Strange Dreams

Started by Concerto No.20 in D minor, February 29, 2008, 03:01:17 PM

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My friend had a dream, once...
I don't remember exactly what he told be but it went something like:
"I was flying a plane on the ground (?) then I decided to look for Kenny (his friend) and Mr. Brown (pe teacher) then I found them, so I decided to storm the band room but it was locked and nobody was in there...."

I lol'ed
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I had a dream. yeah, i was like free-running (which i actually do in real life) but i could alter gravity. it was insane. then i grabbed a tree and used it to cut a car in two.

damn commies.

Concerto No.20 in D minor

Wow.  I just had the strangest dream.  I will tell you all shortly.


I had a dream this morning of an entirely new sport it was kinda like a cross between golf and horseshoes but a lot more complicated and it was played on a football (american) field. As soon as I woke up, I ran and got a piece of paper and wrote it all down.

Concerto No.20 in D minor

5/3/2009  3:04:44 PM  Erich.  Jeni  Omg that was weird
5/3/2009  3:04:51 PM  Jeni  Erich.  what?
5/3/2009  3:05:09 PM  Erich.  Jeni  I had a dream last night and part of it was trying to make it to your birthday party in salt lake
5/3/2009  3:05:21 PM  Jeni  Erich.  really?
5/3/2009  3:05:26 PM  Erich.  Jeni was really weird
5/3/2009  3:05:38 PM  Erich.  Jeni  Like I got you this pikmin shirt or something
5/3/2009  3:05:43 PM  Jeni  Erich.  you were dreaming about me lol ;)
5/3/2009  3:06:02 PM  Erich.  Jeni  And kirilenko and boozer and deron williams were there too
5/3/2009  3:06:24 PM  Erich.  Jeni  But paul milsap got shot and died! And that like woke me up
5/3/2009  3:06:28 PM  Erich.  Jeni  It was very sad
5/3/2009  3:06:29 PM  Erich.  Jeni  :(
5/3/2009  3:06:50 PM  Jeni  Erich.  oh how sad!
5/3/2009  3:07:04 PM  Erich.  Jeni  I know
5/3/2009  3:07:23 PM  Erich.  Jeni  I also got really mad at my dad, but I can't remember why
5/3/2009  3:07:33 PM  Erich.  Jeni  And I rented like a tuxedo
5/3/2009  3:07:40 PM  Erich.  Jeni  And got lost on trains in the mountain
5/3/2009  3:07:48 PM  Erich.  Jeni  And I was like a multibillionair
5/3/2009  3:07:52 PM  Erich.  Jeni  It was a crazy dream
5/3/2009  3:08:08 PM  Erich.  Jeni  And I ate at quiznos
5/3/2009  3:09:33 PM  Jeni  Erich.  haha I still think it's funny that I was in your dream lol
5/3/2009  3:10:02 PM  Erich.  Jeni  lol
5/3/2009  3:10:35 PM  Erich.  Jeni  But why were the jazz players at your birthday party in salt lake in a fancy resturant?
5/3/2009  3:10:43 PM  Jeni  Erich.  hahahaha
5/3/2009  3:10:57 PM  Jeni  Erich.  because I'm tight with them all!
5/3/2009  3:10:59 PM  Jeni  Erich.  we're all buddies!
5/3/2009  3:11:04 PM  Erich.  Jeni  cool
5/3/2009  3:12:02 PM  Jeni  Erich.  yep!
