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TWG CXIII: Screw Strategy, We Have Money!

Started by davy, July 08, 2019, 10:55:33 AM

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Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on July 11, 2019, 08:24:23 PMThat's a little odd at first, but I'm not sure if those statements are 100% exclusive.
why tho

Like, I get he's always a wildcard, but why? I don't think he's acting any out of the ordinary, which right now means there's not any reason to vote for him one way or the other.
but its still something to look at


Quote from: ShyYoshiGuy on July 11, 2019, 08:33:23 PMBut what did he do to you? What, in your shoes, makes you want him dead?

he hurt me


what you people doing? the dingdongdragon boy should be dead already.

hey eveningbum guy, who you doing? where you come from? i know no eveningbum, i no see you anywhere. you cheating?


i'm sorry i mean BlackDragonMan

i say i stop messing name up



E. Gadd Industries

Okay cool, a lot has happened! So I'm first going to make a current vote tally bc I really need that for myself

Mikey - EveningSun720
ShyYoshiGuy - Funnygurl555
Funnygurl555 - mikey
hoggers - BlackDragonSlayer
BlackDragonSlayer - MadDemon*
EveningSun720 - MadDemon
MadDemon - ???
E. Gadd -

MadDemon- 2
EveningSun720- 1
Funnygurl555- 1
BlackDragonSlayer- 1
mikey- 1

Wow, we're really all over the board, sheesh. So before I get to my thoughts on everyone, I want to officially cast my vote for Funnygurl555.

So now onto the part where I analyze everyone.

Suspicions List, in no particular order (that won't come until later)
1. BlackDragonSlayer-
The only flag he's raised for me so far is his starting vote on an inactive player. Sure, the reasoning is valid, but also, it could very well be a setup. I've learned from TWG games in the past that voting for an inactive in the day generally looks sketchy. But I'm willing to waive these suspicions for now in favor of a Funnygurl vote.

2. hoggers-
...uh. I'm... not really sure what to say here. This person strikes me as town, which is really weird considering I'm normally suspicious of people as aggressive as they are playing. I'm not sure, this is mostly a gut feeling here, but after what happened with me getting the master wolf in the 100th game here, I've learned to trust my gut instinct a bit more. That doesn't mean I'm gonna just stop analyzing your posts, though. Also, you seem to be trying to stir activity. Good.

3. mikey-
I never can tell with you, and I don't think I ever will be able to. Your vote for EveningSun720 was never explained, and I still don't understand where that came from.

4. ShyYoshiGuy-
You've been generally inquisitive and trying to take active steps toward deducing wolfish plays, even if some of your theories have been deduced as flawed. You strike me as human. Probably the most of anyone currently.

5. E. Gadd Industries-
hecka sketch

6. Funnygurl555-
I still don't understand your $150 post, because if it had little purpose, why put it in the thread and not in the Discord? That would've been fine and I would've put my vote elsewhere, but then you started pushing hard for a mikey lynch, even changing your vote seemingly randomly from the same person mikey had voted for. I'm not sure what happened between the two of you, I'm guessing some sort of epic betrayal or other from another forum, but even so, if you're gonna be acting in the town's interest, you need to push that aside and at least give some sort of reasoning why mikey seems wolfish, reasoning that isn't based on past occurrences. Also self-wolfing seems to be perfectly reasonable as an opening move in a game like this where everyone starts with 3 lives. (Which I believe BDS also mentioned somewhere else)

7. EveningSun720-
I still don't understand the vote on you, or your advice in the Discord about not "going full clown" (although the clown emoji was used). You strike me as very disconcerting, especially for the post you made shortly thereafter claiming to have "a lot in store for the 'players' of this 'game.'" I also feel like the lack of explaining things isn't helping my views of anyone, and while it's been a while since I played TWG, it hasn't been so long that I shouldn't be completely in the dark about the vote placed on you. Not saying that adds to my suspicion of you, and if anything, makes you less suspicious in my eyes.I suppose I'll get a better read on you as you interact (hopefully with more clarity to your posts).

8. MadDemon-
Your relative inactivity during the first night phase, coupled with the fact that only one wolfing occurred, really doesn't help your case, but I'm still hesitant to say that correlation = causation here. You need to post some in the Discord chat, because that real-time interaction will help me develop my read on you. That said, your posts here seem to be mostly logical, or at least town leaning.

Okay, that was more than I was expecting. I think that if BDS were to be a wolf, his most logical pairing would be EveningSun, although this is almost solely based on brief interactions and the fact that they voted the same. And have been the only group so far to vote that way, with BDS' reasoning being based on inactivity. At this moment, I'm uncertain who a wolf pair with Funnygurl555 would be. Plot twist and it's actually them and mikey as wolves.

