TWG CVII: True Love's Kiss

Started by FireArrow, June 08, 2018, 10:16:09 PM

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TWG Yoshi

The thing that killed me too was he kept up typing "homemaker" in the thread.

He missed one item of consistency to my memory that I wasn't weighing heavily in my mind, so I guess I can look out for things like that.

(Yoshi salute)

TWG Master Chief

Quote from: TWG Link on June 14, 2018, 05:24:28 AMwelp looks like we got a pretty ballsy homewrecker on our hands!

they did a pretty good job imitating Fox tbh, had me fooled in any case. that definitely makes this phase pretty interesting

also did anyone say anything sensitive to Fox last phase that we should know about? personally I didn't say shit but idk


TWG Master Chief

I don't want to marry until day 3. That way if we lynch right all alive humans will win. Otherwise if we marry today someone will be left out

TWG Yoshi

I learned the homewrecker's username last night. I'm not sure they realized that's what would happen because they didn't try to talk me out of flirting with them.

I'm just going to admit I have no idea how to read for this person.

TWG Link

you sure you didn't learn the username of the original holder of the account? I've got a pretty good idea of who it was so maybe you are sure

and if so... my thinking is that you should probably reveal it to the thread, can't see how that would hurt honestly.

TWG Yoshi

Quote from: TWG Link on June 14, 2018, 08:14:28 AMyou sure you didn't learn the username of the original holder of the account? I've got a pretty good idea of who it was so maybe you are sure

and if so... my thinking is that you should probably reveal it to the thread, can't see how that would hurt honestly.
Yeah, I checked to make sure.

I guess there's nothing stopping me from outing someone else's username, is there? Brawler's the homewrecker.

TWG Master Chief

ok ignore that pm i sent u i had a small feeling homewrecker was someone else

im not even sure if we are allowed to publicly say nsm account names

TWG Yoshi

All I can see is I can't share my own username.

In one sense I'm validated because I guessed the correct alt; it just so happened that they were not Fox originally. I think the other person you were thinking of might have been the other guess I had and was testing Fox for.

TWG Master Chief

oh wait i just realised what i said there are actually 2 people it applies to

one of who im sure was the original fox

the other who i thought might have been homewrecker

TWG Yoshi

Do you think I was trying to derive original Fox's identity correctly?

If you catch my drift.

TWG Master Chief

uh idk tbh

if you're talking about the afterlife question i have no idea what answer you expected


alright I'm going to read through the entire thread and let you guys know what I think


Quote from: TWG Mario on June 13, 2018, 11:24:10 PMcccccccalled it
where the fuck did you call this
no seriously, where. HW was the first person to post last phase with "helpful" info that anyone else could have posted.

I realized halfway through that reading through the thread is useless until more people post.

TWG Yoshi

Reading through logs for other stuff. Homewrecker claimed to kiss me on night 2. I have a few PMs out to people about whether their contact with the homewrecker was real.

Unrelatedly, I think Master Chief has finally figured out my identity after our talk about the original Fox :P

(Yoshi's bashful about it taking so long)

TWG Master Chief