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TWG CXI: How Do I Title This Game Without Offending Anyone

Started by davy, November 08, 2018, 12:01:41 AM

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If BDS and Olimar were fascist allies BDS could have claimed that he got 3 fascist policies. That would make Olimar null and BDS slightly suspicious. Instead they're both under suspicion.

I mean, they COULD both be fascists, but I find that highly unlikely.
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


But we're operating under the assumption that one of them is a fascist


I would say that exactly one of them is fascist. And neither is Hitler.
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


If neither is Hitler then I think bds is the fascist.  It makes much more sense for fascist olimar to be Hitler than a regular fascist, though I admit I haven't given much thought as to the presence of hitler.  I'm mostly just playing like there's 3 fascists.


Hitler's job is to not get killed. Bottom line. BDS painted a huge target on his own head if he was Hitler. Same goes for Olimar. Hence why I think that neither is Hitler.

Why do you think that BDS is more likely fascist than Olimar?
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


Because olimar had the dumbtell a while ago.  It felt fake, sure, but that doesn't mean it was fake for sure.  It's kind of confirmation biasy.
I'll admit I still haven't read the rules all the way so maybe I'm missing something.  But I think my towncircle is correct.  Just need to figure out the whole bds/olimar thing.


Quote from: Brawler4Ever on November 26, 2018, 08:58:05 PMWhy do you think that BDS is more likely fascist than Olimar?
Because he's a fascist with Olimar and he's not good at hiding it.

Basically this whole game so far is just Olimar and Noc bungling things by trying to act not suspicious (and distancing themselves from each other) and failing.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

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Forgot about this. How about brainy like brawler said?

Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on November 26, 2018, 11:50:35 PMBasically this whole game so far is just Olimar and Noc bungling things by trying to act not suspicious (and distancing themselves from each other) and failing.

What game have you been playing lol. What a clearly wolf thing to try to say.
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TWG CXI: How Do I Title This Game Without Offending Anyone?
7 players

This is not quite a werewolf game, but a similar secret identity game. As such, there will be no wolfings and lynchings

1 Hitler
2 Fascists

Fascists know each other and who Hitler is. Hitler does not know who the Fascists are

4 Liberals

Rather than day and night phases, this game has a Nomination Phase (24 hours), an Election Phase (48 hours), a Legislation Phase (48 hours) and an Executive Action Phase (24 hours). Phases will end early if all actions during that phase have been executed.

There is also a deck of 17 policy cards, consisting of 6 Liberal Policies and 11 Fascist Policies, which is randomnized. Enacting a certain number of these policies is one of the win conditions in this game.

At the start of the game, a random player becomes the Presidential Candidate. It is publicly revealed who is the Presidential Candidate

Nomination Phase

At the start of the Nomination Phase (except the first one) the player following the previous Presidential Candidate on the player list becomes Presidential Candidate

During the Nomination Phase the Presidential Candidate nominates a Chancelor Candidate by bolding that player's name in the topic.

The Presidential Candidate cannot nominate himself. He can also not nominate the current President or the current Chancelor

Afterwards, the game continues to the Election phase

Election Phase

During the Election Phase, all players, including the candidates, state wether they want these candidates to be the next government, by voting yes or no. This vote can be placed either in a PM or in the topic, but at the end of the phase, everyones vote is revealed publicly. Insta's do not apply, and votes cannot be changed.

If the majority votes yes, the Presidential Candidate becomes the President and the Chancelor Candidate becomes the Chancelor. The govenments failed counter resets to 0. The game then moves on to the Legislation Phase.

If the majority votes no or if there is a tie, no new government is elected, and the government failed counter goes up by 1. If the government failed counter reaches 3, it resets to 0, the President and the Chancelor lose their titles, and the top card of the policy deck is enacted. If a Fascist Policy is enacted, no power is given to the President, and the game does not move on to the Executive Action Phase. Regardless of the current goverment failed counter, the game moves on to the Nomination Phase (Legislation Phase and Executive Action Phase are skipped).

Legislation Phase

During the Legislation Phase, neither the President nor the Chancelor are allowed to communicate with other players. This means they cannot post in the Topic (except for vetoing), cannot send PM's (except to the host) and cannot participate in the discord server .

At the start of the Legislation phase, the President is dealt the top 3 cards of the Policy deck by PM from the Host.

Within the first 24 hours of the Legislation Phase, the President discards one of these Policies face-down (by PM'ing the host).

The host then sends the remaining two policies to the Chancelor by PM.

