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TWG Suggestions, Comments, and Discussion

Started by Nakah, July 29, 2008, 07:31:26 PM

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I wasn't going to because I figured nobody would want me to ruin it like I did last time xD


nocturneofshadows didnt you win last game???

No one's mad at you and it's not as if you played terrible.  You probably played better than most beginner Players do, anyway!  Stay confident and don't think you're being a burden, because you're not.


I would have won if it weren't for those meddling kids!
And by meddling I mean mean and by kids I mean megakillers.
Greg did you kill me even though I revived you?  NOT COOL.
Mashi I was master wolf shaman.


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on January 23, 2014, 05:00:36 PMGreg did you kill me even though I revived you?  NOT COOL.

You were on the other team, weren't you? :P


Oh right!  My mistake.  Regardless, all the Wolves died by the end of Night 2, so if anyone screwed up, it was a mutual effort on all our parts.  So don't worry about thinking you're a bad Player, everyone has off days.  Not to mention that I don't think I've ever seen any discrimination for poor performances by our community, and considering you're much better than the average beginner TWGer, you should have no problem!



Next signups maximum of 10 players for each game?




If you've played 3 games or more, sure!


I started a game and then gave my spot to Nakah.  Does that count?


It's all in the hosting and balancing thread but being replaced probably comes under the being active rule so I'd say no, it doesn't count.


Quote from: Toby on March 01, 2014, 05:30:04 PMIt's all in the hosting and balancing thread but being replaced probably comes under the being active rule so I'd say no, it doesn't count.
I don't like this interpretation, because it indicates noct was a slacker, which he wasn't. If you don't remember the circumstances behind it, Nakah was forgotten in the players sign up list, and noct gave his place halfway during the game. while I like the chivialry, (in my opinion) it doesnt count towards a game because it was like he never was in the original line up (my interpretation of it)
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


I suppose, sorry if I sounded harsh Nocturne, it wasn't my intention. Most of my posts are made at around 12am at night so I'm usually tired when making them :p.


Guys if you don't play my twg I'll have to summon my irl friends and you don't want that to happen!!!


...Yugi has irl friends?

Huh.  Learn something new everyday.