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Started by Nakah, July 29, 2008, 07:31:26 PM

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Quote from: spitllama on September 11, 2012, 05:36:49 PMMy PM inbox always feels so empty once a TWG ends :(
Just wait until you get to host.


Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


I came up with a game idea and was wondering what players thought of it.  The game has 15 players and is Mario-themed.


King Boo:  Wolf Shaman.  Has an extra coin.
Bowser with a sniper (Master Wolf Sniper): May snipe a person of his choice, who will immediately die in the middle of a day phase. Any powers that the sniped person might have used in between the time the PM is sent and I update are void. Suppresses Daisy's power. One-time use. Also seered green.
Bowser Jr. with a bomb strapped to his back:   Brutal wolf.  He has 0 coins and may choose his target after he dies.  May not be revived.



Luigi:  Seer
Mario: Loses his power to kill anyone but Waluigi, Daisy, and Donkey Kong after Night 2.  If he tries to kill someone after Night 2 other than those three roles, he will be arrested and burned at the stake.  That means he dies.
Peach (Guardian & Coroner): sees Wario and Waluigi as humans, only gets lynching death reports.  May not guard herself and may only guard during the night.
Daisy: Thinks she's a normal human. Will receive a PM upon death notifying her of her role. May choose to reveal the role of one person after she dies.  May not be revived.
Toadsworth:  He gives Wario an extra coin.  Thinks he's a normal human.
Yoshi:  Thinks he's a normal human.
Baby Mario:  Does not owe Wario any money.  Thinks he's a normal human.
Baby Luigi:  Does not owe Wario any money.  Thinks he's a normal human.
Toad:  Thinks he's a normal human.
Donkey Kong: Thinks he's a normal human. If lynched, will appear to be a normal human.



Wario: Third-party role. Wario's a really greedy guy, and everyone owes him money.  So he's not exactly happy that they're dead.  He is willing to go to any length to get his money.  Including bringing people back from the dead.  Unless otherwise stated, each person in the game has one coin.  Wario may FIENDISHLY SNEAK A PEEK at Peach's coroner reports, but it will cost him one coin for a REALLY CLEVER DISGUISE.  Wario wins if he collects four coins from the dead without reports or five coins with reports.  The game does not end if he wins, but in celebration of his MARVELOUS VICTORY he will kill Mario, Luigi, Peach, or Daisy. His revive will fail on the night the Waluigi rises from the grave.



Waluigi:  Third-party role.  His goal is to survive until the final two, and his victory overrides that of the humans or the wolves. He may choose what color he is seered every Night phase. He may be vigi'd, but is immune from wolfings. If he is lynched, he will automatically revive the next night phase and gain a vigi power.  This may only occur once.  Any future lynchings will result in PERMANENT DEATH 4EVER (even if Wario revives him, it will fail).  WALUIGI TIME occurs when everyone but Waluigi and one other person is alive.  Only Waluigi wins during Waluigi time.  Waluigi can only win with Waluigi time.


Looks great (I glanced over the roles). Do want to play after Uprising...
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


"WALUIGI TIME", f***ing genious!!! XD

But it still needs a clever name... And Bowser shouldn't have a sniper, replace it with a flamethrower! And replace the King Bob-Omb with Bowser Jr. and you've got my vote.


What about this Game

TWG: Horror Movie REDUX

Game notes: Death posts due to night deaths may now contain game information (but not votes). However, you may only make a death post with permission from the host, due to a mechanic from Freddy Kreuger.

1. Jason - Teams up with Normal Slasher to wolf. When Lynched, sends a PM to the host to instantly kill someone.
2. Normal Slasher - Teams up with Jason to wolf.
3. Indipendant Slasher - Knows he's a slasher, but doesn't know his teammates. Can vigi someone each night phase.

4. Crazy Ralph - Every night, he receives a list of 4 names, at least one of which must be a wolf.
5. Nurse - Guardian - If she guards a slasher, she dies instantly. Cannot guard Crazy Ralph.
6. Cheerleader - Selects one player to protect her. When she is attacked or lynched, that player is attacked or lynched in her place. Then it is announced to the thread that "PLAYERNAME, the cheerleader, has run upstairs!"
7. Psychic Dude - Can instantly end a phase by posting GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO in the thread. Phantoms caused by this do not count. Power can only be used once. Can bring one player back to life.
8. Human
9. Human
10. Human
11. Human
12. Human
13. Human
14. Human
15. Human
16. Human
17. Human

18. Freddy Kreuger - Traitor - Counts for the Human Side. Has the option to be charismatic each day phase. Has vigilante powers, which allow him to control the death post of his targets. Wins when he's the only player left.

All the Rest are Humans.


No offense, but I don't think you get 18 players to play that... :/



Yes, and Freddy should win if he's in the final two.



Wait, is Freddy a Human or independent? If independent then 1 wolf-1 independent(that counts as a human) shouldn't be wolves win.
But if the last phase is a Night Phase, or Jason just kills him immediately then the wolves win.



Traitor usually means a person who counts as a human for the wolves' winning conditions but wins if and only if the wolves win.  I don't know if Socialfox is using the word in the same way, but that's what it normally means.

If I'm reading Freddy's role right, it's nearly impossible for him to win.  The only way he could do so were if there was one human, one wolf, and Freddy left during a Night phase.  If it were a day phase and those three were left, then either:
1.  Freddy gets lynched and he loses
2.  Wolf gets lynched, humans win
3.  Human gets lynched, Wolves win

I think Freddy needs some retooling in order to give him a fair chance at winning.  Consider the fact that he has basically the same powers as the Independent Slasher.  The wolves have a legitimate chance at winning because there are three of them, they have two wolfings per night phase, and a brutal wolf.  Freddy is basically a one-man wolf team who has a charismatic power.


Maestro? Can I make a SuperTWG™? I have a history theme for it!