The Chancelor then discards another one of the Policies face-down (by PM'ing the host). If the Chancelor has veto power, he may also bold in the topic: I wish to veto these policies. If the President then PM's the host saying that he agrees to the veto, both policies are discarded and no policies are enacted.

At the end of the phase, the host publicly reveals which policy wasn't discarded and that policy is enacted. If a Fascist Policy is enacted (except for the first one), the game moves on to the Executive Action Phase. Otherwise, that phase is skipped and the game moves on to the next Nomination Phase.

Executive Action Phase

During the Executive Action Phase, the President gains a power that he can use during this phase by bolding the name of the target in the topic. The kind of power depends on the number of Fascist Policies enacted.

1 Fascist Policy: Nothing
2 Fascist Policies: Seer (cannot be the player that was seered before)
3 Fascist Policies: Special Election*
4 Fascist Policies: Vigi
5 Fascist Policies: Vigi. Also, the Chancelor permanently gains veto power

*Special Election means that the President choses the next Presidential Candidate rather than it being random. This Presidential Candidate can nominate anyone but himself as Chancelor Candidate, even the President or the Chancelor. The Presidential Candidate thereafter is the player following the President that gained the Special Election power.

There are no cardflips in this game.
If at any point there are less than three cards in the policy deck, those cards are shuffled together with the discarded policies to form the new policy deck.

Win Conditions

Liberals win by enacting 5 Liberal Policies, or by killing Hitler.
Fascists and Hitler win by enacting 6 Fascist Policies or when Hitler becomes Chancelor and at least 3 Fascist Policies have been enacted.

1. BlackDragonSlayer
2. Brawler4Ever President
3. Olimar12345 Presidential Candidate
4. mikey
5. Nana1Popo2 Chancelor
6. ShyYoshiGuy
7. BrainyLucario Chancelor Candidate

Failed Governments: 0

Liberal Policies enacted: 2
Fascist Policies enacted: 2

Policies left in deck: 5

BrainyLucario has been elected Chancelor Candidate. It's now Election Phase 5. Election Phase 5 ends at latest November 29th 5:00AM PST, 6:00AM MST,  8:00AM CST, 9:00AM EST, 3:00PM CET
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game



Just messaged davy. Turns out there's nothing stopping the fascists from messaging Hitler. That was my main argument against n1 being Hitler and BDS being fascist. So n1's "I have nothing to hide" comment has absolutely no merit if he knew that BDS was also fascist. In normal Secret Hitler, Hitler doesn't know who the fascists are. I assumed that there was something in place to keep that the same. But there's not. So it's all still very much up in the air for me. I want to see what happens with Olimar/Brainy.
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


What is the current liberal/fascist policy ratio left?
I know theyre all going to get reset after this round, but wouldnt it be more beneficial to wait until next time to check Brainy's decisions? I don't contribute much because it's hard to figure out what to say without sounding like I haven't paid attention.. haha.

I'm still very much liberal *shrug* I'm still trying to figure out the BDS/mikey/olimar trio atm, as well. Most likely the same as you lot.
Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Band Fraternity; ASU Alumnus '16; DCP '16


If 1 more fascist policy is passed, the game could end at any moment. So now is the proper time to test them because we don't risk losing the game.

It's difficult to tell the ratio because so many people could be lying. At this point, we can guarantee that at least 2 liberal policies have been used: one by me/n1, and one by Shy/Olimar. Shy claims to have discarded 2 more liberal cards, and BDS claims that another was discarded. So if they are both telling the truth, that makes 5 total liberal policies have been used up. But maybe Brainy was lying when he said that he drew 3 fascist policies; maybe he discarded a liberal policy and handed down 2 fascist policies. Or maybe Shy was lying about drawing 3 liberal policies, and instead received 2 liberal policies and 1 fascist policy. We know that at least 2 were handed down since both Olimar and Shy said so (or maybe they're fascist partners and they both lied about that second liberal policy). I like to overthink things.

tl;dr We believe that at LEAST 4 liberal policies have been used up: 3 from Shy/Olimar, 1 from me/n1. BDS's liberal policy is under suspicion.

If BDS is telling the truth, then there are 1/5 liberal policies. If he's lying, then there's 2/5. If Brainy was lying, then we can subtract 1 from each value. If Shy was lying, then we can add 1 to each value.
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!




tl;dr (again) We started with 6 liberal policies. We most likely have 1 or 2 remaining.
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


If we just keep the elections between you, me, and n1p2, would there be any downsides to that?  It's not like resistance where we have to get the wolf team exactly right.