5/3/2009  3:12:09 PM  Jeni  Erich.  I invite all my buddies to my birthday!
5/3/2009  3:12:17 PM  Erich.  Jeni  lol
5/3/2009  3:12:21 PM  Erich.  Jeni  OH!
5/3/2009  3:12:32 PM  Erich.  Jeni  Also brian was in my dream too like at the beginning
5/3/2009  3:12:41 PM  Jeni  Erich.  what did he do?
5/3/2009  3:13:08 PM  Erich.  Jeni  For some reason, he got off at the mtc or something for a week and was spending a week at home?
5/3/2009  3:13:09 PM  Erich.  Jeni  Idk
5/3/2009  3:13:29 PM  Erich.  Jeni  And he was at my house and like all he could really do was sit at the table
5/3/2009  3:13:38 PM  Erich.  Jeni  Because he wasn't allowed to do anything
5/3/2009  3:13:48 PM  Erich.  Jeni  Like even go to the park and go down the slides
5/3/2009  3:13:58 PM  Erich.  Jeni  And before that
5/3/2009  3:14:21 PM  Erich.  Jeni  I was like learning to jump high enough to dunk a basketball
5/3/2009  3:14:29 PM  Erich.  Jeni  Oh and holy crap how can I remember all this
5/3/2009  3:14:44 PM  Erich.  Jeni  And there was like a police car chase
5/3/2009  3:14:58 PM  Erich.  Jeni  And I was like spying on some evil jr. high kids
5/3/2009  3:15:09 PM  Erich.  Jeni  And my nieghbors yard got flooded
5/3/2009  3:15:14 PM  Jeni  Erich.  Oh my gosh!
5/3/2009  3:15:41 PM  Jeni  Erich.  Your dreams are crazy!
5/3/2009  3:15:44 PM  Erich.  Jeni  Yeah
5/3/2009  3:15:47 PM  Jeni  Erich.  haha I was in it lol
5/3/2009  3:16:06 PM  Erich.  Jeni  You were in it at the very end right before I woke up though...and it was depressing!
5/3/2009  3:16:14 PM  Erich.  Jeni  Milsap died!
5/3/2009  3:16:17 PM  Erich.  Jeni  ;(
5/3/2009  3:16:33 PM  Jeni  Erich.  it was only depressing because you couldn't see more of me lol ;)
5/3/2009  3:16:44 PM  Jeni  Erich.  j/k
5/3/2009  3:16:45 PM  Erich.  Jeni  Right lol
5/3/2009  3:16:59 PM  Erich.  Jeni  I think I was actually trying to escape the party
5/3/2009  3:17:08 PM  Jeni  Erich.  :(
5/3/2009  3:17:10 PM  Erich.  Jeni  I can't remember why though
5/3/2009  3:17:15 PM  Jeni  Erich.  My party's not good enough for you?
5/3/2009  3:17:35 PM  Erich.  Jeni  I think it was because I was tying to do some important spy stuff
5/3/2009  3:18:01 PM  Jeni  Erich.  my party sucked! :'(
5/3/2009  3:18:06 PM  Erich.  Jeni  lol
5/3/2009  3:18:11 PM  Erich.  Jeni  Well it was like a really fancy place
5/3/2009  3:18:16 PM  Erich.  Jeni  You must have been rich!
5/3/2009  3:18:26 PM  Jeni  Erich.  maybe!
5/3/2009  3:18:53 PM  Jeni  Erich.  but you were rich too, like a billionaire right? Maybe YOU paid for my party!
5/3/2009  3:19:01 PM  Jeni  Erich.  that would explain why the jazz players were there!
5/3/2009  3:19:52 PM  Erich.  Jeni  Maybe!
5/3/2009  3:20:26 PM  Jeni  Erich.  lol
5/3/2009  3:20:31 PM  Jeni  Erich.  how awesome!
5/3/2009  3:20:38 PM  Jeni  Erich.  so, why did you quit your job?
5/3/2009  3:20:50 PM  Erich.  Jeni  D:
5/3/2009  3:20:59 PM  Erich.  Jeni  HOW DOES EVERY oh wait
