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TWG CVII: True Love's Kiss

Started by FireArrow, June 08, 2018, 10:16:09 PM

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TWG Sonic

Quote from: TWG Yoshi on June 12, 2018, 01:09:04 PMI don't know what it means that we need a majority to no-lynch, but I think we're relatively decided on it anyway.
Since we're 9 living players, that means we need at least 5 people voting no lynch to have it.
Also, if there's only 4 players voting no lynch by the end of the phase, the home wrecker can insta whoever he wants. (If the other people didn't vote at all)

TWG Mario

TWG Master Chief

thats insta on no lynch i think

its been 5

realised i said no vote instead of no lynch so in case there will be technicalities

no lynch

TWG Mario

TWG Samus


I wasnt planning on doing no lynch instas but I guess I could end the phase now if you guys want.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department

TWG Mario

I'd say longer is finer, totally.

TWG Yoshi

Doesn't really matter to me, but no lynch instas don't make that much sense if no lynch already requires a majority to happen, I think.

Maybe I just don't want to stay up for EOD.

TWG Sonic

Well, no lynch is to give us more time to meet our wincon, right? So that doesn't make any sense to reduce said additional time...


TWG CVII: True Love's Kiss

This game uses the mystery accounts. NSM Usernames cannot be disclosed. The game ends when the homewrecker is killed or his/her win condition is met.

1. Homewrecker - Can wolf someone once per night. His/her account will appear to die in place of the person he wolfed, flipping as the Homewrecker. S/he then takes over the account of the player he wolfed, appearing as their color but retaining the homewrecker role and learning the NSM username of the person who started with the account. When sending in his wolf target, s/he may choose to highlight that players name a color. If it matches their real color, then his/her wolf can penetrate the power of the protective kiss. If it doesn't match, his wolfing doesn't go through. Wins the game when all orange, green, and blue marriages are no all broken or no longer possible. Can win while dead if widows come in clutch.

2. Lover
3. Lover
4. Lover
5. Lover
6. Lover
7. Lover
8. Lover
9. Lover
10. Lover

Lovers have three powers:
Flirt: You can flirt with one player every night by PMing the host with their twg account to find out their color! If they share your color, you learn their real NSM username too!
Kiss: You can kiss another player by PMing the host their NSM username to surrond them with the power of love, preventing them from dying that night.
Propose: One time use. You may privately propose to someone using their real NSM username (and tell the host too.) If the player proposes back and is the same color as you, you two become married. Lovers win the game by surviving till the end with the person they're married to.

So when does the game end?
1. When all red players are dead.
2. When the homewreckers win condition is met.

But.... what if there's no one for me to marry?
If marriage is impossible for you within your color, you become purple. You may need to wait around for someone else to become purple, but hey second chances!

What if the person I'm married to dies?
You become a widow. You win with the wolves and have no special powers. Must be alive to meet win condition.

This game doesn't use normal wincons, so keep in mind:
-The game ends when the wolf dies, so if you're not married at that point you lose with them.
-Purple marriages are not mutually exclusive with wolf win condition.
-Even if the homewrecker dies, widows can still win the game if humans mislynch.

This game uses anonymous accounts therefore discord is off. PMs are on but you cannot share your NSM username.

New Rule:
Players may additionally vote "no lynch." Requires more than half of living players to go through.

1. Brawler4Ever
2. mikey
3. BlackDragonSlayer
4. trasdegi
5. Toby
6. Maelstrom
7. Olimar12345
8. BrainyLucario
9. antherhid
10. Greg

Alts in random order:
1. TWG Pit
2. TWG Master Chief
3. TWG Link
4. TWG Mario
5. TWG Kirby
7. TWG Yoshi
8. TWG Samus
9. TWG Sonic
10. TWG Fox

1. E. Gadd Industries

No one has been lynched! It is now night 2. Night 2 ends 10:30PM June 13th PST/5:30am June 14th GMT.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


I consider no lynch the correct choice here. We can perhaps make a push on the Homewrecker next phase.

Russell Wilson

TWG Yoshi

Well, guess it's nice for the homewrecker that they didn't try to test whether they'd get to insta an actual person.

Where's Pit been? Don't remember much from them recently.

TWG Sonic

Quote from: TWG Yoshi on June 13, 2018, 10:53:37 AMWell, guess it's nice for the homewrecker that they didn't try to test whether they'd get to insta an actual person.

What does it change? He'll switch accounts tonight anyway.

TWG Yoshi

Quote from: TWG Sonic on June 13, 2018, 11:07:03 AMWhat does it change? He'll switch accounts tonight anyway.
It'd come at the cost of allowing us to attempt to strategize our night actions against an essentially outed wolf. Then he goes nowhere, the following day we all color claim and propose and lynch him.

At least I'm pretty sure that would work for most of the player list to win.

TWG Master Chief

Pls no one marry yet no matter how good of an idea you think it is

We all need to agree to marry at the same time and co ordinate it