TWG Suggestions, Comments, and Discussion

Started by Nakah, July 29, 2008, 07:31:26 PM

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So it'll be completely random and last about 30 minutes?
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Quote from: Bird on July 22, 2013, 08:23:36 PMSo it'll be completely random and last about 30 minutes?
It'll probably be about 3/4'ths as long as the last game.


I think we should change the way we choose our games in the host signups. I think rather than creating a poll we should just vote in the thread and comment why we voted for said game.

-We don't get cheaters who ask their friends who don't play TWG to vote for them.
-We don't get alt accounts voting
-We get to see why players voted for a specific game and game creators can clear up issues that may be stopping their game from winning.
-It created more discussion about games

-Someone would need to tally up the votes


I'm pretty sure the first two dont happen. We just changed it, specifically so that we wouldn't know who was voting for what so people wouldn't just bandwagon. Games are still discussed, since no one would want to play a game that they didnt understand

Also commenting on why we voted would get tiring after a while. Plus, if we're only voting for a game because we like the other ones less, what are we supposed to say? "Bubbles' game sucks so I'm voting for FSM's"?


For starters I'm pretty sure things like this do happn because I've noticed that when certain players put a game up the amount of people go up by at least 5. I've also heard of players asking people who have never even posted once on the TWG board to vote for their game.

If you don't like any other games then you just say why you like the one you want to vote.


Yeah, actually, Bubbles7689, the first two points have caused major controversy in one of the Host Sign Ups once.  That type of thing likely still happens, just not to as serious of a degree.

In regard to commenting; people don't need to comment to explain their vote.  The commentary TheBoyWhoCriedWolf is referring to is something like davy's questions in the Host Sign Ups thread towards Mephistophele's game, for example.

There actually is a better voting system that TWC thought about implementing at one point that's probably as close to an impartial voting system that we can think of for now ("Fiver-style voting," or in your case, "Thiannon-style voting").  Everyone would PM me their votes in order of preference (eg. In the case of having Games A, B, C, a TWGer may send me the list 1. B 2. A 3. C; last choice receives 0 points, second to last receives 1, third to last receives 2, etc.  The Game with fewest points is eliminated and then the process is repeated (so if Game B were eliminated, the TWGers list would become 1. A 2. C) until one game is left).  This process is time consuming, but I could simplify it to just accepting whichever game has the most points on the first go.  If people want me to do the latter though, I could oblige.


Also, a mild complaint that I have.

The new voting system makes it so that first place and everyone else gets banned from hosting for two games, while second place can enter it into the next poll.

The Problem?

Nobody in second place puts their damm game into the poll

It annoys me when I barely get third place in the poll, and the person coming second doesn't put the game in the poll (barring Toby), somewhat making me feel cheated out of being banned.

We should make it so that the person getting second place has automatic entry into the next poll, rather than a choice on keeping it in or leaving it out.


What if they aren't able to host it though?



How about if the second place person won't enter a game, the third place person is able to host?


I don't see the problem. If your game would deserve to win, then it would. The point of the system is to make people enhance their games for the next poll or develop a better game, I feel.


I think the PM system would work fine but instead of doing an elimination process (which doesn't make sense anyway since we rank our games) we just take the top game and that game wins.


The elimination process is slightly different in that it allows for the game given most preference to win.
The way it works is complicated to explain, but you'll have to trust me on it!!!

In the end though, choosing the top game likely won't alter the winning game of the poll every time from the elimination method.

So would everyone like me to implement this system in the next Host Sign Ups?


Honestly, I was extremely reluctant to make the "second place game can be hosted again" thing even happen. So I'm pretty heavily against the idea of letting a third place game host if the second place person decides not to.

The rules are the way they are because we don't want sign-ups to be flooded with games people just threw together. And a game that got third place in a poll may have just been thrown together!


(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


TWC POST:  This post was removed for discussing an ongoing game.
Bulbear! Blueflower999