5/3/2009  3:21:05 PM  Erich.  Jeni  I posted it on face book
5/3/2009  3:21:41 PM  Erich.  Jeni  Like yesterday I hadn't even told ANYONE and all the sudden people were like, "why'd you quit your job!?"
5/3/2009  3:22:11 PM  Jeni  Erich.  well that's what happens when you post things on facebook Erich lol
5/3/2009  3:22:46 PM  Erich.  Jeni  Well that wasn't until like 10 minutes ago!
5/3/2009  3:23:08 PM  Jeni  Erich.  lol oh
5/3/2009  3:23:15 PM  Jeni  Erich.  so, why did you quit? lol
5/3/2009  3:23:19 PM  Erich.  Jeni  It was boring
5/3/2009  3:23:25 PM  Erich.  Jeni  And way too repetitive
5/3/2009  3:24:29 PM  Jeni  Erich.  Oh I'm sorry
5/3/2009  3:24:34 PM  Jeni  Erich.  have you found another job?
5/3/2009  3:26:01 PM  Erich.  Jeni  I'm lookin
5/3/2009  3:26:09 PM  Jeni  Erich.  same here
5/3/2009  3:26:26 PM  Jeni  Erich.  I'm thinking about teaching private sax lessons or working at some music store somewhere
5/3/2009  3:26:43 PM  Erich.  Jeni  cool
5/3/2009  3:27:34 PM  Jeni  Erich.  yeah
5/3/2009  3:27:45 PM  Jeni  Erich.  so have you been practicing your sax?
5/3/2009  3:28:31 PM  Erich.  Jeni  >.>
5/3/2009  3:28:34 PM  Erich.  Jeni  <.<
5/3/2009  3:28:39 PM  Erich.  Jeni  Maaaaaaaaaaybe?
5/3/2009  3:29:17 PM  Jeni  Erich.  lol
5/3/2009  3:29:21 PM  Jeni  Erich.  is that a no?
5/3/2009  3:31:29 PM  Erich.  Jeni  yup
5/3/2009  3:31:31 PM  Erich.  Jeni  >>>>>.>
5/3/2009  3:32:11 PM  Jeni  Erich.  lol
5/3/2009  3:32:13 PM  Jeni  Erich.  guess what!!
5/3/2009  3:33:44 PM  Erich.  Jeni  what?
5/3/2009  3:34:28 PM  Jeni  Erich.  I'm going to learn how to play the oboe and the french horn!
5/3/2009  3:37:53 PM  Erich.  Jeni  D:
5/3/2009  3:37:56 PM  Erich.  Jeni  How?!
5/3/2009  3:38:13 PM  Jeni  Erich.  I'm going to rent them from the school and then learn!
5/3/2009  3:39:08 PM  Erich.  Jeni  Cool
5/3/2009  3:40:01 PM  Jeni  Erich.  yeah I'm excited :D
5/3/2009  3:42:57 PM  Jeni  Erich.  so, have you heard from Brian?
5/3/2009  3:44:56 PM  Erich.  Jeni  Nope
5/3/2009  3:45:13 PM  Erich.  Jeni  I need to write him a letter still D:
5/3/2009  3:45:24 PM  Jeni  Erich.  did you ever send him those mints?
5/3/2009  3:46:26 PM  Erich.  Jeni  Not yet
5/3/2009  3:46:30 PM  Erich.  Jeni  D:
5/3/2009  3:46:34 PM  Erich.  Jeni  I'm too lazy!
5/3/2009  3:46:38 PM  Erich.  Jeni  BUT I WILL
5/3/2009  3:47:18 PM  Jeni  Erich.  lol
5/3/2009  3:47:21 PM  Jeni  Erich.  nice!
5/3/2009  3:51:23 PM  Jeni  Erich.  I'm composing a song
5/3/2009  3:51:25 PM  Jeni  Erich.  :)
5/3/2009  3:51:47 PM  Erich.  Jeni  Really?
5/3/2009  3:52:03 PM  Jeni  Erich.  yes
5/3/2009  3:52:05 PM  Jeni  Erich.  it's for my cousin
5/3/2009  3:52:21 PM  Erich.  Jeni  Are you using Finale or just manuscript paper?
5/3/2009  3:52:51 PM  Jeni  Erich.  the 30-day trial of Finale
5/3/2009  3:53:19 PM  Erich.  Jeni  cool
5/3/2009  3:53:32 PM  Erich.  Jeni  Can I see?
