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TWG II: The Game of Fate

Started by Nakah, July 31, 2008, 10:21:41 AM

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Super Zombie

Now that I changed my avatar, you won't know who's saying what! Except for those barely noticable huge bloody letters that say "Super Zombie", but no one really ever noticed those anyway!


Hmm... what you said about blah is similar to Jamaha... he's there 24/7, never seen him NOT in there... and I've never seen him talk- is that for mod purposes?

WTF we might as well kill some one as killing is fun
Cos he seems suspisoos(?).
Quote from: Arison The Bat
oviosly so far i've only got "little unmature kids" to respond to this thread
After months of mediation and exams, I return.
Probably not for long.


Quote from: Dekudude on August 04, 2008, 07:39:18 PMOh, Zombie, you were talking about Blah? I thought you were referring to iDown. -_- *slaps*
lol. No. I actually talk to people.


He's not really all that active, anyway. :/
He wasn't one of my suspiciouns, but I'll still with blah for now. If I see a reason to change my vote, I'll change.


I suggest people change their vote to iDown
iDown is giving alot of "advice" as far as I have seen. "Advice" meaning that someone says alot of stuff, but does not help the situation. That is no good.
Getting rid of an inactive player at the moment does not help the human cause. Since he doesnt talk much, he could be either wolf, blue, or human. And we have no clue.
In this game, we should strive to get rid of wolves. Not people who are inactive.
My vote remains the same. I am asking anyone who voted purely on something being "sneaky and inactive in the chat room" to seriously reconsider their vote.
And yes. I waited until iDown had band camp to post this.


LOL. I haven't left yet. :P

How haven't I helped the situation? For all I know, you could be a wolf and my third assumption could be right. Now you're trying to get rid of me because I maybe figured out your plan? I'm changing my vote to Pumpy for this reason. You were one of my suspicions. Now, honestly, if I'm voted of, it wouldn't be a big deal. But, I feel like voting for Pumpy is my final answer. :/


I'm changing my vote to iDOWN. He is one of the people I am suspicious of, and with pumpy's reason really is a reason that I was suspicious of too.
Avid user of NFNet IRC network.


Quote from: Tranzlater on August 05, 2008, 01:38:49 AMHmm... what you said about blah is similar to Jamaha... he's there 24/7, never seen him NOT in there... and I've never seen him talk- is that for mod purposes?
JamaHa keeps #nsm open, just as Nakah keeps #TWG open. it's not the same between JamaHa and blah on the chatrooms(as far as I know. Ask them).

Huh. You have a point iDOWN. Nowhere in the rules did it say that a green had the secret item...
Quote from: iDOWN on August 05, 2008, 06:22:20 AMBut, I feel like voting for Pumpy is my final answer. :/
Foolish right there.  New information could come your way. Someone may slip something. We still have a few hours left for voting, unless your referring to going to band camp or something. Then it wouldn't matter either way.

But, I don't know of your "advice" stuff either. Could someone quote those and PM them to me? Apparently I'm out of the loop there.  :-\
And according to Rule 6, that's ok.
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!



actually im free
the storm went a bit to the right at the last minute so i still have power  ;D


well i'll vote for iDown, cause' i'm just attempting self-preservation at this point...
It's on a need-to-know basis that you don't need to know.

Super Zombie

Pumpy, you waited until you thought he was at band camp to post against him?! That seems really wolfish. You wait until the threat is gone decieve the crowds. I think that's not a cool move, and so I'm voting for Pumpy_heart.

Super Zombie

Blah, you have to bold your vote.

Also, I find it strange that the item was used so quickly to get pumpy back in the game. If the wolves had the item, this would have been a good move for them to get people into believing that one of them had to be a human.


Yeah, be sure to bold your votes. I'll count it anyway, seeing as I'm such a nice guy.

Day ends at 9 pm EST.

There are still 3 people who need to vote.

Current Votes:

Blah54 - 2
iDOWN - 5
Dekudude - 1
pumpy_heart - 2

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


Yes. That behaviour does seem wolfish to me too, but why would the wolves wolf him first. At that early in the game I doubt that the wolves knew that the item would do that. So why risk killing a wolf right at the beginning. There is of course the chance that the wolves got the item (correct me if I'm wrong), but that just doesn't seem likely to me. So I think it is safe to say that Pumpy is not a wolf.
Avid user of NFNet IRC network.

Super Zombie

They could have had the item, and therefor they'd want pumpy killed as fast as they could by themselves and resurrected as fast as they could so he seemed to be a human or blue that was a big threat to them. If they had waited, he might have been killed by lynching, and then it would be more suspicious if he was resurrected.