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TWG Suggestions, Comments, and Discussion

Started by Nakah, July 29, 2008, 07:31:26 PM

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TWG I: The Incident in the Mushroom Kingdom: Wolves Win
TWG II: The Game of Fate: Wolves Win
TWG III: Master Hand's Finale: Humans Win
TWG IV: The Strange case of Sir Deku and Count Dekula: Humans Win
TWG V: Nakahvania: Humans Win
TWG VI: Rise of the Olympians: Humans Win
TWG VII: Invader Zim: Wolves Win
TWG VIII: Samurai vs. Ninjas: Humans Win
TWG IX:The Lanturn Keeper: Humans Win.
TWG X: Wolves Win.
TWG XI: Beyond Azincourt: :Wolves Win
TWG XII: The Second Great Fairy War: Humans Win
TWG XIII: ???: Wolves Win
TWG XIV: Winterkid's Game: Wolves Win
TWG XV: Perils of Saffron: Humans Win.
TWG XVII: Duos: Humans Win.
TWG XVIII: Adelaide's Impetuous Adventures of Inanity In the Macrocosm of Our World Through Falling Into Her Boudoir Mirror: Humans Win
TWG XIX: Mind Games: Wolves Win
TWG XX: Frivolous Frivolous Frivolous Frivolous Frivolous Frivolous Frivolous Frivolous Frivolous: Wolves Win.
TWG XXI: A lesson in Etiquette: Wolves Win
TWG XXII: Thetre: Wolves Win.
TWG XXIII: Manhunt: Host Wins.
TWG XXIV: Sauce is Pretty Coll: Humans Win.
TWG XXV: Minesweeper: Humans Win.
TWG XXVI: Doctor Who: Wolves Win
TWG XXVII: Trick of the Trade: Wolves Win
TWG XXVIII: Pokemon Black and White: Humans Win
TWG XXX: Disability Girls: Wolves Win
TWG XXXI: Just another Sburb session: Wolves Win
TWG XXXIII: Beat those Eggs Jimmy: Wolves Win
TWG XXXIV: Mine craft: Wolves Win
TWG XXXV: Professer Layton : Humans Win
TWG XXXVI: The Meloncony of Haruhi Suzumiya: Humans Win
TWG XXXVII: Time for a History lesson: Humans Win
TWG XXXVIII: Snakes on a Plane: Wolves Win
TWG XXXIX: The Perfect Apples: Wolves Win
TWG XL: Uprising Madness: Wolves Win
TWG XLI: Gotta lynch them all: Humans Win
TWG XLII: Waluigi Time: Humans Win
TWG XLIII: My name is Mephistopheles: Humans Win
TWG XLIV: The Pokemon Leauge: Wolves Win.
TWG XLVI: Have it your way: Wolves Win.
TWG XLVII: Relax, I'm a doctor: Third party role wins.
TWG XLVIII: 72 hours remain: Wolves win.

Amount of times that Wolves have won: 25.
Amount of Times that humans have won: 22.
Amount of times that a third party role has won: 1.

[Insert official looking stuff here]


Which means the humans should win this current game? :P


Quote from: Bubbles7689 on December 08, 2012, 03:04:43 PMWhich means the humans should win this current game? :P
Games should be Wolf Sided because the humans are allowed a LOT more error.

Waddle Bro


Quote from: Waddle Bro on December 08, 2012, 03:09:58 PMi bet socialfox is bored
Your sarcasm is correct.
I may post a link to this in my signature so that I can update this when a game is won or if I notice a interesting part of a game like it being incredably human sided or if a team wins Night/Day 1.


Party Hard!


Quote from: SocialFox on December 08, 2012, 03:13:06 PMYour sarcasm is correct.
I may post a link to this in my signature so that I can update this when a game is won or if I notice a interesting part of a game like it being incredably human sided or if a team wins Night/Day 1.
At least it's good that somebody is keeping official-looking records. :P
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: SocialFox on December 08, 2012, 03:06:48 PMGames should be Wolf Sided because the humans are allowed a LOT more error.
Games should be just as they are, because the win ration for Wolves and Humans are about 1:1, actually.  Neither team should win more than the other.


Oh my God. My first game (Trick of the Trade) Is at the bottom...of PAGE 4. Have I been here for that many games? Gosh, it just seems as if it would never go past page 2...then again, I'm coming up on 11 months here on NSM...which is equally unbelievable, seeing how I only joined because I was getting over my bad breakup and I needed something to do xD (that's not a good reason, but I'm glad I joined anyway.)