5/3/2009  3:53:43 PM  Jeni  Erich.  so I'm trying to get the main melody for him and then I'll play with the rest once he tells me how he wants it
5/3/2009  3:53:45 PM  Erich.  Jeni  send me your file so far!
5/3/2009  3:53:54 PM  Erich.  Jeni  I want to see!
5/3/2009  3:53:57 PM  Erich.  Jeni  :D
5/3/2009  3:54:45 PM  Jeni  Erich.  okay... I just s tarted and I've never done it before so it will probably sound retarded... and it's just the main little melody okay?
5/3/2009  3:54:57 PM  Erich.  Jeni  kk
5/3/2009  3:56:46 PM      Jeni sends loco for coco.mus
5/3/2009  3:58:34 PM  Erich.  Jeni  puffs
5/3/2009  3:59:02 PM  Jeni  Erich.  It's supposed to be like a joke of some sort about the hot chocolate song from Polar Express
5/3/2009  3:59:07 PM  Jeni  Erich.  what do you mean puffs?
5/3/2009  3:59:15 PM      You have successfully received C:\Documents and Settings\Erich 2\My Documents\My Received Files\loco for coco.mus from Jeni.
5/3/2009  4:02:47 PM  Erich.  Jeni  D:
5/3/2009  4:02:52 PM  Erich.  Jeni  Incompatable version
5/3/2009  4:02:53 PM  Erich.  Jeni  :(
5/3/2009  4:03:02 PM  Jeni  Erich.  oh dang!
5/3/2009  4:03:16 PM  Jeni  Erich.  hmmm....
5/3/2009  4:03:21 PM  Erich.  Jeni  It's okay
5/3/2009  4:03:35 PM  Erich.  Jeni  I've got finale allegro 2005 and finale notepad 2008
5/3/2009  4:03:40 PM  Erich.  Jeni  So...that's prolly why
5/3/2009  4:03:48 PM  Jeni  Erich.  I think this is notepad 2009
5/3/2009  4:03:52 PM  Erich.  Jeni  Yeah
5/3/2009  4:03:58 PM  Erich.  Jeni  It's okay though
5/3/2009  4:04:04 PM  Erich.  Jeni  I should prolly upgrade to 2009 though
5/3/2009  4:04:58 PM  Jeni  Erich.  do it!
5/3/2009  4:05:01 PM  Jeni  Erich.  then you can hear!
5/3/2009  4:05:34 PM  Erich.  Jeni  I can't install programs on this computer :(
5/3/2009  4:06:07 PM  Jeni  Erich.  oh poop snapple
5/3/2009  4:06:51 PM  Jeni  Erich.  maybe I'll have to bring my laptop to your house when it's closer to being done
5/3/2009  4:09:00 PM  Erich.  Jeni  cool
5/3/2009  4:09:57 PM  Jeni  Erich.  so, is it nerdy for me to say I want to see the new Star Trek movie?
5/3/2009  4:09:58 PM  Jeni  Erich.  lol
5/3/2009  4:10:36 PM  Erich.  Jeni  No?
5/3/2009  4:11:11 PM  Jeni  Erich.  lol
5/3/2009  4:11:14 PM  Jeni  Erich.  it looks cool
5/3/2009  4:11:56 PM  Erich.  Jeni  I know
5/3/2009  4:12:02 PM  Erich.  Jeni  But, I'm not getting my hopes up
5/3/2009  4:12:26 PM  Jeni  Erich.  lol did you see the wolverine movie?
5/3/2009  4:12:32 PM  Erich.  Jeni  Nope
5/3/2009  4:13:23 PM  Jeni  Erich.  I wanna see that one too
5/3/2009  4:13:48 PM  Erich.  Jeni  I've heard good things and bad things about it
5/3/2009  4:14:01 PM  Erich.  Jeni  Just kinda really opposite reviews
5/3/2009  4:14:30 PM  Jeni  Erich.  hmmm... I guess you'll just have to develop your own opinion about it then!
5/3/2009  4:15:56 PM  Erich.  Jeni  yup
5/3/2009  4:16:14 PM  Jeni  Erich.  shifty*

