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'Tis Marching Season

Started by Gooch, July 27, 2008, 08:12:41 PM

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Our uniforms:

Note that this ISN'T me; it is from a while ago, because the new top has sequent thingies on it and it looks lol.  :'(

[Edit] We also don't have those gloves either.

[Edit] Cuff links, gloves, whatever. I don't know what it is, actually, we just don't have them.


hm.. that ain't that bad... although i never understood why all the schools had to wear the little bucket helmet- feather hat... oh and also... do your school's ever win at football? because my school sucks at it and the band has to keep playing and rooting for them and they haven't one a single game in like 2 years...
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<death09>my girlfriend broke up with me and sent me pix of her and her new boyfriend in bed
<death09>yeah. i sent them to her dad

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Yeah, my school even went to the nationals once. I was in like 4th Grade though.


I think i'll post a picture of our uniforms when we do our first competition (not sure if it'll be me in teh uniform).

Ok, so, a guy in our section got mad at our section leader and switched to a different instrument (talk about an angst). But, this is why he switched, its because when the guy started to goof off, and didn't expect nothign because our Section Leader was like HORRIBLE last year in his mannerisms, well, he asked him to please play the music right and be GOOD! well, he quit the Tenor Sax and went to Baritone (not bari saxophone, an actual Baritone)

So, yeah, yesterday we frustrated our guys who help with the band (i.e. everyone except the assitant band director and Randy Webb himself) to the poin that they left early they were so sick of us. Talk about a BAAD band day (what do they expect, first day of long practices). But today, we were like little angels (quote from one of my favorite helpers) and we got out a little early. Either we did really well or they're just buttering us up.... But we got a lot done and the Saxophone section has officially claimed most improved thus far, cuz for the first time in literally 10 years or so, we are GOOD if not the BEST section in our band (quote from Randy, in front of the whole band and us individually), So thats a major accomplishment for me!


jeese lol..... well my fdiend is getting alot of cool music but the trumpats apparently have bad parts so were both revising it.... so far thier playing black magic woman and sweet child o mine.,.. makes me wanna do band....=/
Conversation on Shoddy Battle:
<death09>my girlfriend broke up with me and sent me pix of her and her new boyfriend in bed
<death09>yeah. i sent them to her dad

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im not exactly a big fan of pre-set music (songs already out there such as Les Mis or Black Magic Woman) i love our custom show and didn't like last years show, Spartacus (surprise, surprise). But there are like 5 woodwind features that sound really cool, but not impossible to play..


Ok, so, you know how The Denzel has been gone all week, well, if i havent already said it, the band director came and told us he wouldn't be here because of car trouble. Well, he came back today and we asked him what was wrong with his car, and he said, "...What? There's nothing wrong with my baby, its been running just fine". So we explain everything and hes like, "Wtf, no, i've been living in an apartment in Richmond and got kicked out because i wasn't on my friends lease, so i've been lookin for a place to live". So, that was sorta funny and we never let that drop.
Also, if you've read my submission thread, i said that i had help from my band director on a piece, well, as it turns out (because he's a cheap bastard and only has notepad) he sent it to the ASSISTANT band director and lied and said that he did it (because the Asst. Band Director has like '08 or something, not sure). So, im like, "No wonder we call you Randy the Deciever" and i go to the Asst. Band director and ask him for whatever he has (he never told me) and he says, "No, i dont want to give it to you, nor do i want to tell you what i have". And i was truly shocked because he is truly a nice guy, and to say that, well, just wow. But, we got most of our Ballad on today, we only have like 15 more measures so that makes up about 5,6, or 7 sets, so it'll all be on tomorrow.


we have an 8 hour day tomorrow


I start band camp today at 9:00 AM


wow, late Band Camp. Randy is supposed to do cart wheels on thursday because we got all of our Ballad and Opener on before school. here's a video of him doing 2 last year, this year he's doing 3. Btw, the video is our state regionals show from last year. My section leader was right behind me and was pneumonia sick (and still marching) and projectile vomiting everywhere, hitting me once or twice. I HELD MY COMPOSURE AND WE DID BRILLIANT! too bad we didn't go to Finals. Randy's cartwheels were on youtube before, but i guess it got taken off. Take note of the of the the horrible woodwind runs in teh second piece, about halfway through when we go to our knees. The visuals were soo funny because they were put together RIGHT before regionals.

[EDIT:] I found the video of Randy doing cartwheels, here it 'tis


So, the cartwheels were yesterday and i quote Randy on what he said before doing them, "Guys, i really don't know what gets you all on watch old men humilate themselves". We got the Asst. Band Director to do the Cartwheels with him. I would upload the video, but my phone cant do it, but i shall find a way for it was pretty funny, they tried to finish the last cartwheel with a split. 'Twas funny. We also have our Parent Preview next Friday and i believe there to be our first Football game the friday after (yay, we get to spell stuff and get yelled at for it!). Show is going pretty well, so far at least. Our Band Camp incentive trip is to Kings Island this year (theme park in Ohio if you dont know) and that is coming up in the next Saturday or so. Marching Band is getting harder (school has made it so) and with my first project already assigned to me on the first day, i get the feeling i shall have no life until after least moreso than last year.


Yay, parent preview in 3 more days. Guess what that means? it means that we have to play through it and march it, play it standing still, and then play and march it again. Thats a lot of stuff we have to do and me being a sax am really too lazy to do it...sadly, 'tis a requirement. I think it sounds nice enough, tho. We started putting down sets for the third and final tune. YAY! too bad its marched at like 200 bpm and one of the woodwind features is in that and its going to be insane if not impossible (much like last years if you happened to watch the video i posted). Also, labor day parade coming up. And, as always, we will play "Brick House" while we march the parade then play what we have thus far for our show. how exciting that will be. Anyhoo, 'tis time i went to bed.


lucky u guys get to play brick house... the middle schools and high schools always play smoke on the water togother at some special football game or something like that.. which means i've played smoke on the water 3 times being in band for 3 years.... =/. and according to my friend it's the same thing in high school =/.
Conversation on Shoddy Battle:
<death09>my girlfriend broke up with me and sent me pix of her and her new boyfriend in bed
<death09>yeah. i sent them to her dad

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trust me, we never play anything but Brick House and the music that we play for it SUCKS. We're all sick of it and are hoping that the band director (being relatively new to the school) will change it.


Ok, i forgot to post this earlier. Our first competition was last Saturday. In the end we got 4th overall, but, heres my conundrum. First, our preliminary show sucked (so much so that our band director trashed the video the moment he got it) but we still got top of our class. Here's the kicker. Another county's closer is almost the exact same thing as our opener only in a different key and faster. They, coincidentally, got first place.