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TWG Megathread (Interest Voting OPEN)

Started by mikey, May 21, 2018, 11:25:10 AM

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Do you want to play in the next TWG? (Don't vote for no)

Yes, and I'll be able to post 5 times per cycle.
3 (30%)
Planning on it!
4 (40%)
I might if the game looks fun or needs a few players.
2 (20%)
Probably not unless you can really convince me.
1 (10%)

Total Members Voted: 10


(If you think something belongs here that you don't already see, PM me or davy!)

The goal of this megathread is to organize the entire TWG board into one manageable location.  If you're looking for a certain piece of information about the game or for a certain game of the past, it should be here!  Additionally, we run a poll during each TWG to gauge interest for the next game.  That way, hosts will know roughly what size their games should be.  Finally, a link to other NSMTWG resources are saved here for your convenience, even though they're already stickied.

NSMTWG Rules and Guidelines- Read this if you're new.
Suggestions and Feedback- If you've already read the rules and want to know something, post here.
Hosting and Balancing- If you want to host and/or get your game balanced, post it here and someone will help.
NSMTWG Discord- This is an invite to the server that NSM uses for their OOTC (Out Of Thread Communication) style games.  You can also just chill with the other members of the server or play popcorn mafia.
NSM Wiki Page- This is where you can find NSM's game history, hopefully in a way that's manageable and user-friendly.





I'm uploading the 10 most recent games stats as an image as I dig through the older ones

