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TWG CVIII: Dude-Man and the Masters of NinSheetMusic Postgame

Started by BlackDragonSlayer, July 11, 2018, 03:59:01 PM

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Role Reveal:

1. King Sammetor: AwesomeYears
2. Evil-Bot: mikey

3. Dude-Man: Toby
4. Olimar-At-Arms: ThatHiddenCharacter
5. Tob-Orko: Nana1Popo2
6. Arranger: antherid
7. Arranger: BrainyLucario
8. Arranger: Olimar12345

Actions List:
Night 1:
Toby: Seer Mikey.
Mikey: Roleblock antherid.
AwesomeYears: Forgo seering. No wolfing.
THC: Guard Mikey.

Day 1:
Mikey insta'd.

Night 2:
THC: Guard Toby.
AwesomeYears: Forgo seering. Wolf THC.
Toby: antherid AwesomeYears

Day 2:
Toby: Brainy Unvote Brainy
AY: Brainy
antherid: Olimar
Brainy: Brainy Unvote Olimar
Olimar: Brainy
Nana1Popop2: Brainy

Night 3:
AwesomeYears: Forgo seering. Wolf Toby.
Toby: Seer Olimar.

Day 3:
No lynch.

Night 4:
AwesomeYears: Forgo seering. Wolf Antherid.

Day 4:
AwesomeYears: Olimar
Olimar: AwesomeYears
N1P2: AwesomeYears

Final Story:


Player Analysis:


Game Comments/Analysis:

And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


N2 I seered awesome not antherid lol

Decent game. Was pretty quiet. Good job realising awesome was the wolf in the end, no wolf rush pretty much confirmed that.

I wanna see wolf logs of discussing a no kill lol


toby workshopped the awesome seering with me, i dunno if he was talking to other people about it too. i just thought it had highest potential upside for him to be blue since it seemed like he'd be hardest to read through anything he'd done in the game

thc called him a wolf early though so he was just right anyway

also i meant to snag a post before i died but deadline slipped my mind oops


Thats was a clean game which is kind of rare on nsm so was really fun to watch.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Wolf chat was pretty quiet because tone zones but it went like

"I think Toby is the guardian, so we should kill him. Or we can no kill which swings parity in our favor and maybe baits out the guardian but I'll let you make decisions"


Fun game. I'll be sure to be more active in the next one
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.