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Strange Dreams

Started by Concerto No.20 in D minor, February 29, 2008, 03:01:17 PM

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Quote from: ZeldaFan on June 16, 2008, 07:26:22 PMoh yeah! like déjà vu? that happens to me all the time! i think it's awesome

I have Deja vu too! and I have flash backs too! so I develped a theory similar to the back to the future one XD but it makes sense.

here it goes!

so you find yourself in that moment of deja vu and you have a flash back of when you saw that moment. (example I was running up the path of my Elemantary school back in Salt Lake when had a kinda future sight to a dreary old school and it was all brown and icky. and then when I came to southern Utah BAM I found myself in a dreary old Middle school dubed DMS >__< but when I found the point of my deja vu I flashback to that exact same time I had seen that future event!) and then I go more in detail how if we were to grasp on to that moment between past and future we could go back in time not physicly BUT MENTALY! so yeah just wanted to share that  ;D

Quote from: B-Kpianist on June 16, 2008, 07:29:24 PMlots of my dreams are... reality like. I have a dream about myself at skool and a bunch of drama happens. It's like a TV show while I sleep lol.
In one dream I was banjo and I was in spiral mountain LOL! (That's the VGnerd side of my brain!) And while I was playing, I walked into this level, and this music that I liked was playing, It was a level called Honeybee Mountain. That music was all made up in my dream by me, and then I wrote it the next morning! :D

Hey that's cool. I just use other peoples music in my dreams XD


I once had a dream that came true two years later...exactly! I had the dream in the fifth grade and in it I was playing the violin in front of an audience. I didn't play the violin until two years later and at my first concert...bam! Exactly like my dream. The place, the people, the event.
Mairéad Murphy-Irish extraornaire fiddles on the roof and where ever she damn well pleases. ^_^


Lol, strangest dream Ive had involved going back to bed during the dream and falling asleep (in the dream) then waking up irl and going - wtf?? it's day time already?? but i just went to bed!!

My own mind screws with me


A little bit ago I had an awesome dream that I went to mars and there was life.  I was in a city, and the beings there were something I recognized but this was a couple weeks ago so I can't remember exactly what they were.


I remember I've had dreams for the past couple of nights now.

I just can't remember, no matter how hard I try, what they were about.


well, ine time i had a dream that i was sonic... i woke up just b4 i died... - its... its... beautiful!


Tell you what's the best - when you realise that you are dreaming really early on, it's epic


"flys away"


More like.

"Hey, this is a dream---wait, don't wake up! DON'T! NOOOOO!"



Lucid Dreams: Dreams whereby the dreamer takes conscious control of the dream.

   Site on Lucid Dreaming:



We've gone over the lucid dream thing plenty of times lol.

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


one time i dreamed that i woke up to my brother and i saw all this bionicle stuff(i was a little kid) and then i saw this this huge bionicle that you could sit in and control. then, i dreamed i woke did normal stuff and then i dreamed i woke up AGAIN and did the SAME THING. then i woke upp fer reals  ;D

okay okay I get it


why is it that the wierd dreams are always the ones that you can never remember
92% of teens have moved on to rap. If you are part of the 8% that still listen to real music, copy and paste this into your signature.


probaly the wierdest dream i had was similar to majora's mask.. and the wierd thing is that it happens like once every week. basically i relive my day over again in my head.. but i do something different.. (like talk to someone else instead of another person) and when i go to bed (in my dream) it shows me the people that were effected by my actions and then sends me back to the beginning of that same day... and it repeats over and over again.. whats wierd is that when i do what i did in my dream the next day whatever the outcome was happens... very odd.. although the wierdest one was that orginally i talked to one of my friends after school and in the dream i didn't and she got raped... it made like no sense.. =/. and no she didn't actually get raped...=P
Conversation on Shoddy Battle:
<death09>my girlfriend broke up with me and sent me pix of her and her new boyfriend in bed
<death09>yeah. i sent them to her dad

Before you post you might want to make sure you have a couple of these: ..!!??,,,

Feel free to place them wherever.


I finally had a dream where I was flying.  It wasn't lucid but it was amazing anyway.

I can't remember it all but it was probably the best dream I've ever had.


hm... wow a lot of your dreams are about games and school and stuff. You can really see what you guys think about

"I die sometimes in my dreams." - Akiro

WOOOAAAHHH, I had one of those, it was part of a massive dream that was like..... well it was in the epicness of star wars except none of it made too much sense, and I was the narrator looking down at the wizard kid who had to save like the universe... and... let's not go into detail, but at one point this zombie girl comes and goes "beware the pixie" and holds out the decapitated head of a faerie, saying again,
"keep him locked, I must have peace" and collapses into dust and the wizard kid's all like "wtf' and takes the still bleeding head

well anyway, then after that dream was over and the boy had saved the universe i had another dream.

I was this girl, with long blonde hair (but I had to tie it back so the blood can't stain it [have you ever tried to get blood out, it's hard!]) and I was in this war, the war from the main story, with the vampires. Long story short (and it is quite a long story) I meet this pixie. Through the army training I know that the pixie is dangerous, that you have to kill it and it will transform into a faerie. But, I'm like 17, so I'm an idiot, and think I can trick the pixie first before it kills me. So she puts her gun down and I stare at the pixie. Long story short (again) she fails :P stoopid teenagers, and she gets captured by the pixie and tortured. That was fun to experience first person >_> <_<

Well I have to relive and experience all her memories. Long story short (this could be a novel), the last one is the time where she kills her parents, but suddenly she turns lucid, this is a memory that she hated the most, she knows that her parents never meant to hurt her (no, my dream never told me what they did exactly, I just thought the girl's thoughts and felt everything she felt) and so she put her knife away and cried,
"DADDY!" hugging her dad and long story short the pixie comes and is all like evil and it makes me relive the memory over and over again... oh here's a good quote from her that i remembered "it called them levels, as if this were some kind of game, that freak. With every 'level' I failed, it had to be repeated, again, and again, and again"

and so by the end of it, she got so insane

and she had a knife

(dude my mind is screwed up)

I picked up the knife, shakingly raised it above my stomach, and plunged it down. But the freaking pixie saw and grabbed the knife, it sliced open my stomach. IT HURT SO MUCH! who says you can't feel pain in a dream? IT FREAKING HURT!!!

then the pixie laughed at the wound, saying I deserved it for the insubordination and began to walk off, but I saw the knife again, glinting with blood. With her final breath I got up, grabbing the knife, and sliced the pixie's head off. Then I took the knife to myself, stronger now, it plunged deep into my chest and I woke up.

HAHAHA well now try to figure out what *I* think about...