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Strange Dreams

Started by Concerto No.20 in D minor, February 29, 2008, 03:01:17 PM

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I had by far the most strange dream in my entire life (Or at least that I can remember) ever!

I was for some reason at this camp in the woods, surrounded by a swamp. It looked like this.

But it was no ordinary camp, my friends were there and my family was no where to be seen. Then all of a sudden, I was walking on this bridge, surrounded by very deep water. There were trees there too, and I suddenly appeared on one of the branches of the trees, and it was going to crack and break off. I kept on trying to go to other branches, but one of the branches finally gave and broke with me on it. I fell directly down into the swamp, expecting the end of my life, and I fell down and hit the bottom of the swamp. I'm 100% sure I died, and you know how when you die in a dream, you wake up right? Well, first the first time in my life ever, (Or at least that I can remember) and I went to some weird version of heaven, it was brown and blocky, and really small too. Then for some reason I was given a second chance to live, and I went back down to Yu Yu hakusho land, and after that, I came to this building that looked like my local YMCA, and it was grey, and all chrome. It also for some reason played this. This random spanish lady came up to me and said my life is nothing but a lie to me, and it is meaningless. Then she said it's hard to accept truths in a world where you are nothing. (Or something like that...) Here's the scary part, the world became even more chrome, and all light ceased to exist in the world. It was almost pitch dark, and the world seemed to tell me it hated me. The lady came back and said heaven eternal, and my dream was over. ??? ??? ???


A few days ago I had a dream that my family was in the MIddle East, like Iran or something. I was talking to this old man who was telling me his life's story, then he gave me a silver coin and a piece of paper explaining where to take the coin. Then he snapped his fingers and the silver coin turned gold. And he said, "It's worth even more now!" then we heard noises outside his house and he said, "There's people out there who will be looking for that coin. You'd better get out of here!" So I was running from these people and I hid in this abandoned house until they went away. Then my family returned home to America and I followed the instructions on the piece of paper. The person who I sold the coin to gave me an envelope, but for some reason, I didn't open it till later. My family went to see a movie that night, and that's when I opened it and found out the guy had written me a check for $93,500!!! I was so excited! But then I woke up.  :'( :'( :'(

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