I love this game so much, as it's introduced me to so many friends that I didn't know I had, and (here it comes, Shadowkirby) I don't know why I didn't join before. Everything I've experience on here, this site, has just become so comfortable, like an old coat, yet a coat that you wouldn't dare throw out for any reason (NSM, you're still relatively new for me ;)).

I'll be back again to play one day...and finish my post game. It's on my list of things to do...In fact, it should probably be above my story, buuuuutttttt.... ::) It'll get day. (I apologize)

NSM, TWG, NSMers...I love you all. Don't ever believe I don't.

/emotionalpost /nostalgia /reminiscing
Party Hard!

Waddle Bro

Planning on another version of FSM's "Survivor"(cuz I luv dat show) and "A Blast From the Past".
This post will be edited whenever I feel like it.

So here's a raw version of Blast.
TWG: A Blast From the Past

The Grand Team of Evil and Frivolous:
1. Agent of Mephistopheles - Master Wolf This player is allowed to make only one deal with the host in the entire game.
 - You cannot kill anybody; no insta-lynchings or additional wolfings.
 - You cannot violate the laws of time and space, no phase extensions or reductions.
 - You cannot resurrect anybody; I'm not in the saving business, death is permanent.
 - All deals revolve around fair trade; something must give for you to get.
 - I get to decide what is given up for you to get what you want, and you will be told the cost, but not who will pay it or how.
 - Once the deal is struck, it is final; you cannot back out of it for any reason.
 - You cannot ask for information regarding deals with other players.
 - If you want to make a deal, all you have to do is call me via PM:
"I, [insert name], wish for [the deal you wish to strike] to be executed in the following manner:
List the details."
I will reply:
"I, grandmaster of all things bad, agree to grant [name] the [deal you wish to make] in the following manner:
 At the cost of [to be determined]."
 - You cannot discuss any aspect of these deals with anybody. You cannot tell anybody that you've struck a deal, the nature of a deal, or question other players about deals they might've had.
2. Henry VIII - Wolf Painter - Can call for an immediate lynching of the player with the most votes, thereby ending the current day phase; one use only. If a KitB results, he can choose the player to be lynched. If no votes have been cast it functions like a KitB. People who haven't voted yet do not get a phantom counted against them.
3. Rival - Item Wolf This player will have the Pokemon team of the last wolf standing in "The Pokemon League". If the wolves win that game by two or more wolves standing, the team will be chosen by me.

The wolves don't know each other.

The Team of Legendary Heroes Throughout Time:
4. Master Swordsman, Magnus - Morph/Seer - During the day he will select a username (by PM) and effectively "become" that player for the course of the following night. (Ex/ If Magnus selects a wolf, he may vote for wolfings)
5. Chimecho - Tribute  During a Day Phase, this player can tribute(this player dies) him/herself by sending a PM to the host, to revive somebody dead permanently. One time use. This power doesn't supersede an insta.
6. Cyber Controller - Guardian Cannot guard self. Guards from wolfings. *
7. Werewolf Sonic - Survivor (During the day he will seer BLUE, but will seer RED at night due to his werewolf form (remains human throughout). His incredible endurance allows him to take any combination of 2 vigi's/wolfings before going down. When Sonic is wolfed/vigi'd the first time, it will be exclaimed that "Sonic has been wolfed/vigi'd! (1)." On the second kill, the player's name will be used normally, stating "Player X has been wolfed/vigid"). Werewolf Sonic knows who he is.
8. Prince of Breath - Nullifier - During the night phase, may blow away / nullify the ability of another player for the night phase and the following day phase.
9. Pokemon - Oracle Human - Has the option to "target" a player. He/She can change his/her target at any time, as many times as he/she wants. If he/she is lynched, the color of his/her targeted player is revealed to the thread.
10. Brutal Human - When lynched, chooses a Player that voted for him/her and kills him/her. *
11. Raiden who hisses - Miller - Doesn't know he's red. As long as Raiden who hisses is alive, there will be a hissing noise at the start of every Day Phase.

