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Strange Dreams

Started by Concerto No.20 in D minor, February 29, 2008, 03:01:17 PM

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yes i did! i swear! it was cool, and it was cel-shaded!

it was real. honestly.

damn commies.


Quote from: razer84 on March 01, 2008, 07:03:00 AM
Quote from: Beethoven II on February 29, 2008, 10:08:44 PMWhat the heck is that supposed to mean. We're brothers.  (i'm no exactly the "same" as him as most of you say i am though)

seriously? you and Akiro are brothers! wow.

anywho, back on topic, Mike, you should seriously post your dreams. i posted my dreams, and not my thoughts. my thoughts are the most bizarre.
Narf, *cough *cough

I said that before.

I haven't had any STRANGE dreams recently.


okay, i just had one this morning...don't remember too much so i might be typing the wrong thing..... but very weirdand inappropriate

I was in my house when suddenly, a girl named Dana (from my schooland i kind of like) comes in and says, "We need to work on our project."

"oh yeah....let's go!"

Okay, we started working on it and i couldn't stop looking at her.

She never noticed.

It was nighttime and we had to go to mom's like, go to bed!

I told her, "go to the bathroom over there and brush your teeth and everything"

Afterwards, we were in my room. I slept on my bed and she slept on the floor.

I locked the door.




Quote from: Lildigipoke2 on March 03, 2008, 02:25:28 PMokay, i just had one this morning...don't remember too much so i might be typing the wrong thing..... but very weirdand inappropriate

I was in my house when suddenly, a girl named Dana (from my schooland i kind of like) comes in and says, "We need to work on our project."

"oh yeah....let's go!"

Okay, we started working on it and i couldn't stop looking at her.

She never noticed.

It was nighttime and we had to go to mom's like, go to bed!

I told her, "go to the bathroom over there and brush your teeth and everything"

Afterwards, we were in my room. I slept on my bed and she slept on the floor.

I locked the door.

The rest shouldn't be case of some minors.....

LOL. however, i don't think we should post those kinds of dreams, as much as we all like them.

damn commies.


i editted the ending....THE END! stop it before anyone sees





ahem, thanks for that then.


i'm was just weird and random....and she's not even my crush! yeah......



ha ha, your edit phailed cuz i quoted your post and you can't edit my quote. (watch Concerto or someone come here immediately and edit/take down my post..)

damn commies.

Beethoven II

Okay, i've been playing Midtown Madness 3 alot lately, this dream kinda of relates...

~I was running, really fast, through a bunch of cars in a highway, all of a sudden, my legs extended and became metal, and i went rampaging through the city, grabed a sports car, and sped of, raming stuff,................and........ZOMBIES!!!


Quote from: Lildigipoke2 on March 04, 2008, 02:10:37 PMi'm was just weird and random....and she's not even my crush! yeah......

I hate when that happens. You wake up and ur like, "wth?...0.o" (yes im sure we've all had those type of dreams :D)


Quote from: Beethoven II on March 04, 2008, 07:17:56 PMOkay, i've been playing Midtown Madness 3 alot lately, this dream kinda of relates...

~I was running, really fast, through a bunch of cars in a highway, all of a sudden, my legs extended and became metal, and i went rampaging through the city, grabed a sports car, and sped of, raming stuff,................and........ZOMBIES!!!

what have i started?!?

anyway, so i had this really weird dream, but i can only remember like 3/4 of it. (this one won't be as long and world as my last dream...)

i forget the exact beginning, but some of my dreams don't even have beginnings, so... but my family was in some creepy neighborhood, the kind that looks nice but you kind know there's some really awful secret that everyone's hiding.
and we were walking down the street and this little kid runs up to us and points a handgun at us and yells "get off my property!"
my dad grabs a gun out of nowhere and blows the kid away, and my mom kisses him and is all like, "my hero! i knew i married the right guy!"
and then we walk into some graveyard thats on the side of some fill and there's this half-built house in the middle of it, and there's an old lady that was hung one of the exposed poles coming out of the unfinished side of the house.
and she was crying and  making sobbing noise even though she was dead and her head was at some weird angle because she was hung, you know.
then some hillbillies came and my mom and littelest brother teleported back to out house but my dad and my ither brother were still with me.
we jumped onto the house and ran down the hill then the old coots started chuking wooden ninja stars at us and i opened a door to some house...

i walked into my english classroom at my school!
it was a magical door!
i sat down and started class, and i totally forgot about my family and all that stuff.
then this kid i know was sitting next to me and he's sharing his seat with this kind of hot girl (and he's kind of a fat and ugly kid, no offense to large people, but it was a weird picture)
and then the girls sitting on my other side just randomly says to the kid
so she says, "you would like to ride her... helicopter? no?"
and the kid says, "yes i would like to ride in hers. i would shift the stick to high gear!"
and i look be hind me and these two girls are laughing at something.
then the kind of hot girl raises her hand to ask the teacher a question
and the teacher (he's a really old guy) looks over and has a stroke and dies.

it was a really realistic-looking dream, too.

damn commies.


one time my little sister had a dream that our grandpa hugged a giant kernel of corn lololol

and my little sister's friend once had a dream that she was in her room, in the dark. she saw a little dot of light on the floor. she picked up a sock and chucked it at the dot, and it got bigger. she kept throwing things at the dot, and it got bigger and bigger. when it almost filled the whole room, a voice from nowhere said, "Warning! If you throw one more thing at this dot, it will explode and you will die!" so she threw one more thing at it, and it exploded, and she died. 

then she woke up

Please follow me and my art on Instagram :D


Quote from: B-Kpianist on March 04, 2008, 09:47:47 PM
Quote from: Lildigipoke2 on March 04, 2008, 02:10:37 PMi'm was just weird and random....and she's not even my crush! yeah......

I hate when that happens. You wake up and ur like, "wth?...0.o" (yes im sure we've all had those type of dreams :D)
yeah...all the dreams i have about her are so dumb too....if you look in the posts above, i had a dream where we were about to kiss and.......i woke up.....GAY!



lolololololol i had the funniest dream last night. i woke up and a box floated into my room and popcorn started shooting out of it. my brother cried. it was hilarious! lololololololololololololrofl

damn commies.


Ok, here's one of my dreams!

I was in this one random mall, and it had super fast escalators! I stepped on one and I was sent flying by the force of the escalator! I crashed through the wall and landed by my car with my family in it. They said they were going to trade the car for a different car because our car wasn't extreme enough. I screamed 'NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!' and then I woke up.

Ah, I love my dreams!