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Super Smash Bros. Update

Started by Latios212, November 29, 2018, 06:31:07 PM

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After a bit of discussion with the staff, trying something new!

With the release of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate just around the corner, we're planning an update for December 7th consisting of sheets from any official Super Smash Bros. game.

If you would like to contribute your arrangements, you can post them here. However, please note that this is not an arrangement project similar to the ones we've done in the past. Due to time constraints, sheets must be arranged and reviewed by December 7th in order to be included in the update, and we cannot guarantee that everything posted here will be uploaded to the site with the update.

We'll see how this one-week blitz goes and then evaluate if we want to do more updates like these, make changes in the process, or try something entirely different instead. Please bear with us for now~

As always, help reviewing is much appreciated. You can find files HERE for what is currently included.

Checked once

- Character Select (Replacement) -
- Dream Land (Replacement) - Latios212
- Peach's Castle - Static
- Saffron City (Replacement) - Latios212

- Big Blue (Replacement) - Zeila
- Capt. Falcon's Victory - Zeila
- Corneria (Replacement) - Bespinben
- DK's Victory (Replacement) - Zeila
- Final Destination (Replacement) - Bespinben
- Fire Emblem Team Victory (Edit replacement) - Zeila
- Fox's Victory (Edit replacement) - Zeila
- Ice Climbers' Victory - Yug Guy
- Kirby's Victory (Edit replacement) - Zeila
- Mario's Victory (Edit replacement) - Zeila
- Mother (Replacement) - Zeila & Latios212
- Mr. Game & Watch's Victory - Zeila
- Opening (Replacement) - Bespinben
- Pokémon Victory (Edit replacement) - Zeila
- Samus's Victory (Replacement) - Zeila
- Targets! (Replacement) - Th3Gavst3r
- Temple (Replacement) - Bespinben
- Tournament 1 - Th3Gavst3r
- Yoshi's Island - Th3Gavst3r
- Yoshi's Victory (Edit replacement) - Zeila
- Zelda Team Victory (Replacement) - Zeila

- Gritzy Desert - Static
- Home-Run Contest (Replacement) - Latios212
- Mario Circuit - Static
- Online Practice Stage (Replacement) - Th3Gavst3r
- Super Smash Bros. Brawl Main Theme - Tobbeh99

- Famicom Medley - Yug Guy
- Namco Arcade '80s Retro Medley 1 - Yug Guy

- Classic Mode: Defeat - Th3Gavst3r
- Gang-Plank Galleon - Yug Guy
- Main Theme (Piano) - Latios212 & Th3Gavst3r
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



I've added some arrangements. Some are very very old Melee replacements that never made it to the main site for whatever reason - better late than never.

Maelstrom will be evaluating the sheets in this thread.
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Quote from: Yug_Guy on March 25, 2015, 07:27:28 PMSuper Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U [MUL]
Famicom MedleyMUSMUSXMIDIPDFOriginal
Namco Arcade '80s Retro Medley 1MUSMUSXMIDIPDFOriginal

Super Smash Bros. Melee [GCN]
Ice Climbers' VictoryMUSMUSXMIDIPDFOriginal
Taken straight from my PA thread. I may or may not work on another special Smash Bros. arrangement before the 7th ;)


My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!


I've never really found interest in arranging Super Smash Bros. music, but I want to contribute at least a little for you guys, so here's what I came up with last night.

[N64] Super Smash Bros. - "Character Select" (Replacement)


Replacement for this golden oldie. That bass line sure is killer.
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music!'s Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread!'s Arrangements


Feedback!  This one week update thing should be interesting,  I think.

Well this is an odd little piece. 

-Why is there a box at the end of the url?
-I'd advise against having 1 and a half quavers of pick up.  I'd have this as one whole upbeat and just put a semiquaver rest at the start, it makes it easier to count in.

Quote from: on November 30, 2018, 07:44:38 PMThat bass line sure is killer.

Having spent a long time looking at in detail, it sure is.  There were a couple of moments where what I heard was different from what you've written, and so here's an image of what I can hear.  The places where mine differs are bars 1, 3 and 4 if I remember correctly.  Mostly it was rhythms/missing notes but there was one pitch change in the first of the three semiquavers in bar 3.  I admit that it's pretty hard to hear so if you've got any questions be sure to ask.

You cannot view this attachment.

The RH:  It could just me be going insane but I'm not hearing the notes on the top of the chords.  I'm also hearing the bottom line go Bb C D Bb, Bb C D C, Cb Db Eb Db, Cb Db Eb Db.  Maybe you've got some reason for the voicings that you've written, so clue me in if that's the case.


Looking at Famicom medley at the moment.  It's quite long so I'm probably going to do the feedback in two pieces if that's alright.

