TWG CVIII: Dude-Man and the Masters of NinSheetMusic

Started by BlackDragonSlayer, June 30, 2018, 07:19:24 PM

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brainy posted a log that seems like he wouldn't be a wolf with mikey. not without having to fake some stuff and be intentionally in the dark

notably this bit:
QuoteNocturneOfShadow - Last Tuesday at 8:27 PM
since I can't confirm you're a human I can't tell you the whole story
but basically we're very far ahead right now if the seer is able to claim to me
Pearl - Last Tuesday at 8:27 PM
I'd be concerned if you did
NocturneOfShadow - Last Tuesday at 8:28 PM
oh believe me, I want to, because my plan is amazing
but it's just too risky if it fails
Pearl - Last Tuesday at 8:28 PM
Mhm mhm
Good luck

so i'm rethinking wanting to vote him/wanting votes on him


Toby: Brainy Unvote
AY: Brainy
antherid: Olimar
Brainy: Brainy Unvote Olimar

Olimar: 2
Brainy: 1
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber



Quote from: BrainyLucario on July 06, 2018, 01:47:34 PMin fact, I'm gong to vote for the person i honestly think is the wolf. Olimar12345

You're pushing me way too hard buddy

There are two problems here. 1. You have yet to post anything substantial as to your suspicions of me. Yes, by process of elimination I have about the same odds of being a wolf as you do, but if you're going to use that as part of your argument then you're contradicting your post complaining to Toby for doing literally the exact same thing. If you're "going off of a feeling," then I urge you to use said feeling to create some actual case against me.

2. I have barely pushed you at all. I have posted one comment where I said that a couple things you did seemed wolfy, then merely said I was leaning your way on a lynch (I didn't even place an actual vote lol). Then, in an attempt to stop you from potentially screwing one team over, told you not to vote for yourself. If you would like to read an example of what pushing for a lynch actually looks like, reread day 1 where Toby was pushing for a lynch on mikey.

Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Brainy, as per my previous suspicion (or lack of other strong suspicions).
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Band Fraternity; ASU Alumnus '16; DCP '16


Toby: Brainy Unvote Brainy
AY: Brainy
antherid: Olimar
Brainy: Brainy Unvote Olimar
Olimar: Brainy
Nana1Popop2: Brainy

that was technically an insta

update in a moment
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


TWG CVIII: Dude-Man and the Masters of NinSheetMusic

One day, Dudeman found a magic sword just lying around on the ground. He decided to pick it up and hold it up high for everyone to see his new sword. Coincidentally, at the same time he just felt like shouting out the words "BY THE POWER OF NINTENDO!" Doing this triggered a marvelous transformation in Dudeman. He grew a couple inches taller, got a little more muscular, and also felt a lot colder because most of his clothes vanished for some reason. He also got some fabulous secret powers to go along with his new form... he became... DUDE-MAN, THE PROTECTOR OF NINSHEETMUSIC. Among his enemies include the evil King Sammetor, whose sole wish is to pry open the glorious bastion of NSM Forums and seize its power for himself, and his minions. The only people aware of his secret identity as Dude-Man are Olimar-At-Arms and Tob-orko, but Tob-orko hit his head pretty hard this morning getting out of bed and doesn't even remember who he is right now.

1. King Sammetor: Wolf Shaman. Can choose to forgo this power each night in order to be seered green for that night only.
2. Evil-Bot: Using their evil powers of magic and spamming, they can attempt to roleblock a player each night, preventing any actions they have from going through.

3. Dude-Man: Each night, he can use his magic sword to find out the color of one player. What? You thought he was going to kill people with it? This is a children's show!
4. Olimar-At-Arms: Each night, he can utilize his mastery of weapons to protect one player other than himself. Still no killing, sorry. Cannot protect the same player twice in a row.
5. Tob-orko: Herring, is told they're an arranger.
6. Arranger
7. Arranger
8. Arranger


1. mikey
2. Toby
3. AwesomeYears
4. Olimar12345
5. ThatHiddenCharacter
6. BrainyLucario
7. Nana1Popo2
8. antherid


INSTAAAAAAAAAAAA! Brainy was lynched! He was green!!