So there are all of my thoughts wrapped up in one. I know I haven't been the most contributive in the game thread, but I try to stay around on Discord and am willing to talk with anyone there about anything.
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

The entrance to my lab is hidden... somewhere...


E. Gadd Industries

Oh, just so people are aware, I had pre-typed that list at the top of my previous post, and so the asterisk next to BDS' vote served as a reminder to myself to bring up the point about the inactivity vote. I forgot to delete it, sorry
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

The entrance to my lab is hidden... somewhere...



even though ive found no use for it but k


Good, I like the analysis.

Also, keep in mind that because of the life system, lynching someone isn't a permanent goodbye, unless the wolves really hate someone, or unless some wacky life shenanigans go on. We still need to be careful, but at this point in the game, a mislynch isn't catastrophic.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on July 11, 2019, 09:37:37 PMGood, I like the analysis.

Also, keep in mind that because of the life system, lynching someone isn't a permanent goodbye, unless the wolves really hate someone, or unless some wacky life shenanigans go on. We still need to be careful, but at this point in the game, a mislynch isn't catastrophic.
you plan for failure for town to fail. you no helpful, you seek catastrophe hoping disaster, but only disaster will be for wolf team. you better run, pppepperoni, or you suffer big loss today. i give you head start.


Quote from: MadDemon on July 11, 2019, 07:55:48 PMlemme fix that for the blind

You are the scum, yes?

Quote from: hoggers on July 11, 2019, 09:02:13 PMwhat you people doing? the dingdongdragon boy should be dead already.

hey eveningbum guy, who you doing? where you come from? i know no eveningbum, i no see you anywhere. you cheating?

Let me just say this. I don't know who you are, but call me by my name. It's EveningSun720. I expect you to remember that, hoggers.

If you ever call me EveningBum again, I will not only reign on your parade with the help of the moderators, but I will destroy you with my two hands.


The BlackDragon Man is clearly town, hoggers.

You and I both know it, so stop trying to take him donw 2 levels.


Quote from: hoggers on July 11, 2019, 09:40:44 PMyou plan for failure for town to fail. you no helpful, you seek catastrophe hoping disaster, but only disaster will be for wolf team. you better run, pppepperoni, or you suffer big loss today. i give you head start.
Saying "town is probably gonna mess up a bunch along the way" is not the same as wanting town to fail.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber

E. Gadd Industries

I am just documenting this here in case anyone missed it, because I feel like this is important.

Chat log from Discord
EveningSun720ayer a las 23:47
hoggers is a clown.
Just follow me.
I'm a power role.
mikeyayer a las 23:48
Oh? What are you claiming
EveningSun720ayer a las 23:48
I can't claim yet.
You don't know my alignment.
BlackDragonSlayerayer a las 23:48
mikeyayer a las 23:48
Vote stays tbh
BlackDragonSlayerayer a las 23:49
"I'm a power role but I can't claim which one" is kind of suspicious.
EveningSun720ayer a las 23:49
Do you have a problem, BlackDragon?
BlackDragonSlayerayer a las 23:49
Like, if you're ACTUALLY claiming, the wolves don't really care which one you are, so you better get that info out there/
EveningSun720ayer a las 23:49
I'm the Banker.
BlackDragonSlayerayer a las 23:50
why would you claim though
EveningSun720ayer a las 23:50
Wolves got 300
BlackDragonSlayerayer a las 23:50
it's much too early for claims
EveningSun720ayer a las 23:50
You just asked me to
you're definitely scum for that.
BlackDragonSlayerayer a las 23:50
You started it.
EveningSun720ayer a las 23:50
You just told me to claim and now you're burying me for it.
BlackDragonSlayerayer a las 23:50
You're the one who said you're a power role.
ShyYoshiGuyayer a las 23:50
Why did you claim power rule in the first place?
EveningSun720ayer a las 23:50
Yea duh.
But you said
mikeyayer a las 23:50
This is fine
EveningSun720ayer a las 23:50
"Scum doesn't care which one you are, so just say it"
Can nobody see what he was trying to pull?
mikeyayer a las 23:50
Just buy wolfsbane every night
BlackDragonSlayerayer a las 23:50
Yeah, because you already claimed.
EveningSun720ayer a las 23:50
He's trying to shade me for something he asked me to do.
BlackDragonSlayerayer a las 23:51
I'm shading you for claiming power role in the first place.
You should have kept that quiet.
EveningSun720ayer a las 23:51
A town would never shade
you're a clown.
BlackDragonSlayerayer a las 23:51
What I said is that, now that you had already claimed, you might as well give town any help you can by claiming you're specific role.
mikeyayer a las 23:51
Alrighty then
...please ignore the fact that my Discord is in Spanish. Ayer means "Yesterday," in case you weren't aware.
So the biggest thing to get from this:

EveningSun720 claimed banker. Are there any counterclaims?
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

The entrance to my lab is hidden... somewhere...
