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TWG II: The Game of Fate

Started by Nakah, July 31, 2008, 10:21:41 AM

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i'm surprised that i "creep" people out lol...

well in any case, this was pretty interesting... i'd like to see what everyone else was in the end...
It's on a need-to-know basis that you don't need to know.


seriously you guys have the worst reasons to lynch ppl  :P


meh, maybe we do, but most of us had a one track mind that blah creeped us out.


1.  Sirus
2.  Gooch
3.  HungryDragon
4.  Concerto No.20 in D Minor
5.  Super Zombie
6.  Tranzlater
7.  Master_gamer38
8.  Pumpy_heart
9.  Brawler4Ever
10. Dekudude
Ok. I think that we're doing pretty good, guys. We still have at least 7 humans left!  ;D
That is, if we haven't killed any wolves.
And now we wait for the wolves' verdict...
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


that means we have at least 2 days left...
ugh. We need some help. Giving the wolves a seer and not us puts us at a huge disadvantage. But oh well, its only Nakah's second hostage.


what the heck is the vigi doing?
arent we allowed to lynch another person if we have the vigi?


if the vigi if he/she desires to do so they can send in a PM during the night and kill off hopefully a wolf...
However... It seems that they have not been doing so...
Credit to Strecno for the avatar! | MY SUBMISSION THREAD


Simple: The vigi should/will/whatever only use his/her power when they are sure that they know of a wolf. So far, they're unsure of a wolf, so they fear that they may be killing a human accidentally.
Either that, or they're dead.  :P
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


Quote from: pumpy_heart on August 09, 2008, 03:37:29 PMthat means we have at least 2 days left...
ugh. We need some help. Giving the wolves a seer and not us puts us at a huge disadvantage. But oh well, its only Nakah's second hostage.

   It's actually near my 19th time hosting a TWG. The game is balanced fine, you guys are just not using common sense. Don't go blaming your present situation on me, when it's yours and only your fault that you feel you're in a bad situation in the game.


Pm's are in. Night is over.

The beings were awakened by a shrill cry to the night. They ran (if you could call a blob moving 'running') away as quickly as possible. They knew it was too late for one of them.


Morning had come. The survivors huddled over the body of Gooch.

It is now Day 4. Gooch is dead. Day ends Wednesday at 9 pm EST.

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


how depressing, but i'll have ye know that i!


yea. The data showed that gooch. And the data reveals more things..
Ok...Ive been looking through this thread. Super Zombie and Tranzleter always vote together. So either...they are two blues working together..or they are two wolves.
And I'm willing to guess wolves. We need to stop this.
So...if you two wish to survive lynching, I suggest you provide ample proof for me to stop these accusations. If not, I can provide more than ample proof as to why you two work together. For now, I vote for Super Zombie.


I vote Super Zombie. I agree with this, and if you go back and look at it, it is true. I'm with pumpy_heart on this one. We need to vote Super Zombie to get rid of him.
Avid user of NFNet IRC network.


Ok. My theory goes like this(in tune with Pumpy’s):

Possible wolves: SuperZombie, Dekudude, Tranzlator and Purple122119. yes there are 4. I know.

(1)SZ: Super Zombie has made a lot of random accusations(blah being creepy, Purple for voting for him). The way that I see it: Purple was a wolf. SZ was also a wolf. SZ turned on Purple when he(Purp) opened himself up to accusations(voting for me first). It was “obvious(???)” that Purple was a wolf. This action was not agreed with by Purple.

Deku: Voted for me to “join the groove.”... then changed his vote to Purple 6 posts/12 hours later... to join the groove again. Under orders from SZ? (Page 4) He also says that he talked with SZ on AIM a lot...
Quote from: Dekudude Page 4...xD I talk to Super Zombie on AIM a lot, and if he was a wolf, he'd be using the D*** word in his posts.   
Page 6: Votes for iDOWN. Asks his color. Page 8 and 9: All three(Tranzlater, SZ, and Deku) voted for Blah…

Tranzlater: Um...what Pumpy said...

Purple122119: Both Purple and SZ voted for me in the beginning over a small thing(“He[Brawler4Ever] asked who the blues are a few times, and if someone's dwelling on who the blues are, they might be a wolf.”). Maybe he didn’t like being turned on by fellow wolf SZ?
Quote from: Purple12219 Page 3We had an agreement on who was who! We would both vote for Brawler.
And now you suddenly turn against me. Thats some wolf acts right there.
You wanted me to post first because you knew there was gonna be some suspicions for me... and so you would be safe voting later.

Quote from: SZ Page 4Actually, what you guys are calling a "secret alliance" was nothing more than us private chatting trying to figure out who is a werewolf

Here’s where I’m confused. If it was nothing more than a private chat, why was Purple so angry?

Quote from: Purpl Page 3“He said
Quote from: Super Zombie
You vote first, and I'll see what they say about it.

I don't remember the exact quote, but it was something along the lines of that...
What’s up with that??

Yeah. It's messy. Live with it.
...That's it. If you have anything(ANYTHING), post it. We need all of the info that we can get. I'm tired. I'm going to bed. 'night all.
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


I don't have much of a clue at all now... I better read back through the posts.
Super Zombie might be a wolf, I did have suspisoons(how the heck do you spell that word?) at first, as peeps are voting for him he may well be one.
The wolves don't seem to be killing off anyone we would have thought interesting or important, so maybe they are trying to kill of the people who don't have good reasons against them to try and avoid looking too suspisoos?
Oh and I'd really like people to spell my name right. It's Tranzlater
Quote from: Arison The Bat
oviosly so far i've only got "little unmature kids" to respond to this thread
After months of mediation and exams, I return.
Probably not for long.