Concerto No.20 in D minor

That was like a dream I had a few nights ago.  And this is the one I had last night.
The main part that I remember was me playing Battlefield Bad Company with Frank, and I ran over the same 5 guys like 6 times.  Then I like went to a church or something and when I came back my mom had bought a $450 bunny.  And the bunny was playing with my cats.  Then my mom and little brother and I ran across some huge green flowing hills each carrying one pet in our arms, whilst clouds rolled in and the sun rose.  Then I woke up.


I had a dream i was playing the protagonist in Pokemon 2nd Generation, and I fought the Elite four, then I got hit by a grenade, then I beat Lance and I jumped on a truck and kissed a girl, then zombies came after me and she said bye.


i will never forget this dream, it happened when i was little:

so me, my mom, and dad are driving, so then we pull up in front of Safeway (store) and my mom goes in to get somethin. so, its not how the actual laout of our Safeway is, its wierd. its dark, and it was, were waitin in the car, and ahead, there is a big fence, and behind it we can hear elephants yelling (or however u wanna describe it....the sound they make...u know...) and u can hear a T-rex's roar....etc.....hes eating them, but tis behind the then my dad says, ok we're leaving! so then we drive out, turn left, and head back down the street, and there is a T-rex on the left, just standing, roaring at the drivers, then it looks at us, and roars, with its mouth wide then we pass it, and my dad turns around and says, "It's going to be a long ride." then it all goes white.....and i wake up.................

usually, when i figure out im in a dream, the dream starts to disappear...i hate
Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Band Fraternity; ASU Alumnus '16; DCP '16


I laways used to have this dream when I was a kid where I was on a balcony overlooking the entrance hall of a big, fancy, gold house, but then I would fall over the balcony, I'd try to reach the chandelier but couldn't, and then I would just fall and just before I hit the ground, I'd either wake up or have my dream change...


Quote from: SirIngusBingus on July 05, 2009, 07:03:37 AMI laways used to have this dream when I was a kid where I was on a balcony overlooking the entrance hall of a big, fancy, gold house, but then I would fall over the balcony, I'd try to reach the chandelier but couldn't, and then I would just fall and just before I hit the ground, I'd either wake up or have my dream change...

ya, and for me, if i hit the floor, id wake up and feel the pain..... lol..........
Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Band Fraternity; ASU Alumnus '16; DCP '16


OMG, about 2 weeks ago I had a crazy scary dream about being in a failing passenger jet, the captain was all like: "ITS ALRIGHT, DON'T PANIC" and I ran into the cockpit, but no one seemed to care. Then the plane started violently jerking up and down and started dropping out of the sky FAST. It barely just managed to pull up, it started flying straight again about 10 metres off the ground. The dream just ended there.

Creepy thing was that the next morning I checked the news and the most recent headline was that there was a plane crash over Iran with that killed all 168 on board. I figure it's just a coincidence, but still.


Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Band Fraternity; ASU Alumnus '16; DCP '16


Don't you guys hate it when you are half asleep and then you fall or something in your sleep and you jump? Or when you feel like you're about to fall of the bed and you're like 4 ft away from it?

Actually I'm not much of a dreamer...


Quote from: Dalonzo on August 01, 2009, 10:04:06 AMDon't you guys hate it when you are half asleep and then you fall or something in your sleep and you jump?

i hate that, like il be in a semi-dream tone....and ill like trip and like freak out when i wake up...
Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Band Fraternity; ASU Alumnus '16; DCP '16

Composer #40

I had this odd dream where I was Link and I was messing with some weird arrow system in what looked like Hyrule field from OoT and near some woods. Somehow I knew that it was a part of the field like in TP, only a small section. Then I get hit with a flame ball by a poe (Like in OoT). I shoot it and it disappears, but then more show up so I took it as a sign to get the hell out. I get on Epona and start riding away from the woods and towards and area I somehow knew there would be water. I come to a stone bridge riding over some white fortress walls then we reach a set of steps. I can't recall if I jumped over Epona or she stopped abruptly and throwing me but I flew down the flight of steps into a door to a white fort on a river. I woke up when I crashed into the door.

It's the second dream I had about a Zelda game that never was or isn't.

It happens Every. Day!