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TWG CVII: True Love's Kiss

Started by FireArrow, June 08, 2018, 10:16:09 PM

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TWG Mario

Quote from: TWG Master Chief on June 09, 2018, 06:31:07 PMyeah who claimed to you yoshi or at least how many
Everyone who claimed to Yoshi should confirm. Not say what they claimed, just that they did.

TWG Master Chief



I am not certain as to the benefit behind this line of questioning.  Tonight should be solely about protecting ourselves from the Homemaker, not finding the Homemaker.  I do not believe Yoshi is the Homemaker, so what is the point of trying to catch them out?  If they are the Homemaker, they will simply flip at the beginning of the next phase, will they not?

TWG Yoshi

Quote from: TWG Master Chief on June 09, 2018, 06:31:07 PMyeah who claimed to you yoshi or at least how many
2 claimed directly to me, I inferred the third. (I might be over-reading into the third one.)

I keep getting reply ninja'd.

TWG Yoshi

Quote from: TWG Mario on June 09, 2018, 06:32:08 PMyou do realize that implication is a thing ya
I could just ask you directly if that's what I wanted to know. I can use my words.

TWG Mario

Quote from: TWG Yoshi on June 09, 2018, 06:40:31 PM2 claimed directly to me, I inferred the third. (I might be over-reading into the third one.)

I keep getting reply ninja'd.
That's a lot less people than you suggested claimed to you. Just sayin' bubaroo.

TWG Mario

Quote from: TWG Yoshi on June 09, 2018, 06:42:52 PMI could just ask you directly if that's what I wanted to know. I can use my words.
If you asked me directly you'd know or at least think I'm smart enough to realize it's an obvious trap. If you're indirect about it maybe you think you can bait me into it without directly asking. Simple logic there.


Is it not suggested that 3 people claimed to Yoshi?  You are taking this a little too far in my opinion.

TWG Mario

Quote from: TWG Fox on June 09, 2018, 06:40:01 PMI am not certain as to the benefit behind this line of questioning.  Tonight should be solely about protecting ourselves from the Homemaker, not finding the Homemaker.  I do not believe Yoshi is the Homemaker, so what is the point of trying to catch them out?  If they are the Homemaker, they will simply flip at the beginning of the next phase, will they not?
You're missing the point. The homewrecker basically has free run during the night phase to gather information, at least until anybody figures them out. If Yoshi's the homewrecker, they sure are taking advantage of that opportunity.

TWG Kirby

Quote from: TWG Fox on June 09, 2018, 06:40:01 PMI am not certain as to the benefit behind this line of questioning.  Tonight should be solely about protecting ourselves from the Homemaker, not finding the Homemaker.  I do not believe Yoshi is the Homemaker, so what is the point of trying to catch them out?  If they are the Homemaker, they will simply flip at the beginning of the next phase, will they not?

Fox has the right idea; there's not much to uncover
No need for this night one, relax and find your lover~<3

TWG Kirby

TWG Sonic, Pit, and DK: what are you doing?
Start posting more, or you'll soon be boo-hooing!

TWG Mario

I mean I suppose it may be pointless to find the homewrecker, but we don't want people to be baited into claiming to them either. So in that regard it's definitely good to know.


I perceive Yoshi claiming to know one player of each color was a bait, but not in the way you suggest.  A casual indirect reference to that fact would be enough to have any typical player asking for more info.  If somebody told you they knew three different colors, would you not be interested in who those players were?  I for one would like to know who I am eligible for Proposal with, and if that is something Yoshi knows I would happily claim my color to them, because I do not believe they are the Homemaker.  I suppose it is possible, but I think they would be doing things slightly differently as the Homemaker.

I think rather than waste time trying to convince people Yoshi is the Homemaker (because they are not; or rather they will not be as of tomorrow), spend time trying to set your game plan in motion.  I will be honest in saying I still do not really know how I am supposed to win, because it is more simple than just Proposing to somebody- I must also survive with them.  I do think the player composition in this game lends itself to aggressive wolfhunting, and as such I do not think we will have long to find our partners.  It is worth taking risks to do so in my opinion.


With every post I become increasingly worried I reveal my identity with just the simplest little slip.  please PM me if you can see this incredibly long and invisible text, delete it if you quote this post

TWG Mario

Quote from: TWG Fox on June 09, 2018, 06:53:28 PMI perceive Yoshi claiming to know one player of each color was a bait, but not in the way you suggest.  A casual indirect reference to that fact would be enough to have any typical player asking for more info.  If somebody told you they knew three different colors, would you not be interested in who those players were?  I for one would like to know who I am eligible for Proposal with, and if that is something Yoshi knows I would happily claim my color to them, because I do not believe they are the Homemaker.  I suppose it is possible, but I think they would be doing things slightly differently as the Homemaker.

I think rather than waste time trying to convince people Yoshi is the Homemaker (because they are not; or rather they will not be as of tomorrow), spend time trying to set your game plan in motion.  I will be honest in saying I still do not really know how I am supposed to win, because it is more simple than just Proposing to somebody- I must also survive with them.  I do think the player composition in this game lends itself to aggressive wolfhunting, and as such I do not think we will have long to find our partners.  It is worth taking risks to do so in my opinion.
Like I said, I don't want people to get duped into claiming to the homewrecker.