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TWG Suggestions, Comments, and Discussion

Started by Nakah, July 29, 2008, 07:31:26 PM

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So my plan after this is, play enough games for waddle to think I can follow rules, and then take a 2-3 game Hiatus.


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on November 03, 2012, 11:35:40 PMThe Dangerous Flora and Fauna of Umbra

Backstory: Many years ago, the war on the planet Umbra ended. The war hero Agent 819, who single-handedly took out the dark leader UMBRA, went back to the galactic capital planet, never to return to Umbra until the year of his death... but his story is another story, not to be told here...

Umbra is quickly becoming a point of interest for tourists. The super-company Micro Budget Ships Inc. is funding a new, experimental program to safely guide boatloads of these tourists through the planet on a specific route, highlighting the major natural features.

Unfortunately for the company, the illusions still remain on Umbra, even after the evil left the planet: the local flora and fauna have gotten hungry, and weak-minded tourists are on the menu...

The Flora and Fauna; Wolves
1: Miju-maron: Master Wolf (as the Miju-marons are giant, carnivorous plants, they can't do much unless people walk right into their lairs, though this doesn't affect the role any)
2: Gialux: Wolf
3: Ryu-jin: Infective "oni" wolf. In the case that Ryu-jin is lynched, the player sends a PM to the host, "passing" the role on to another player. If the player is a wolf or tour guide, the power does not take effect. Is the only wolf who does not know his teammates.

Micro Budget Ships Tour; Humans
4: Tour Guide 1: Guardian; can guard one player per night, excluding self.
5: Tour Guide 2: Seer.
6: Tour Guide 3: Psychic; is told the number of wolves and if the red human is left in the game at the end of every day phase. This excludes the "revived" Ryu-jin.
7: Tourist: Human.
8: Tourist: Human.
9: Tourist: Human.
10: Tourist: Human.
11: Tourist: Human.
12: Tourist: Acts like a wolfsbane, except that the wolfing is redirected to another human player. Will be told he's a normal human.

Because Ryu-jin does not know who the other wolves are, and visa versa, only the first wolfing vote is accepted.
There are no special victory conditions.

Any suggestions/improvements?
I made a little change to this...
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


For future reference, if any of you ever want or need your game to be balanced and approved by TWC (and Bird!), feel free to badger us through PM until we do.  Sorry for doing such a bad job, BlackDragonSlayer!

So are the Players notified if the Red Tourist redirects a wolfing?  Does Ryu-jin's power only take effect once?  Will the Player receiving the Role know the Wolves afterwards?
I feel that right now, Ryu-jin is only an Infective Traitor that may or may not be able to mess up wolfings.  I think that making him be able to seer and not have a wolfing ability may make him more useful.  Although this is my bias, I don't really like conversions, especially in this case, since it may, in a sense, make 4 Wolves (even though only up to 3 would be alive at any given time), so you could probably have it so that he infects a Player into a Traitor that can seer instead of another Wolf so that the Wolf count isn't sustained and so that the Wolves still have someone for seerings.

Aside from this though, I think your game is quite good, so A+.


Quote from: Mashi on November 23, 2012, 12:02:00 AMFor future reference, if any of you ever want or need your game to be balanced and approved by TWC (and Bird!), feel free to badger us through PM until we do.  Sorry for doing such a bad job, BlackDragonSlayer!

So are the Players notified if the Red Tourist redirects a wolfing?  Does Ryu-jin's power only take effect once?  Will the Player receiving the Role know the Wolves afterwards?
I feel that right now, Ryu-jin is only an Infective Traitor that may or may not be able to mess up wolfings.  I think that making him be able to seer and not have a wolfing ability may make him more useful.  Although this is my bias, I don't really like conversions, especially in this case, since it may, in a sense, make 4 Wolves (even though only up to 3 would be alive at any given time), so you could probably have it so that he infects a Player into a Traitor that can seer instead of another Wolf so that the Wolf count isn't sustained and so that the Wolves still have someone for seerings.

Aside from this though, I think your game is quite good, so A+.
1: They will not be notified; it would be just like a normal wolfing.
2: Yes, the power only takes place once.
3: Ryu-jin does not know the wolves, and the wolves do not know Ryu-jin (I thought I elaborated on that, but I must not have...). The same applies to the player who receives the role (in the case that it happens).

If Ryu-jin (or the 'revived' one) is the last wolf left, if it/they didn't have wolfing abilities, then that might bring up some problems? I could add a wolfing power that only activates when/if Ryu-jin is the last wolf?
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


I think that, considering the sheer volume of games each time there's a host sign-up, I'm only going to help balance games that win. Sorry everyone!
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on November 23, 2012, 02:51:20 AMIf Ryu-jin (or the 'revived' one) is the last wolf left, if it/they didn't have wolfing abilities, then that might bring up some problems?
That's the point!  Hence why I would recommend Ryu-jin converting a Player into a Traitor than into another Wolf.


If a player is dead/not playing and cannot be revived, can he/she ask the host the roles? Because I have had dead players ask what my role was in uprising madness, and their has been One case I have seen in a host giving a player all the roles.


I doubt it.

Hey do you guys ever replace people in games? I've seen mainly just people getting phantoms and modkilled, just puting it out there we could start replacing if possible.

Waddle Bro

Yes, they do/can replace people during games.


Waddle Bro

Gaming is serious business. If Yu-Gi-Oh has ever taught me something, it's that always prepare yourself.


Haha, true that! Can't wait till your game starts, getting ready for the confusion! :S


TWG :The Chunin Exams

Orochimaru (Wolf face stealer): Seered red, but on any night can send in a PM, when the wolfing happens, it negates any guard and reviving abilities and Orochimaru "becomes" that person, stealing that persons colour and role (that player also dies) Can also, in any phase, send in a PM with someone's name, if that player is the Third Hokage, he/she dies.

Kabuto (Master Wolf Reviver): Can revive one player. Can send in a Pm in any phase with the name of a player , if that player is Kakashi, that player dies.

Gaara (Brutal Wolf) : Does'nt know his partners, sends in a Pm with the name of a player each phase, if that player is Rock Lee, that player dies.

Third Hokage: Vigi

Kakashi: Seer

Rock Lee: Negation Human

8x Genin (Humans)

1x Naruto (Due to being a jinduruki, he is seered red)

And Yes, I know this game is mildly wolf sided, but I see a lot of games where a simple alliance destroys all hope for wolves