The Team of the Legendary Mastermind, Waluigi
12. Waluigi - His goal is to survive until the final two, and his victory overrides that of the humans or the wolves. He may choose what color he is seered every Night phase. He may be vigi'd, but is immune from wolfings. If he is lynched, he will automatically revive the next night phase and gain a vigi power.  This may only occur once.  Any future lynchings will result in PERMANENT DEATH 4EVER (even if Chimecho revives him, it will fail).  WALUIGI TIME occurs when everyone but Waluigi and one other person is alive.  Only Waluigi wins during Waluigi time. Waluigi can only win with Waluigi time.

*- Not sure if should I keep this role, waiting for a replacement/suggestion


Quote from: Waddle Bro on December 15, 2012, 09:00:22 AMPlanning on another version of FSM's "Survivor"(cuz I luv dat show) and "A Blast From the Past".
This post will be edited whenever I feel like it.

So here's a raw version of Blast.
TWG: A Blast From the Past

The Grand Team of Evil and Frivolous:
1. Agent of Mephistopheles - Master Wolf This player is allowed to make only one deal with the host in the entire game.
 - You cannot kill anybody; no insta-lynchings or additional wolfings.
 - You cannot violate the laws of time and space, no phase extensions or reductions.
 - You cannot resurrect anybody; I'm not in the saving business, death is permanent.
 - All deals revolve around fair trade; something must give for you to get.
 - I get to decide what is given up for you to get what you want, and you will be told the cost, but not who will pay it or how.
 - Once the deal is struck, it is final; you cannot back out of it for any reason.
 - You cannot ask for information regarding deals with other players.
 - If you want to make a deal, all you have to do is call me via PM:
"I, [insert name], wish for [the deal you wish to strike] to be executed in the following manner:
List the details."
I will reply:
"I, grandmaster of all things bad, agree to grant [name] the [deal you wish to make] in the following manner:
 At the cost of [to be determined]."
 - You cannot discuss any aspect of these deals with anybody. You cannot tell anybody that you've struck a deal, the nature of a deal, or question other players about deals they might've had.
2. Henry VIII - Wolf Painter - Can call for an immediate lynching of the player with the most votes, thereby ending the current day phase; one use only. If a KitB results, he can choose the player to be lynched. If no votes have been cast it functions like a KitB. People who haven't voted yet do not get a phantom counted against them.
3. Rival - Item Wolf This player will have the Pokemon team of the last wolf standing in "The Pokemon League". If the wolves win that game by two or more wolves standing, the team will be chosen by me.

The wolves don't know each other.

The Team of Legendary Heroes Throughout Time:
4. Master Swordsman, Magnus - Morph/Seer - During the day he will select a username (by PM) and effectively "become" that player for the course of the following night. (Ex/ If Magnus selects a wolf, he may vote for wolfings)
5. Chimecho - Tribute  During a Day Phase, this player can tribute(this player dies) him/herself by sending a PM to the host, to revive somebody dead permanently. One time use. This power doesn't supersede an insta.
6. Cyber Controller - Guardian Cannot guard self. Guards from wolfings. *
7. Werewolf Sonic - Survivor (During the day he will seer BLUE, but will seer RED at night due to his werewolf form (remains human throughout). His incredible endurance allows him to take any combination of 2 vigi's/wolfings before going down. When Sonic is wolfed/vigi'd the first time, it will be exclaimed that "Sonic has been wolfed/vigi'd! (1)." On the second kill, the player's name will be used normally, stating "Player X has been wolfed/vigid"). Werewolf Sonic knows who he is.
8. Prince of Breath - Nullifier - During the night phase, may blow away / nullify the ability of another player for the night phase and the following day phase.
9. Pokemon - Oracle Human - Has the option to "target" a player. He/She can change his/her target at any time, as many times as he/she wants. If he/she is lynched, the color of his/her targeted player is revealed to the thread.
10. Brutal Human - When lynched, chooses a Player that voted for him/her and kills him/her. *
11. Raiden who hisses - Miller - Doesn't know he's red. As long as Raiden who hisses is alive, there will be a hissing noise at the start of every Day Phase.

The Team of the Legendary Mastermind, Waluigi
12. Waluigi - His goal is to survive until the final two, and his victory overrides that of the humans or the wolves. He may choose what color he is seered every Night phase. He may be vigi'd, but is immune from wolfings. If he is lynched, he will automatically revive the next night phase and gain a vigi power.  This may only occur once.  Any future lynchings will result in PERMANENT DEATH 4EVER (even if Chimecho revives him, it will fail).  WALUIGI TIME occurs when everyone but Waluigi and one other person is alive.  Only Waluigi wins during Waluigi time. Waluigi can only win with Waluigi time.

