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TWG CIX: Shattered

Started by BrainyLucario, July 21, 2018, 04:10:55 PM

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I've compiled a list of night 1 wolfing targets over the last 15 or so games where I'm not a wolf.

#108: nobody (night 2 wolfing was THC)
#106: Toby
#105: Olimar (after a D1 phase)
#104: Dudeman
#103: mikey
#101: TWG Link (tras andblueflower)
#100: lkjh
#99: FireArrow
#96: lkjh (after a D1 phase)
#95: davy

I don't know lkjh as I've never played with them, but I do feel like many of these players targeted are the more active and experienced players like I was saying. Of course, there's more to the wolfings than just picking the experienced players. I know for a fact that mikey was wolfed in #103 specifically because he had found the identity of at least one wolf. I do think that there's merit in my idea, but not to the extent that I would push for a lynch as a result.
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!

Spiritual Mask Salesman

Yeah I'd say it's unlikely that the wolves wouldn't attempt a nightkill. Then again, the game is small enough for for a no kill to be ok for them, and frankly, the town is stacked. But that also makes it crucial for them to want to attempt a nightkill. So it depwnds on which we'll lean more into, I think they probably did try a nightkill but hit Jasper.


Quote from: Toby on July 24, 2018, 05:14:20 AMYes just vote with bold tags and a name

No kill is highly unlikely. Jasper being the target is most likely

I don't like brawler's idea where the wolves are between mikey/bds/haku/myself, the kill could be completely random, it is night 1 after all. And I've done pretty much nothing so far, and it's been night 1 so I don't know why I was getting shade in chat for that lmao.

Brawler is actually a possible wolf, he likes to stay quiet as wolf and make large posts here and then. Him wanting to also throw interest towards mikey:bds:haku/myself would make sense especially if the night kill hit jasper at random.

Bds looks odd to me for throwing shade at me so early when I've done like nothing, and I haven't seen any reasoning as to why

I agree with you about bds, but I think this could be human brawler, I've just never seen him be human before, I think
His reaching to determine jasper could be contrived but it could also be from lack of any other info. I think if he was a wolf he'd be doing more tbh, or at least looking at other things
He's mostly fixated on trying to figure out who jasper is





Something I want to highlight is how aggressive bds was in requesting haku release that log
I'm not sure why haku brought it up, but I don't think it makes sense to go aggro over the chat log there

I think bds has mostly been spending his time trying to put shade on players


something I want to say

Mikey is openly or hunting. He pr hunted haku and used haku being a suspected special (in his opinion) as a reason for not mikey not being a wolf, as mikey said that if he was a wolf, he would have wolfed haku. Mikey also used haku being his friend as a reason for not wolfing him night 1.

1. I don't like humans pr hunting. You have no reason to do so unless you are a guardian, and a guardian would have the sense to not be openly doing it as to give away their own role. Mikey doing it so openly limits helps the wolves limit down which targets to go after. It's also something I believe should not be in a humans best interest.

2. I don't like all the excuses for why haku wouldn't have been mikey's wolfing targe, as if that justifies why mikey isn't a wolf. I feel he has put too much thought into defending the sight suggestion that haku could be jasper and mikey could be wolf, so mikey wolfed haku. It all just comes across as odd to me.

Something we do know is that the wolves likely know who jasper is. This is dangerous for us as the wolves could potentially alliance with jasper. Jasper unlike most third parties doesn't have a night kill and cannot be wolfed. They could ally with the wolves and work to strongly control the lynch.


I am not openly pr hunting
Fake news


I'm going to vote for BDS for now


Quote from: Toby on July 24, 2018, 05:14:20 AMBds looks odd to me for throwing shade at me so early when I've done like nothing, and I haven't seen any reasoning as to why
"no reasoning"

i'm pretty sure i said it was because of the idea of an inactivity no kill
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: mikey on July 24, 2018, 09:00:50 PMI'm going to vote for BDS for now
Also, question time:
Do you disagree with any of my reasoning thus far, and if so, why?
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Right now mikey is the main person on my radar. This is what I've found on the subject of him pr hunting from what Toby was talking about (no particular order):

MikeyYesterday at 11:14 PM
I mean, I personally do because I think he's a role
But it seems nobody else felt that

HakuToday at 1:24 AM
noc thinks im a pr for some reason, noc thinks im town, brawler/BDS thinks im jasper.
that's about it ?

NocturneOfShadow - Today at 1:30 AM
I wish it was bigger than that
But nsm hates vigis
So I've decided you're a pr
Not a wolf

His attacks on THC and BDS have also seemed wolfy to me. I agree that THC was acting weird when pressured, and I didn't want to interfere with mikey's reaction tests. It's something that I'll look for in the future. I don't see BDS as wolfy. The case against him that mikey presented was that BDS was overzealous in asking for the logs. Again, I don't see how that's wolfy.

rattatta, what is your case against BDS?
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on July 24, 2018, 11:10:05 PMAlso, question time:
Do you disagree with any of my reasoning thus far, and if so, why?
I don't think you've said anything with any amount of reasoning tbh

there may be stuff in the discord I missed but like, your thread presence is minimal with mostly pointless words, if that's what you wanna call spitballing
I do remember in the discord you gently calling things out and moving on, gives the impression that you're hoping someone else will pick up on something and if it turns out bad you're not culpable

you're not really presenting anything or even trying to/giving the appearance, right now your play just looks sloppy more than anything

Quote from: Brawler4Ever on July 24, 2018, 11:13:12 PMRight now mikey is the main person on my radar. This is what I've found on the subject of him pr hunting from what Toby was talking about (no particular order):

MikeyYesterday at 11:14 PM
I mean, I personally do because I think he's a role
But it seems nobody else felt that

HakuToday at 1:24 AM
noc thinks im a pr for some reason, noc thinks im town, brawler/BDS thinks im jasper.
that's about it ?

NocturneOfShadow - Today at 1:30 AM
I wish it was bigger than that
But nsm hates vigis
So I've decided you're a pr
Not a wolf

His attacks on THC and BDS have also seemed wolfy to me. I agree that THC was acting weird when pressured, and I didn't want to interfere with mikey's reaction tests. It's something that I'll look for in the future. I don't see BDS as wolfy. The case against him that mikey presented was that BDS was overzealous in asking for the logs. Again, I don't see how that's wolfy.
we already established that was because haku shared the private log, otherwise I wouldn't keep saying it.  It doesn't really make sense for me to go to haku with this suspicion when I'm a wolf lol, cause it means I thought he was a PR last night and for some reason decided to hit someone else who was jasper
your thought process seems a little all over the place rn, you might want to double check where you're at on everyone and do some world building, because wolf me doesn't really reconcile my behavior with what's happened so far

for what it's worth, I think you're a bit more consistent as a wolf and tend to attempt to pocket town, so I do have a town read on you barring the unfortunate fact that I don't recall you having any human games in your recent arsenal.