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TWG II: The Game of Fate

Started by Nakah, July 31, 2008, 10:21:41 AM

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   The Signups Thread is closed. PMs are out. The game begins.


   It was a stormy night, the flashes of lightning lighting up the castle, the rain drowning out the sounds, and the wind was swift. In the castle that sat upon the highest cliff in the north most part of the Mushroom Kingdom, candles lit the corridors. It was an extremely large, yet old castle. It's hallways were long, stretched out with a magnificent red carpet, and narrow pathways.

   Kamek entered the main corridor, with his broomstick with him. As he walked down the hallway his luminous wand revealed the pictures across the walls: Iggy, Wendy, Morton, Larry, Roy, Lemmy, and Ludwig.

   Kamek continued to follow the path of the corridor, when he entered a grand room, in the center, captives from all over the mushroom kingdom high in a cage near the ceiling and candle light. In that cage was: The Mushroom King, Princess Peach, the kingdom's finest toads, and Super Mario.

   They screamed for help, but Kamek continued to follow up the grand stairs and into a final room.

   Kamek entered through the door. The room was filled with all candles and paintings, while pipe organ music was being played from a grand and dark figure. This figure was bent, and cynical seeming. It's figure swinged through the light. The horrific figure stopped playing, and began to rise up.

   "It is prepared, master." Said Kamek.

   "Excellent." Responded the dark figure.

   Kamek went through another room, and to the higher part of the castle. In there, he summoned Baby Bowser. They awaited in the grand room.

   "Let us out of here!" Screamed the Mushroom King.

   "We will escape." Mumbled Princess Peach.

   "It's a mia!" Screamed Super Mario.

   There was a silence. Suddenly with the burst of a door, the dark figure steeped out. It stepped into the light and revealed itself. It was, to no suprise the master of evil in the Mushroom Kingdom known as Bowser.

   "Welcome to my wonderful castle." Responded Bowser to the silence.

   "What do you want from us?" Asked the Mushroom King.

   "Nothing, with you here, clearly the Mushroom Kingdom is-"


   There was an extroadinary explosion and the entire high part of the castle was ripped off. The cage of the Mushroom King, Peach, and Mario fell the the floor and shattered.  The storm silenced and the clouds came apart.

   The 6 stood scared watching as the sky began to twist. Then the sky turned a bright green. It ripped as if it were a scroll and from it came great hands, in bright white. The 6  began to run, but with a swish of a hand they were forced together, and brought up to the level of the masterful hands. They looked in fear, there was a silence.

   "Mwahahahahaha." Responded Master Hands.

   "What do you want from us?" Screamed the Mushroom King.

   "What do I want? No, that would be selfish of me to say what I want. I think it's what you want." Replied Master Hands

   There was a silence.

   "We're going to play a game, see, and I get to decide who wins, by seeing whoever is the last standing." Said Master Hands. Everyone looked puzzled.

   "I shall mark each of you with an invisible sign, and you will be forced to decide the fate of your Mushroom Kingdom. Whoever is the last to stand will win the Kingdom. Ah, let's make this interesting though. It's King, Peach, all of you fine toads, and Mario versus Bowser, Baby Bowser, and Kamek." Said Master Hands.

   The 6 did not want to do this, but what choice did they have. They decided they were forced to agree. Master Hands swished his hand and they went through a rapid color portal. They appeared in a strange world. In this world, they weren't themselves anymore, they were white figures, all looking alike.

   "Figure out who is which and which is who and I shall grant the Mushroom Kingdom to you." Laughed Master Hands.

   The six stood atop a large mountain, and could see into the great cosmos and stars. They looked at everyone, this was what must be done in order to decide the fate win the Mushroom Kingdom. It began with Night.


   It is now Night 1. Send in PMs.. Night ends on Friday at 9:00 p.m. EST.

    The Players:

   1. Sirus
   2. Gooch
   3. HugoMeister
   4. HungryDragon
   5. Jake3343
   6. iDOWN
   7. Concerto No.20 in D Minor
   8. Purple1222119
   9. Super Zombie
 10. Tranzlater
 11.  Master_gamer38
 12.  Pumpy_heart
 13.  Blah54
 14.  Brawler4Ever
 15.  Dekudude

   Reminder, you must communicate outside of the thread if you want any chance of winning this game. The irc chat is a possible way(#TWG). If any of you wish to communicate with aim, then I encourage you to do so as well. You must find a way to communicate, or I will replace anyone who is inactive. If not, find a way through like PM.



All PMs are in. Night Ends Early. Story is coming:


   The six had no choice that night than to make themselves comfortable on top of the mountain. When they awoke in the morning, one toad was missing. They searched all over the mountain and decided that he must have fallen off, there was no where else to hide. With this, Master Hands entered the realm and said:

   "Bwahahaha, there are only 14 of your left. All of you are here, so clearly the deaths are coming from one...or some of you."

   Bowser, Baby Bowser, and Kamek stared at the Mushroom King, the toads, Peach, and Mario. One of them had to have done it.


   It is now Day 1. Pumpy_heart is dead. Day ends Sunday @ 9:00 p.m. EST.

   Remember #TWG is the irc chat. If anyone needs to contact me, I'm usually in there. If not though, my aim screen name is Nakah92.



YAY. Still alive! Currently in chat...
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!

Super Zombie

So since you said a toad is missing, our guardian and such are still alive?


No. In the chat, Nakah explained that the story is false.  :P
it means nothing except for our entertainment.  :)
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


btw, is Pumpy still allowed in the chatroom #TWG?
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!

Super Zombie

We lost last time, and now that the wolves have a seer wolf, we're screwed! This is getting lopsided in their favor. And humans don't even get a seer!


Well this stinks. I didn't notice that before. But now we have 12 humans instead of 9. I think that that's a big difference.(11 now  :()

I think that we should hold back on the voting for a little while; we have very little chance of actually getting a wolf.
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!

Super Zombie

Oh yeah, I didn't notice that. Schweet.


Well... I  vote Brawler4Ever
Sorry... we had to vote someone...
My Youtube! Featuring Orchestrations of Nintendo music and more!
Latest Tracks: Super Mario RPG & Superstar Saga HD ReMIX

Concerto No.20 in D minor

I vote for purple1222119 (wtf) because he voted too early, HE MUST WANT SOMEONE TO DIE

Super Zombie

I'm voting Brawler4Ever because, while we don't really have a lot of info going so early off, there are a few things pointing to him. He asked who the blues are a few times, and if someone's dwelling on who the blues are, they might be a wolf.


Quote from: Super Zombie on August 01, 2008, 10:09:53 AMWe lost last time, and now that the wolves have a seer wolf, we're screwed! This is getting lopsided in their favor. And humans don't even get a seer!

   Pumpy can't communcate with you guys about the game, but he may spectate from the irc chat.

   Also, the game is fairly balanced, I made sure of it. The wolves have two normal wolves and a seer wolf(Wolf Shaman). The humans have 9 humans and 3 blues, Psychic, Vigi, and Guardian. The humans also have the special item. Remember this before you make assumptions.


I vote Super Zombie for blaming Brawler4ever with a false reason (atleast it seems that way to me).
Avid user of NFNet IRC network.

Super Zombie