-Courtesy accidentals:  Sometimes you use them, sometimes you don't.  E.g. bar 10 you use them but in bar 4 you don't.  I'd do a check through to make them consistent.
-The arrangement is general is fairly easy to play, and then there's the left hand in bars 15-22.  On it's own the difficulty of that section isn't so much of a problem, but I just think it's a shame to have the rest of the piece be so accessible and then have this one really tricky bit.  There's also another accompaniment part that you could take instead that sounds far more doable.  If you'd still like to keep this part, maybe you put one or the other in an optional stave? (see Wah's Field of Hopes and Dreams if you're not sure what I mean.)  Let me know what you think.
-I fully expect to see a perfect transcription of bar 26.  I'm very disappointed.
-Brinstar is just a metric modulation rather than a tempo change, right?  As in, you should write crotchet = dotted crotchet rather than give a new tempo marking.
-I'd write the lower part in bar 52 as a separate voice since you're almost certainly going to want to perform that with the left hand.  Maybe even put a note saying to do so.  Also I'd consider moving the G -> Ab in both bars into the left hand as I think that'd be easier to read and to play.
-Is the double dotted minim in bar 63 really necessary?  I'd just use a dotted minim or a semibreve here.
-Collisions in bar 64.
-The beams are getting very close together in bar 79.

Good stuff guys, I'll be back later!



I've made some slight edits to your Ice Climber's Victory sheet and moved it to accepted.  I just changed it so that it shows a crotchet rest in the pick up in the right hand and changed the url to https.


Quote from: Libera on December 01, 2018, 12:43:46 PMYug_Guy

Namco Medley 1:

Before I get too into the notes, which look reasonably good as far as I've looked so far, there are some other things worth addressing.

-After slowing it down to check, bars 22-47 aren't actually swung.  (All of those rhythms are dotted quaver semiquaver, just like in bars 1-4.)  But it's definitely got that feel and the distinction is pretty much impossible at this tempo.  I just thought I'd mention it.
-In general I think everything needs more space.  I don't think we should be putting the titles in between the staves either.  I understand it saves space, but everything is very cramped at the moment.  Even if spacing things out comes at the cost of gaining a page, I think it's definitely worth it for readability.
-Careful of your spellings in bars 85-88.  Either choose Db major or C# major and stick to it.  Db major would mean way less accidentals (5 flats [and we already have two of them] compared to 7 sharps.)  If you do want to stick with C# major, you need to change all of your Bbs to A#s and Ebs to D#s.
-Bits of this piece are quite out of tune and I think it might have been throwing you off in places.  Bars 22-47 are about 20 cents flat.  The first note in the right hand in this section should be a D# rather than an E and the Bb major chords you've written in bars 34-37 are B major chords.
-Bars 65-68 I feel like playability is an issue, especially those four semiquaver triads.
-All of the crotchet rests in bars 69 + should be notated as two quaver rests like in bar 88.
-Careful with the placement of the 8va in bar 48.  I think when you have a go at the spacing this will probably fix itself though.  In fact in general I think when you fix the spacing a lot of the issues will probably magically disappear.
-Remember https.

I'll be back when you've had a mess around with it.


Gritzy Desert - Static
Looks great overall. I'd suggest decreasing the space between LH/RH staves and increasing space between systems - things get a bit too close to each other currently like the arranger into and top slurs in the last couple systems. If there's room after that I'd also suggest moving the mordent in m. 41 under the slur.
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Quote from: Libera on December 01, 2018, 12:43:46 PMI've made some slight edits to your Ice Climber's Victory sheet and moved it to accepted.  I just changed it so that it shows a crotchet rest in the pick up in the right hand and changed the url to https.
Thanks. fyi I haven't updated all of my arrangements pre-https, since they weren't getting uploading to NSM right away, so I figured I'd change them as I submitted them. This just kinda came out of the blue, so they haven't been changed yet.

Anyway, before I get to the feedback, I ended up shrinking the size of the staves & moving them around a bit, lmk if it needs adjusting

Quote from: Libera on December 01, 2018, 06:36:17 AM-The arrangement is general is fairly easy to play, and then there's the left hand in bars 15-22.  On it's own the difficulty of that section isn't so much of a problem, but I just think it's a shame to have the rest of the piece be so accessible and then have this one really tricky bit.  There's also another accompaniment part that you could take instead that sounds far more doable.  If you'd still like to keep this part, maybe you put one or the other in an optional stave? (see Wah's Field of Hopes and Dreams if you're not sure what I mean.)  Let me know what you think.
On one hand, I kinda agree with this. But on the other hand...

Quote from: Libera on December 01, 2018, 06:36:17 AM-I fully expect to see a perfect transcription of bar 26.  I'm very disappointed.
i totally didn't just copy+paste the transcription from THC's Fever arrangement hehe...