*- Not sure if should I keep this role, waiting for a replacement/suggestion

Grand Team of Evil and Frivolous:
1. Agent of Mephistopheles - Master Wolf: With no normal seers, being seer'd green is useless. His power is pretty unpredictable. I think you'll have a very hard time making up a cost, because this game features a lot of specials, all which you'll have  to look at before being able to create a ballanced cost. Can become very powerful or not powerful at all.
2. Henry VIII - Wolf Painter: Painters are next to useless, because there's no normal seer (unless the agent or the rival obtain seer powers). I guess he can only call for immeadiate lynching once, which makes him kind of dead afterwards.
3. Rival - Item Wolf: I cannot really say if this guy is ballanced yet, as the current game is not finished. However, he'll be the exact opposite of Henry, because the Rival will have a total of 6 powers to chose from, which might make him a bit overpowered.
Total team: If the Rival ends up with a Grass starter, one of the wolves could easily sacrifice itself to unite the wolves and be revived later on. If wolves are united, the Rival has some strong powers and the Agent made a good deal, humans will lose very easily.

The Team of Legendary Heroes Throughout Time:
4. Master Swordsman, Magus - Morph/Seer: He will be very random in this game due to the high number of specials and the low number of extra kills. If he becomes Agent of Mephistopheles or Rival, he'll be very strong. Otherwise, not so much. His randomness makes it very hard to determine if he's ballanced.
5. Chimeco - Tribute: a reviver and a guardian seem a little bit to much together. Even though he will die upon reviving, he can easily unite the special humans (only with a lot of luck all special roles will be counterclaimed) and revive one once it goes down.
6. Cyber Controler - Guardian: I would combine this role and chimeco's into the Ã,me de Sol or Peach.
7. Werewolf Sonic - Survivor: Seering's don't really matter as I already explained. And this is yet another human that can prevend deaths. You're going to make this a very long game this way.
8. Prince of Breath - Nulifier: If humans are united, wolves are going to have a very hard time using their powers.
9. Pokémon - Oracle: The only player that has something to do with colors. First of all, I'd suggest that he does not know his role. Seccondly one color reveal is very weak in a game with such great powers. I don't think humans will really take the risk of lynching him, which means his power will probably never activate.
10. Brutal Human: I think it wouldn't hurt much if you add in Misha or Shizune from Disability Girls instead of this role.
11. Raiden who Hisses: Once again, a pretty useless role with next to no color seers.
Total Team: Just like the wolves, this team has a pretty big chance of overruling the other team due to the high number of specials and the great number of possibilities to protect a human from death. The game will probably be all about what team sets up an alliance first, and that team will win.

The Team of the Legendary Mastermind, Waluigi
12. Waluigi: Cannot be vigi'd, because there's no vigi. Will probably be lynched early in the game because he had to counterclaim a role, and be lynched again soon after. He will have a very low chance of winning the game. Especially because his vigi can easily be blocked.

I'm sorry if I'm a bit harsh on you.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game

Waddle Bro

First of all, thank you so much for creative feedback! I really appreciate it.
Like I said, this is under development.

1. This I don't see as a problem. I feel myself very capable of making a balanced deal. I personally can't wait to see this power to be used.
2. Painters truly are useless in this game. The effect is just so great that I decided to keep him. After one random safety has been made, this power happens and BOOM, it's Night again.
3. I wasn't planning on keeping the starter powers on him(but if I would, they would be the weak ones). I can't comment about this role more. I'll maybe replace it with Mr. Mutou.
4. Magnus is one of those roles I have to keep in this game, due to the fact it's such a great power what was never used.
5. Another keeper. I was planning on replacing one of the wolves with Mr. Mutou from Disability Girls.
6. Yeaaah, even though I adore Doctor Who, it would be too much. Also, I am trying to do it like to have one role from one game.
7. Seerings don't matter in this game, but I'm still keeping the effects, because I want to keep the roles as original as possible  I'll comment more on this after I'm done editing this game.
8. Mr. Mutou will solve this problem.
9. This is one of the weaker humans. I added him for some reason. idk
10. Maybe not, if I'm adding Mr. Mutou.
11. A game must have a miller imo :P
12. I'll make a few changes.

Thank you, davy.


And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber

