10 Posters Hurt and Heal!

Started by Nakah, July 23, 2008, 07:44:22 PM

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you know zeldafan is a girl too and so is makar o_O

1. Gooch - 17
2. DaveyTheRebel - 13
3. Brawler4Ever - 13
4. master_gamer38 - 11
5. The-Real-Link - 16
6. ZeldaFan - 15
7. Starpikachu - 14
8. MetroidHunter26 - 15
9. Nintendude73 - 15
10. Mike - 8


The first hast struceth meh.

1. Gooch - 17
2. DaveyTheRebel - 14
3. Brawler4Ever - 13
4. master_gamer38 - 9
5. The-Real-Link - 16
6. ZeldaFan - 15
7. Starpikachu - 14
8. MetroidHunter26 - 15
9. Nintendude73 - 15
10. Mike - 8


1. Gooch - 17
2. DaveyTheRebel - 14
3. Brawler4Ever - 13
4. master_gamer38 - 9
5. The-Real-Link - 16
6. ZeldaFan - 15
7. Starpikachu - 14
8. MetroidHunter26 - 16
9. Nintendude73 - 13
10. Mike - 8
Avid user of NFNet IRC network.


1. Gooch - 18
2. DaveyTheRebel - 14
3. Brawler4Ever - 13
4. master_gamer38 - 9
5. The-Real-Link - 16
6. ZeldaFan - 15
7. Starpikachu - 14
8. MetroidHunter26 - 16
9. Nintendude73 - 13
10. Mike - 6


1. Gooch - 18
2. DaveyTheRebel - 14
3. Brawler4Ever - 13
4. master_gamer38 - 9
5. The-Real-Link - 17
6. ZeldaFan - 15
7. Starpikachu - 14
8. MetroidHunter26 - 16
9. Nintendude73 - 13
10. Mike - 4


1. Gooch - 18
2. DaveyTheRebel - 15
3. Brawler4Ever - 13
4. master_gamer38 - 9
5. The-Real-Link - 17
6. ZeldaFan - 15
7. Starpikachu - 14
8. MetroidHunter26 - 16
9. Nintendude73 - 11
10. Mike - 4
92% of teens have moved on to rap. If you are part of the 8% that still listen to real music, copy and paste this into your signature.


So Nakah can we vote every new day or every 24 hours? Because in the original post you said one per day and then a few pages ago you said every 24 hours. If anyone's confused, for example, I voted at 11 pm my time, and it is now 1 am my time. It is a new day, but it hasnt been 24 hours since my last post.

Also, there have been a few errors so far:

Gooch, in your first post you said Brawler4ever had 15 points, when Hugo had hurt him down to 13 the previous post.
Blueflamedude, you healed Metroidhunter yet you didn't increase his score.

Real score is:

1. Gooch - 18
2. DaveyTheRebel - 15
3. Brawler4Ever - 11
4. master_gamer38 - 9
5. The-Real-Link - 17
6. ZeldaFan - 15
7. Starpikachu - 14
8. MetroidHunter26 - 17
9. Nintendude73 - 11
10. Mike - 4


1. Gooch - 18
2. DaveyTheRebel - 16
3. Brawler4Ever - 11
4. master_gamer38 - 9
5. The-Real-Link - 17
6. ZeldaFan - 15
7. Starpikachu - 14
8. MetroidHunter26 - 17
9. Nintendude73 - 11
10. Mike - 2

Only the strongest survive. Mike, time to go. (Not that you probably care about this anyway).


1. Gooch - 18
2. DaveyTheRebel - 16
3. Brawler4Ever - 12
4. master_gamer38 - 9
5. The-Real-Link - 17
6. ZeldaFan - 15
7. Starpikachu - 14
8. MetroidHunter26 - 17
9. Nintendude73 - 11
10. Mike - 0 You daid, mister.


1. Gooch - 19
2. DaveyTheRebel - 16
3. Brawler4Ever - 12
4. master_gamer38 - 9
5. The-Real-Link - 17
6. ZeldaFan - 15
7. Starpikachu - 14
8. MetroidHunter26 - 17
9. Nintendude73 - 9

sorry for failing at math...


1. Gooch - 19
2. DaveyTheRebel - 16
3. Brawler4Ever - 10 - For messing up the PBM
4. master_gamer38 - 9
5. The-Real-Link - 17
6. ZeldaFan - 16 - Yay Zelda/Link Fans
7. Starpikachu - 14
8. MetroidHunter26 - 17
9. Nintendude73 - 9


1. Gooch - 19
2. DaveyTheRebel - 16
3. Brawler4Ever - 10
4. master_gamer38 - 9
5. The-Real-Link - 17
6. ZeldaFan - 16
7. Starpikachu - 14
8. MetroidHunter26 - 18
9. Nintendude73 - 7

Gooch: I messed up too. As you would say, 'tis okay.


YAY! we're failures togother, for that 'tis okay to fail with one another.
Well, i WAS going to post my next score, but i failed to realize that its only 10:30. Sadly, it shall have to wait for the morrow to come...


1. Gooch - 19
2. DaveyTheRebel - 16
3. Brawler4Ever - 11
4. master_gamer38 - 7 (in bad forign accent) yu netx botch!!!
5. The-Real-Link - 17
6. ZeldaFan - 16
7. Starpikachu - 14
8. MetroidHunter26 - 18
9. Nintendude73 - 7
failures unite!!!
92% of teens have moved on to rap. If you are part of the 8% that still listen to real music, copy and paste this into your signature.


. Gooch - 19
2. DaveyTheRebel - 16
3. Brawler4Ever - 11
4. master_gamer38 - 5
5. The-Real-Link - 17
6. ZeldaFan - 17
7. Starpikachu - 14
8. MetroidHunter26 - 18
9. Nintendude73 - 7