Quote from: Libera on December 01, 2018, 06:36:17 AM-I'd write the lower part in bar 52 as a separate voice since you're almost certainly going to want to perform that with the left hand.  Maybe even put a note saying to do so.  Also I'd consider moving the G -> Ab in both bars into the left hand as I think that'd be easier to read and to play.
Separated the voices in the right hand with a line leading from the lower voice to the left hand. I figure that the L.H. connotation is pretty easy to get, but it gives performers the option to do either.

Quote from: Libera on December 01, 2018, 06:36:17 AM-The beams are getting very close together in bar 79.
Did I fix it? I have no idea.

Quote from: Libera on December 01, 2018, 06:36:17 AM-Courtesy accidentals:  Sometimes you use them, sometimes you don't.  E.g. bar 10 you use them but in bar 4 you don't.  I'd do a check through to make them consistent.
-Brinstar is just a metric modulation rather than a tempo change, right?  As in, you should write crotchet = dotted crotchet rather than give a new tempo marking.
-Is the double dotted minim in bar 63 really necessary?  I'd just use a dotted minim or a semibreve here.
-Collisions in bar 64.

I'll probably get around to doing Namco Medley tomorrow. Probably.

The Deku Trombonist


Quote from: Yug_Guy on December 01, 2018, 10:48:52 PMI ended up shrinking the size of the staves & moving them around a bit, lmk if it needs adjusting
If you're going to do this, I'd just shrink the staff size rather than the whole page since now the track titles are very small.

Quote from: Yug_Guy on December 01, 2018, 10:48:52 PMOn one hand, I kinda agree with this. But on the other hand...
I guess all I can say is that I would have said the same thing had that been submitted while I was an updater.  If you really want to keep it that's fair enough; I'm just giving my opinion.

The other things look good, onto the rest of the feedback:

-I know it's what is on site, but I'd remove the staccatos in bar 26, especially on the super fast notes.
-I'd add staccatos on the crotchets in bar 34.
-Rhythm in left hand of bar 73, I'm hearing the second half of the bar the same as the first.
-Right hand of bar 61 I'm hearing the F tied to the dotted minim F.
-Left hand of bar 64 I'm hearing Ab Gn as the last two notes (so the bass goes up by a semitone into the next bar rather than staying on the same note.)
-Right hand bar 77 the bottom voice I'm hearing as Ab Eb Db Cn Db rather than Ab Eb Db Db Eb.
-Right hand bar 70 bottom voice I'm hearing the low Db as a Cb instead.  That stretch isn't really possible but you could put it up the octave.
-Right hand bars 27 and 29 bottom voice I'm hearing the first A as a Bb.
-Tempo change in bar 6 should be in bar 5.

I think that's it for notes.


Updated Famicom Medley & Namco Medley 1. Not gonna go through all of the feedback individually cause that'd take too long. Yes, I ended up enlarging the systems, at multiple updater's request.

Quote from: Libera on December 01, 2018, 06:36:17 AM-Why is there a box at the end of the url?

Not sure; sometimes the PDF export does that.

Quote from: Libera on December 01, 2018, 06:36:17 AM-I'd advise against having 1 and a half quavers of pick up.  I'd have this as one whole upbeat and just put a semiquaver rest at the start, it makes it easier to count in.

I was wondering about that, but tried it just to see if it was legal.

Quote from: Libera on December 01, 2018, 06:36:17 AMHaving spent a long time looking at in detail, it sure is.  There were a couple of moments where what I heard was different from what you've written, and so here's an image of what I can hear.  The places where mine differs are bars 1, 3 and 4 if I remember correctly.  Mostly it was rhythms/missing notes but there was one pitch change in the first of the three semiquavers in bar 3.  I admit that it's pretty hard to hear so if you've got any questions be sure to ask.

You cannot view this attachment.

In m. 2, I thought I was hearing drum notes, but took another listen and decided they were there. And in other cases, the changes you made matched up a little with the second half, so it made sense.

Quote from: Libera on December 01, 2018, 06:36:17 AMThe RH:  It could just me be going insane but I'm not hearing the notes on the top of the chords.

I hear them here and in the official SSB4 remix.

Quote from: Libera on December 01, 2018, 06:36:17 AMI'm also hearing the bottom line go Bb C D Bb, Bb C D C, Cb Db Eb Db, Cb Db Eb Db.  Maybe you've got some reason for the voicings that you've written, so clue me in if that's the case.

If neither of us are sure, I suggest it'd be better to have someone else check those chords. They were ugly for me to try to listen to.

Files updated in the Dropbox folder for now.
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music!'s Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread!'s Arrangements


More Stuff for Levi's Character Select

- The bassline is a little bit different (see the file below); I noticed this when I listened to the track an octave up.
- Unlike in m5-7, the top notes in m1-3 are the same 2 notes (Bb and A).
- The track is in a minor key, so m1-4 should be C minor and m5-8 should be C# minor.

I was making these changes as I was checking, so here's the updated file.