TWG II: The Game of Fate

Started by Nakah, July 31, 2008, 10:21:41 AM

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Quote from: Sirus on August 14, 2008, 05:14:34 PMlol pumpy ur like our leader

Hell no.
I am certain SZ was NOT a wolf.
I'm gonna be away for a while (08/16-08/30) so I'm voting for-
If he's dead HungryDragon
If he's dead Dekudude
If he's dead Sirus
If he's dead Gamer
If he's dead Pumpy_heart
Quote from: Arison The Bat
oviosly so far i've only got "little unmature kids" to respond to this thread
After months of mediation and exams, I return.
Probably not for long.


QuoteI am certain that SZ was NOT a wolf...

Any evidence?

@ Nakah--



i feel like ppl are voting ppl for no reason
its like they write the names down and do Einnie Miney Mo and choose a random person  :P


Well, I doubt that I will be able to go on until after Day ends so I will post now.

Does anyone actually understand the meaning of Nakah's pictures? I think that they could have a great meaning. But they might not either. Pumpy is wanting to take down HungryDragon, there isn't much of a point of that. We need to take down a wolf. At this point in the game we could all just take safeties until we find a wolf. But we would need to be timely, because the wolf's could still wolf us in the night.

Right now Pumpy wants to wolf HungryDragon, whether or not he contacts him first or not. I can find out if Pumpy contacted him, and if Pumpy didn't that would look really bad on Pumpy's part doesn't it. So just a warning to you Pumpy. I would contact Hungry if you haven't already.

I don't know who is a wolf, but I do have an idea. We should all agree on who to vote for. I for one trust pumpy to be human, although there still is a doubt. I trust Tranzlater 100% to be human. I have no idea on Concerto's color. No idea really on Dekudude or Sirus. Although I am leaning a little bit to the human side for Sirus. I believe HungryDragon to be a human, and I am 100% sure that I am human, because i just checked the PM that Nakah sent  :P. Of course if I was a wolf I would say that anyways, why should you believe me, unless you have a reason personally, I'm not going to try and convince otherwise.

I wouldn't be suprised when I come back tomorrow night (central time zone) if I have been lynched. Or if Hungry has been lynched, because supposedly we are both on Pumpy's "hit list". So why should you listen to me, someone that might be a wolf, over Pumpy who is basically human for sure. Because Pumpy could be a wolf.  Pumpy claims that in the first night he discovered Jake3343 and HugoMeister's colors. Couldn't he have also found out the owner and the use of the item? Which could make it so that the owner of the item trusts him enough to use the item on him after he died. Which is why I am doubtful. Its really unlikely, but if he can gain enough trust from HugoMeister and Jake3343 colors, couldn't he also find who the owner of the item is and its function. He claims that Jake3343 is/was our psychic. He found that night 1. Or so he claims. He could have found it out from the wolf shaman. He says that Hugo was green, which wouldn't be hard to find out from someone. Anyone could lie and say that.

Yes, basically this is an attack against Pumpy, he sounds so knowing and sympathetic in the thread. Does this sound the same as the Pumpy in the thread? This is from our PM conversations.
Quote from: pumpy_heart on August 14, 2008, 05:17:43 AMYou epically fail.
We got a wolf last game day. Dekudude voted for a wolf. Dekudude is no wolf.
HungryDragon, I do not believe, will die next game day. I just need to test my alliances. If you do not vote HungryDragon, then I cannot trust you and so and on so forth. I will have to do this throughout the group until we find people.
HungryDragon is acting just like SuperZombie as far as I see. Plus, he does not act like any other human I see.
I cannot tell you the list until you show full trust in me by voting HungryDragon.
I will make it through tonight. I can gauruntee that.
I will find the last two wolves before the next day ends.
Quote from: pumpy_heart on August 14, 2008, 03:58:15 PMThanks for that.
Your on your own.
When I make it through the night, beg for mercy. Well...not really. But you could if you want to. Because now, you are on a hit list.
Quote from: pumpy_heart on August 14, 2008, 06:11:45 PMand no. Wolves are selfish and arrogant.
You saw what SZ did to try to prevent himself from dieing.
One wolf will not simply give up one wolf to hopefully gain trust from humans. It makes no sense.
ESPECIALLY this late in the game. Maybe near day 1 oe 2, but never this late.
I know/knew all the blues. And I made it through the night.

I could go with your trust of HungryDragon, but my personal trusts leave him on the outside.
Quote from: pumpy_heart on August 15, 2008, 01:51:04 PMI guess that is possible. But oh well.
Good luck convincing me you arent a wolf. Because, if you completely trust me, you wouldve told me all your "information" before i claim things in the thread.
If I have nothing else by tomorrow, HungryDragon is dead.

Doesn't sound quite the same does he? Another reason why I doubt his color. Who you will vote for is up to you. I said before that it would be better to take a safety, but take your own. Don't follow someone you don't trust. So for this reason I vote Pumpy_heart. I also expect to be lynched so, Good game everyone. I will be back tomorrow night to see the results. Happy Lynching Everyone.
Avid user of NFNet IRC network.


No, I would never post anything that would inflict upon the game. What I posted was a series of images containing a joking message mainly pointed at pumpy for what he was doing in the thread. It's not allowed for the host to impact the game, I shall merely host this.


Thanks gamer.
I vote for Concerto. He was my number two, and looking at how many phantoms HungryDragon has..
Sometimes a leader must take a hit. Oh well.


BTW...hahhaa. Im no wolf.
I was wolfed first night...then I stopped playing until I found out I was ressurected.
but w/e. Gamer has more "proof" of my wolfishness than I do about my humananess


I think I'll vote for Concerto too. HungryDragon is on my glare list, but I trust Pumpy, and he seems to know what he's doing, so I'll go with his idea.


I change my vote to Concerto No.20 In D Minor. Pumpy has explained things to me yet again, and I can understand where he is coming from. Like I said in my really long post. I would rather focus on finding wolves. Concerto does have a chance of being a wolf, where Pumpy's chance is even less. Don't follow if you don't agree, ask for their reason. If it is good enough then follow. I did not want to vote Pumpy. It went against what I said, but I felt it needed to be done. Now he gave me a reason to vote Concerto. So I will follow.
Avid user of NFNet IRC network.


Does anyone have the current player list?


The Players:

   1. Sirus
   4. HungryDragon
   7. Concerto No.20 in D Minor
   8. Purple1222119
 10. Tranzlater
 11.  Master_gamer38
 12.  Pumpy_heart
 13.  Blah54
 15.  Dekudude

   I believe this is the current player list.


purple is dead, so is blah.

Correct player list.
1. Sirus
   4. HungryDragon
   7. Concerto No.20 in D Minor
 10. Tranzlater
 11.  Master_gamer38
 12.  Pumpy_heart
 15.  Dekudude


Yea....we got an insta.
Down to 6 people. Concerto is dead.




   Everyone wanted to kill one white guy. For some reason though everyone decided to kill some other white guy. It was done.


   It is now Night 6. Concerto No.20 in D minor is dead. Night ends Sunday @ 9:00 p.m. EST.



Why'd they want to kill a white guy? XD