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TWG CVII: True Love's Kiss

Started by FireArrow, June 08, 2018, 10:16:09 PM

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TWG Mario

Why? The homewrecker knows we can't lynch them today even if we know who they are (do we wanna ruin the game for ourselves?!), so why not Yoshi? Maybe not Fox, but it's a possibility. Don't be dense and close minded here.

TWG Master Chief

Quote from: TWG Mario on June 11, 2018, 02:11:43 PMWhy? The homewrecker knows we can't lynch them today even if we know who they are (do we wanna ruin the game for ourselves?!), so why not Yoshi? Maybe not Fox, but it's a possibility. Don't be dense and close minded here.

stop being so fucking rude

TWG Mario

TWG Master Chief

i know who yoshi is and there behaviour hasn't changed both in topic and in pm.

they've managed to carry the flow of conversation through pm and have said specific things that only yoshi would.

but like you said it doesn't matter right now

but i might just get married and vote who i think is homewrecker. its a possibility we could try when there are an even number of humans and we can all get married and win together.

TWG Mario

Thank you for explaining yourself, at least. Of course, I can't independently verify it myself, but it helps to know your logic behind your decisions.

TWG Master Chief

it helps to not infer that people are dense or close minded

TWG Yoshi

Quote from: TWG Mario on June 11, 2018, 02:06:01 PMI'm more doubtful of that bubaroo. No matter how good you thought your gimmick is, chances are that other people might not pick up on the intricacies of it, or maybe they homewrecker did and nobody else did.
I have safeguards to make sure I'm me. Now that I know I wasn't talking to the homewrecker last night, I have more trust in those safeguards. Either way, if you think I'm the homewrecker, as you say, this will just be resolved by me not dying at the end of the next night, again.

I've been ninja'd a bunch, but yeah, pretty much that.

TWG Master Chief

anyone think there's a possibility that i am the home wrecker and thus not the same master chief from n1

TWG Yoshi

Homewrecker jumping also means there's a broken triplet now. The best people to get married today would be that leftover pair if we can manage it; that way neither has to go purple.



TWG Mario

Quote from: TWG Master Chief on June 11, 2018, 02:23:50 PMit helps to not infer that people are dense or close minded
you were going around saying things without explaining yourself tho

TWG Link

Quote from: TWG Master Chief on June 11, 2018, 10:05:36 AMWhat's your thoughts on smash bros

idk I haven't played smash in forever honestly
Quote from: TWG Master Chief on June 11, 2018, 02:09:17 PMi am like 70% sure link was taken over
wow that's not cool man

anyway personally I think Fox is an unlikely target; the picture gimmick is fairly easy to imitate at this point but he's also got a pretty unusual speech pattern which seems harder to replicate. (I guess he hasn't really said much this phase though...)

also I'm gonna vote no lynch because I have no leads right now, proposal-wise.

TWG Mario

I'd be a-fine-a with a no lynch (a) because it's not even a good idea to try and hit the homewrecker today, and if we hit another lover, then that just hurts everybody (we don't accomplish anything by lowering each others' chances now do we?).


I see two major possibilities here. The Homewrecker could have either gone for someone that hasn't posted a large amount (Sonic, Samus, and Pit) in order to survive the phase, or they could have gone after somebody that has claimed to have more information (Yoshi, for instance). Both are viable options for them, depending on how confident they are that they can stay alive this phase. With what little information we have, I think it best that we continue discussing events as they continue to transpire.

Also, I was not contacted by DK.

TWG Master Chief

Quote from: TWG Master Chief on June 11, 2018, 02:09:17 PMi am like 70% sure link was taken over
28% think it could be pit
1% kirby
1% everyone else