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Strange Dreams

Started by Concerto No.20 in D minor, February 29, 2008, 03:01:17 PM

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yeah... one time i had a dream where i tripped, then this weird moth (blood-sucking, evil moth or something) flew into my ear, like it was going to eat my brains or something, and it felt like my ear was hurting

then this other time, I was on a swingset by a giant bottomless pit, then i accidentally flew out of the swing and into the pit. it felt like i was really falling down it, but then i woke up

Please follow me and my art on Instagram :D


dreams that involve the girl i like happens all the time....probably for you guys too


Concerto No.20 in D minor

So in my dream last night, I went to some resort place with my family.  My dad, sister and little brother.  The first thing that I always do when I go to a hotel is look under the furniture for loose change (I’m not a cheap skate) but apparently my little brother had caught onto my habits and had already looked under it…by the time I had entered the room…and had gotten the goods; but I wasn’t ready to announce defeat, so I pull the refrigerator forward, and there was at least $100 USD in loose change under it.  I was just picking up quarter after quarter, trying to hide what I was doing from my dad, so that he wouldn’t get any.  Arg, I’m a pirate.  Anyways, later in the day my dad had asked me to go out and get some toothpaste from the hotel lobby store and also a battery for his cell phone.  So I went down there and got the toothpaste, but there was no battery - no duh â€" so I went back up to our room and told him there was no battery, and he got upset and took me with him back downstairs.  I guess I missed the batteries and he was trying to prove his point, but I was already leaving.  I wanted to get away, because I was afraid of my dad getting upset.  So I went outside with my skateboard (for some reason in my dream, the skateboard is invisible, I don’t know why) and got away from the resort and started to skate in the neighborhoods nearby. 

(This next part kind of shifts my dream away from the resort, you know how dreams do that.)

So I’m going around in these neighborhoods, and they have trees along side the roads and it’s a little chilly outside and around 5pm.  I’m skating along and I go by a house and a childhood acquaintances mother, standing by the door spots me and tells me to come in.  Now the acquaintance, I don’t really like at all, but I can’t say no to the mother, so I leave my skateboard on the side of the house (remember its invisible, but it still makes noise) and go in.  (A small note here, the mother in the dream is not the real mother of the actual acquaintance that I know, she is more a of an average 1950’s American house wife.)  So the mother serves me cookies and milk and she goes to fetch (from now on we’re going to call this acquaintance of mine Bob) Bob, and I sit on the couch quietly eyeing the cookies, which look very under baked.  So Bob walks in the front room with a smirk on his face, and the mother goes back to the kitchen to leave us to ourselves.  Bob starts to talk about stuff, I can’t remember exactly, but I know I got offended, and I can feel the tension in the room.  So I get up and leave and Bob is smirking and trying to trip me, but I’m just ignoring him and walking out the door.  Of course as soon as his mother comes out of the kitchen Bob acts like an angel and says that I had to leave because I was feeling sick and I walk grab my skateboard and roll away. 

It’s getting late now, and I’ve come into a more Venice type town, and now I’m walking.  Many lanterns on the side of buildings light the town, and the sun has set, but there is still a little light left by it.  I’m kind of in the middle of this big group of people all walking the same way, but little by little, people walk off onto other streets and I decide to follow these Japanese people in front of me.  So finally, I’ve walked a long way with these Japanese people still about 10 feet ahead of me, and the Venice type town is behind us now, and we are back in a suburban area (I don’t know what I’m doing following these people, but I just am).  All of the sudden we walk up this uphill road toward a neighbor hood and a lot of bushes, and the Japanese people turn around and look at me, and whisper among themselves, and I’m embarrassed that I’ve followed them and say sorry and walk away.  They keep climbing the road and ignore me, but curiosity has gotten the best of me.  I mean, this group wasn’t a family, they were all different ages, and where were they going?  I had to find out.  So I sneakily followed them the next 20 meters or so, and I thought they were going to keep along the road, but they suddenly turned away from the road, and went toward a bunch of bushes right next to a house.  They went behind the bushes and right up against the house, and they knocked on the wood paneling on the side of the house, and I got into the bushes and laid low.  Suddenly it opened a crack and I could here someone say “password?”  They had said something in Japanese and paneling opened up more and the people walked inside, then it shut tight.  I was all very intrigued by this, but I hadn’t exactly heard the password, so I decided I should go to my friend’s house and ask.  (My friend in real life, has a mother that is Japanese, so I was hoping she could help me out)  So I got there and to make things short, I learned what the password was and headed back to the place.  I knocked on the wood paneling, and it opened up a little, and the person behind asked, “password?”  I answered…but I kind of messed up.  It opened though, but the man had a samurai sword by his side and was drawing it.  So I just kind of ran away.

I'll finish later.


I had the same dream two nights in a row.

It was me laying in my bed, there was a light on outside my room and I could hear someone moving around.

I took a drink of a water bottle and then for some reason I had a King DeDeDe plush thingy.  Then, I found a small jug of water and put it inside the plush toy thing then drank water out of King DeDeDe.

Kind of weird, but it was a nice dream, and two nights in a row.

