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Strange Dreams

Started by Concerto No.20 in D minor, February 29, 2008, 03:01:17 PM

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I had some pretty messed up dreams this weekend.

One there was water and I was swimming, then some awesome stuff happened I can't remember, then some more stuff happened, and I was in a courtroom.  Then for some reason I was telling this guy about the future.  Apparently I was not in 2008 because I was telling him events from now and he didn't believe me :S

Then this morning I had one where I was delivering an abnormally large load of newspapers.  I hate dreams where I do work or go to school.

I've had a few dreams where I just go to school or deliver my whole paper route, which sucks.


i had a dream last night, but i can't remember what it was about. :(

damn commies.


Quote from: razer84 on March 09, 2008, 03:24:41 PMi had a dream last night, but i can't remember what it was about. :(


Well, anyway, last night I had a dream I had a pet broom. Oh ho, but this was no ordinary broom; my broom was "magical".  It had really big cartoonish eyes, and an angry unibrow.  I named him Everest.  Everest was a peculiar thing he was. If anything made him mad he would shoot lasers out of his eyes. Then, whenever the mailman came with my copy of Brawl, he emitted this high pitched squealing sound. From where I will never know. We played Brawl through the night until the crack of dawn. I won multiple times, so he shot me with his lasers. I died. The End.

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


damn commies.


i kissed a sexy zombie last night.....then i woke up...


I have often, was a long now though, dreamt that I was dreaming that I could fly. And whe I woke up from the dream in the dream, I was so sure that I could fly that I went to my friends to show. But I couldn't fly and they began to laugh :-[.

And then I woke up from the real dream. Flying would be awesome though :D.

Concerto No.20 in D minor

Well, I had some what of a strange dream.  I mean, telling aliens that look like humans that you're human, then having then scream and run away, and the only way to stop them is to get them into a corner and totally make out then drive to a water park while simutainously are on a high speed chase is weird.


i had a dream where i was  randomly attacked by zombies. i was just standing there and.... BOOM! zombies!

damn commies.


i had a really weird dream....i was at my house and i had to set the code for the alarm...suddenly, after pressing the first button...ZAP! I was in another room! I found out that it was a room of my friend.

"Interesting," I said. I pressed the button again, and i was back in my house....there was a party downstairs for some strange reason..i was like, "Screw this!"

I pressed another button, I was in my church...weird.....then i pressed a different button and i was in my other friend's room...WHY DO I KEEP TELEPORTING!?

Then i was about to press a button until....i woke up




Why does every single one of my dreams happen at a bus stop? And it's the same damn bus stop every time!


well i had this dream that would stop and continue and the parts were totally random and unrelated. first i was at some fashion show and they were showcasing the woman with the largest butt in the world. it was really awkward. then i was in school and i was late for band class and when i got there the room was set up differently whit the chairs and stands, etc. so i sat down and the first chair clarinet dude (i play clarinet so, yeah) who's kind of a jerk says "move it punk!" and tells me to sit in first chair, and i'm like "wtf?" but anyway i sit there and i figure out that the band teacher re-seated everyone based on how awesome they were at Brawl. in the next part of the dream i was in english class and we were doing a play (because we actually were studying Shakespeare stuff the last few weeks, so...), i think the play was A Midsummer's Night's Dream, and all we were doing was running around a really big tree in the middle of the classroom.

it was a strange dream, but you've figured that out by now...

Quote from: razer84 on March 16, 2008, 08:01:20 AMlast night i had a dream where my pants had an expiration date.

damn commies.


Quote from: razer84 on March 16, 2008, 08:01:20 AMlast night i had a dream where my pants had an expiration date.
don't double post

and i also had a weird dream

once again, i was in Taiwan with my mom...don't know why....then we ate at some weird place....i was the only clean place compared with the rest of the city. we were about to go back to my grandma's apartment until i woke up.....but i was going to go on the internet and dial my friends back in the US if i got back to the apartment before i woke up



damn commies.


I love how you have those dreams where all of a sudden you trip and fall, get stabbed, etc then jerk awake with a really awkward feeling.

me irl


Quote from: gamer4251 on March 17, 2008, 01:21:59 AMI love how you have those dreams where all of a sudden you trip and fall, get stabbed, etc then jerk awake with a really awkward feeling.

those happen to me all the time.

damn commies.