for the moment (because I have homework to do,) I can provide some polished-up sheets. First, my Castlevania II contributions:

Castlevania II: Simon's Quest Folder

(I would actually be willing to arrange two more and finish the OST if you guys would want that.)

And "The Circus" from Deltarune: [MUSX]

(^^ I'll need someone with a better ear to check the LH for me. It's not working very well.)

I will get around to polishing the others from my earlier post some time this week.
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music!'s Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread!'s Arrangements


Cool, another themed update :3

Looking through the stuff I've done, I think these are the only ones that can potentially qualify [top is highest priority]:

I didn't finish editing The King of Hyrule's Wish and I haven't attempted to edit the Team Skull themes, but I'll get to those soon if they are indeed allowed. I have no preference between the three Team Skull themes, so I guess whichever one seems easier to edit is fine.

Update: Here is the rest of my already-arranged sheets, polished up: Levi's Halloween 2019 Folder. <--- Use this instead from now on!

The only ones in here that should be reworked are "The Circus" and possibly "Stage 2" from Balloon Kid. In the mean time, I'll debate whether or not to arrange a couple new sheets for the cause. But this should be plenty.


- Added "Message of Darkness" from Castlevania II: Simon's Quest. Now only one song needs to be done to finish the OST ("A Reqiuem")

- Added "Castle" from Super Mario 3D Land

- Added "A Requiem" (Replacement) from Castlevania II: Simon's Quest. Soundtrack complete!
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music!'s Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread!'s Arrangements



Doom [PC]
"Intermission from DOOM [E2M3]"MUSMUSXMIDIPDFOriginal

I've still got this arrangement from last year. I've edited it so that hopefully it's not as big of a mess as it was last year lol. We'll see if I can get any new arrangements done in time for Halloween...


I'm a bit busy at the moment but I'll be updating the above stuff in OP and Dropbox this weekend at latest, if someone doesn't get to it before me.
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Quote from: Zeila on October 01, 2019, 05:45:55 PMI didn't finish editing The King of Hyrule's Wish and I haven't attempted to edit the Team Skull themes, but I'll get to those soon if they are indeed allowed. I have no preference between the three Team Skull themes, so I guess whichever one seems easier to edit is fine.
Those sound like good choices to me! I've added them to the list, so just edit the files and send em along as soon as you can.

I updated the OP with all of our sheets, and the DB folder is all set up now. Looking forward to another great update!


Cave Story
Running Hell [midi] [.mus] [.musx] [PDF]

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Dracula's Castle [midi] [.mus] [.musx] [PDF]


Hey! I have a spooky arrangement I did that I didn't submit! Time to amp it up baby! (And get heavily critiqued or something.)

Deadly Premonition
The Woods and the Goddess: [MIDI][PDF][MUS]


Feedback time! Starting with everyone's highest priority sheets here:

Levi - Castlevania II: Simon's Quest - A Requiem
- m13 should look like m7, 21, and 22 (hide the rest and flip the half note).
- m15 - The Bn should be a Cb (this acts as a b2 going down, or a Bbmajb9 chord; resolved to the Bb in the Ebmaj chord in m16).
- The ending appears to be missing.

Zeila - Fire Emblem: Awakening - Id (Dilemma)
- A lot of these chords are Edim9 chords, so the A#s and C#s would be better written as Bbs and Dbs (m2, 4, 6, etc. through m12).
- That run in m18 sounds like it sounds after the chord in the LH plays; maybe indicate this by starting with a tied note (to the previous measure) or a rest.
- m35-36 RH: Since these tremolo notes are only a step apart, you can just use a trill marking here.
- m37-38: You should use a dotted line between the hands here like in m11-12.
- m39: The D# should be an Eb (Eb#9 chord).

Yug - Doom (PC) - Intermission from DOOM [E2M3]
- m27: Move the 27 box to the right just a bit.
- m34: Maybe some accents here on all the notes from beats 1-3? Helps to lead back into the first section.
- m68 section: You can include some of the 16th note drum stuff here if you want. Also some accents on beats 1-3 of m75 like above.
- m84: The 84 box is touching the natural.
- You could argue that the piece is actually in E major but using some minor notes as blues notes or something... but I'm not going to argue that. I think it's fine as is.
- Change http to https.

Maelstrom - Cave Story - Running Hell
- m10, 26 RH beat 2.5: The 8th note A sounds like two 16th notes to me, but it's up to you whether or not you want to change that, considering the tempo.
- m16 RH: The way you wrote this rhythm hides beat 3.
- m43 RH: Any reason why beat 3 is just an 8th note? Sounds like a held quarter note to me in the original, and it'll have to sound that way too because of the pedal.
- m48 RH: You don't need to use Fb in the run since En is already in the key.

AwesomeYears - Deadly Premonition - The Woods and the Goddess
- Missing dynamics. They could be especially useful in this particular piece.
- To keep the beaming and rhythms consistent, I would write m5 LH (and any measure like it) like m44 LH. This also applies to places like m15.
- m30: Tie should be flipped up so it isn't too close to the 2nd layer in m31 (same applies to m86-87).
- m72: Half rest in layer 2 should be 2 quarter rests.
- m73, 82, 84: The pedal markings in these measures are touching the stems of the LH notes.
- Is there a reason why there are no pedal markings in the Coda?
- You should separate your Coda section on a new indented line.
- Some of the arpeggio markings are too close to notes/barlines.
- The final fermata is clashing with the note. LH should have a fermata too.
- The copyright info is too small and doesn't need to be on every page.
- Since it looks like you use NotePad, I made most of these changes for you here, plus some additional formatting adjustments. Any musical changes, like dynamics, pedaling, etc. I'm leaving to you.

Quote from: Static on October 04, 2019, 05:56:37 PMLevi - Castlevania II: Simon's Quest - A Requiem
- m13 should look like m7, 21, and 22 (hide the rest and flip the half note).
- m15 - The Bn should be a Cb (this acts as a b2 going down, or a Bbmajb9 chord; resolved to the Bb in the Ebmaj chord in m16).
- The ending appears to be missing.

- noted, will do that
- makes sense to me; not sure why I didn't mark it that way before, but I've fixed that little inconsistency
- oh, for Pete's sake! I feel like this kind of thing happened during last year's Winter update. Sorry, I assumed the second loop was identical minus the percussion; added the second ending. Might need you or someone else to verify for me if the last few bars' rhythms are right, because I can't always tell what is a percussive beat vs. what is a re-strike

File within my folder has been updated.
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music!'s Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread!'s Arrangements


Updated the above file in Dropbox

Do you have an original for reference for SM3DL Castle with the intro?

Levi - Deltarune - The Circus
- Move the LH eighth rests back onto the staff
- Is there a reason for the upper Ab in the chord in m. 13? It's inconsistent with everywhere else and I don't hear anything special there
- Cb in m. 22
- I would suggest continuing to separate the LH parts visually in m. 13+ to indicate that there are two independent voices that are responsible for the odd intervals. If you want to do that, instead of using two layers where the rhythm is the same, you can use the double/split stem tool:
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My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!