Never had a dream where I was in my bed before.  :S


this is a recurring dream that started 3 years ago and i haven't had in a while until last night.

so i'm in some random shopping mall with my dad and my two little brothers. my mom isn't there but that doesn't bother me because it's a dream, y'know. so we come out of an electronics store and start walking down the main concourse to some other store. my dad just randomly tells me, "son, go fetch you mother, would you?" (he doesn't ever normal talk like that, but whatever...). so i exit the mall and i look around (this dream is from a third-person perspective, so i'm seeing myself look around right now) and i see some lights off on the other side of the parking garage. so i begin walking around the parking garage towards the light and i see that the lights are coming from a shopping mall that was almost identical to the one that i had just exited from.

so as i walk past the garage the camera angle of the dream (remember, this is 3rd person) shifts to an almost side-scrolling angle with me in the foreground and the garage in the background. then these two fat old ladies come into view and start laughing and they start talking. i know that the are talking about me. "what a pity he has to die... :(" they say. and i get freaked out and run into the parking garage....

Quote from: Concerto No.20 in D minor on March 18, 2008, 06:09:36 PMI'll finish later.

damn commies.


Last night I had a dream, but I only remember a bit of it:

My watch (which is normally pretty big but huge in the dream) started beeping and flashing a little symbol of a bomb. According to the manual of the watch, this meant that there was a poisonous gas in the room. This gas lowers your body temperature until you die, but you actually begin to feel warm. To prevent my death, I used the feature on my watch to raise my body temperature even though I was already very "warm". That's all I remember...


there's this website that said that it's normal to have "wet" dreams



Yeah...these are weird...

~ My house was under attack by....Madge the Candle Eater. >_> He ate all of my scented candles. WHY MY SCENTED CANDLES?!?!?! So..he ate candles. And ate candles. And ate (guess what?) candles. Then he kissed me goodnight. <_< His breath smelled of buttercream icing....

~ Apparently I write stories in my dreams. This one was a spoof of "The Lord of the Rings." It was about the magical microwave named Dickins. He was evil, and always hungry. If you didn't feed him, he regurgitates evil unto the world. Such evils include: Blood Muffins (Liam Sullivan FTW!), Dracula Penguin, Humberto the Happy Taco, and Elmo.

~ My mum made fried chicken. She turned to me and said "Colonel Saunders eat your heart out." Then I opened the refrigerator and....Colonel Saunders ate my heart out.

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


Quote from: HugoMeister on March 20, 2008, 09:25:05 PM~ My mum made fried chicken. She turned to me and said "Colonel Saunders eat your heart out." Then I opened the refrigerator and....Colonel Saunders ate my heart out.


damn commies.


Quote from: razer84 on March 21, 2008, 06:36:15 AM
Quote from: HugoMeister on March 20, 2008, 09:25:05 PM~ My mum made fried chicken. She turned to me and said "Colonel Saunders eat your heart out." Then I opened the refrigerator and....Colonel Saunders ate my heart out.

wow....that's really random


Sir Awesomesauce

I have strange dreams  :o

Once upon a time I went to bed and had this dream
I was babysitting at this old granny's house and there was this little girl there. All inside the house were these ornate glass bowls of candy. The candy was those nasty chalky valentines hearts. Anyways, the granny told me, "Don't eat any of those candies, they're highly addictive!" She told me that if the little girl ate any of the candy, the only way to cure her of the addiction was to put her in the DVD player. I said, "Okay, whatever!" and the granny left. So next thing I know this girl is shoving her face full of these candies! So I say "Alright little girl, in the DVD player you go." and I put her in the DVD player (I still don't understand how it all worked) a blue light flashed, and the DVD player opened up and she was gone! I kinda started freaking out and then I stopped caring. I decided I should try the candy because I hadn't eaten in a while. All the sudden I realize I'm addicted now! I freak out because I know I won't fit in the DVD player. So I run outside and flag down this female cop. I say "Cop lady, take me to the hospital, I'm addicted to heart-shaped-candies!" I don't think she hears me, because she takes off in the opposite direction. It turns out she is actually a man and she... he is in a race. I help him out by throwing these oranges (which I was apparently holding the whole time) at the other racers. We end up driving off the road into a river. He tells me to go on without him. I start walking because I'm tired, in the direction we were racing. Eventually I come to the finish line and the guy there told me I won an air hockey table.

I have fun dreams  ;D
You should read my post, it's probably above this.


This was the weirdest dream i ever had:

I dreamed that I woke up to my radio. I could hear my radio in my dream but couldn't actually wake up (and yes, the radio was playing). So (in my dream) i kept pushing the snooze button, but it wouldn't turn off! I pushed it like 20 times, and it wouldn't go off. then i pushed the off button, and it still wouldn't turn off. I thought about unplugging it, but that might have messed it up, so i didn't. Then i got up and went to the bathroom (still in my dream). i came back to bed and laid down again, and still tried to turn off the radio, but it still didn't work. Then i woke up and realized i had been dreaming.

Please follow me and my art on Instagram :D


Once, I had dream... that you were all insane. And then... I woke up....
and I was typing out this message. HoW MaNy Of YoUr DrEaMs CoMe TrUe?? ?? ??  ;D
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


Quote from: Brawler4Ever on April 08, 2008, 04:26:02 PMHoW MaNy Of YoUr DrEaMs CoMe TrUe?? ?? ??  ;D

all of them.
...well, the normal ones at least (not the random ones)

i had a dream where i turned into a bowl of cereal and ate myself. i hope my dreams stop being true.

damn commies.


I had a dream last night that the submissions board was actually up. No joke.