It is now Night 3. Night 3 ends in one day, on Saturday, July 7 at 7:00 PM Pacific Time (10:00 PM Eastern Time).
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!



basically my lynch priorities would be olimar. His tone rubs me the wrong way. His long post seemed to have a lot of faked positivity, especially the comment on 'would have done more to help mikey... discord pms would blow up' seemed very fake including the excessive emojis (xD) and just the way it was phrased to me seemed like actually visiting the topic was an option to them, they werent completely unable to, and that could sort of hint towards them avoiding the topic. The whole timing with them being away during the whole mikey incident is really awkward. and im sure olimar actually made at least 3 posts after wards expressing how he missed most of the day/wasn't caught up. This is a bit excessive to me and as if he is trying to force a point across that he was apparently unavailable when it came to lynching mikey. his recent posts as well read to me as if he is trying to fake an emotion of 'feels bad brainy was bad'. Posting not only in topic about 'feeling bad town is bad' but also in discord.

then n1p2. They are casting too much shade and not enough light, mostly searching for wolf reads and not town reads. Also their comment on me being Olimar's partner just because i somewhat defended his vote against thc seemed way too straight up read without actually too much though put into it, and compared to what their other posts have shown, I believe they are able to think more logically than how they did when they wanted to cast shade on me. However, a lot of their posts seem to be them spilling out any thoughts they have at the moment, this is a very nice human trait, being careless with their words almost because they believe they should not be looked bad on. It also looks to me like an excited human in their first twg forum game trying their best to catch a wolf.

antherid feels ok because i dont think he would ever accept a n1 no kill

awesome doesnt deserve a win regardless, and i feel they would have participated a little more as wolf

but day 3 lynch should be a no lynch to make final 4 a final 3

ty gl dhf


TWG CVIII: Dude-Man and the Masters of NinSheetMusic

One day, Dudeman found a magic sword just lying around on the ground. He decided to pick it up and hold it up high for everyone to see his new sword. Coincidentally, at the same time he just felt like shouting out the words "BY THE POWER OF NINTENDO!" Doing this triggered a marvelous transformation in Dudeman. He grew a couple inches taller, got a little more muscular, and also felt a lot colder because most of his clothes vanished for some reason. He also got some fabulous secret powers to go along with his new form... he became... DUDE-MAN, THE PROTECTOR OF NINSHEETMUSIC. Among his enemies include the evil King Sammetor, whose sole wish is to pry open the glorious bastion of NSM Forums and seize its power for himself, and his minions. The only people aware of his secret identity as Dude-Man are Olimar-At-Arms and Tob-orko, but Tob-orko hit his head pretty hard this morning getting out of bed and doesn't even remember who he is right now.

1. King Sammetor: Wolf Shaman. Can choose to forgo this power each night in order to be seered green for that night only.
2. Evil-Bot: Using their evil powers of magic and spamming, they can attempt to roleblock a player each night, preventing any actions they have from going through.

3. Dude-Man: Each night, he can use his magic sword to find out the color of one player. What? You thought he was going to kill people with it? This is a children's show!
4. Olimar-At-Arms: Each night, he can utilize his mastery of weapons to protect one player other than himself. Still no killing, sorry. Cannot protect the same player twice in a row.
5. Tob-orko: Herring, is told they're an arranger.
6. Arranger
7. Arranger
8. Arranger


1. mikey
2. Toby
3. AwesomeYears
4. Olimar12345
5. ThatHiddenCharacter
6. BrainyLucario
7. Nana1Popo2
8. antherid


Toby was wolfed! He was blue!!

It is now Day 3. Day 3 ends in two days, on Monday, July 9 at 7:00 PM Pacific Time (10:00 PM Eastern Time).
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: Toby on July 07, 2018, 05:43:06 PMthen n1p2. They are casting too much shade and not enough light, mostly searching for wolf reads and not town reads. Also their comment on me being Olimar's partner just because i somewhat defended his vote against thc seemed way too straight up read without actually too much though put into it, and compared to what their other posts have shown, I believe they are able to think more logically than how they did when they wanted to cast shade on me. However, a lot of their posts seem to be them spilling out any thoughts they have at the moment, this is a very nice human trait, being careless with their words almost because they believe they should not be looked bad on. It also looks to me like an excited human in their first twg forum game trying their best to catch a wolf.

Yay! Conspiracy about me! I have no idea what you're trying to say tbh...
Bottom line on my end, though, is I'm not smart enough to pull off being a wolf in my first game. Especially after being absent from the forums for about 2-6 years. I won't be able to ever use this excuse again, keep in mind (if this was even anyone's concern).
Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Band Fraternity; ASU Alumnus '16; DCP '16


Well, it's pretty obvious that Toby would die, with the guardian gone the last wolf definitely wouldn't want a basically confirmed human around helping out, let alone a seer. In response to Toby's weak suspicion of me, I'll just reiterate that he and I have been in a lot of games where I have been either the wolf or a special, so he's probably just not used to me being vanilla yet.

Toby brings up a great point though: we should press for no lynch today and wait for there to be only three left. This gives us greater odds of hitting the correct target (with one less option for mislynch). If we miss this phase there game is over, so we might as well wait and up our odds.

no lynch
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!