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TWG CV (Off the Grid I): Roll of the Dice

Started by mikey, April 30, 2018, 12:54:04 PM

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Well, I guess that's another explanation for Olimars d1 shit.

Alrighty I've been waiting to say this all night: the Toby and BDS conversation was the dumbest TWG thing I've read...

Toby: Why are you so intent that not being around for a phase change is wolfy? Like, news flash, setting an alarm for 4 am to read the phase change is not something most people do. Hell, this should be so obviously true I'm slightly suspicous of you for even bringing that up. It feels like you were just trying to dig up random shit on BDS just look like you're wolf hunting. Also, brutal wolf is on the table and mah eyebrows are la raised.

BDS: You know how any other human would of answered to Toby's assault? "No, I've got a life other than TWG." Instead, you did this weird ass thing were you completely avoiding giving a straight answer and run your mouth justifying all these things you don't need to justify. To put it in Toby words, it looked like you were trying to avoid a trap he set... what's funny is the said trap didn't even exist. The fact that you couldn't of just given a consise, honest response for missing the phase change (something that happens to most people), really doesn't look good in your favor.

Moreover, Toby did bring up a good point that you showed up talking about your strong suspicion for Olimar (who ended up being the gaurdian!) and strong human read on brainy only too disappear and come to say "I told you so?" Wolves aren't invested in actually saving their human reads or getting their wolf targets lynched, and this just reeks of that. Like, maybe you had real life things stopping you but you didn't even vote. As the guy supposedly good enough to represent NSM, you should at least know that not voting is bad for humans 100% of the time.

Basically, I'm pretty sure one of toby or BDS is a wolf and I'm strongly leaning BDS. For wolf partners, I'm thinking Tras and Greg for reasons outlined previously. Tras I'm a bit confused on because I've been relying on meta reads for him and have no idea how to interpret his active behind the scenes presense (which usually points human, but I'm thinking it might point wolf for him), but all will be settled when we get those logs.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


log of something maybe noteworthy in the future:


Toby - Today at 11:24 PM
firearrow, do you think it's possible now that we know there's a brutal wolf, they might try and get themselves lynched?
Gerik "FireArrow" - Today at 11:25 PM
Probably a bad trade
And lynching a brutal is still worth it for us
So I'm not concerned
Toby - Today at 11:26 PM
yeah good point, at least we know there's no specials left that need to worry specifically about getting killed by it, but its still good to have it confirmed there's a brutal wolf
Gerik "FireArrow" - Today at 11:27 PM
As of right now, it doesn't look like anyone is intentionally trying to die at least
Toby - Today at 11:28 PM
@ThatHiddenCharacter what do you think
ThatHiddenCharacter - Today at 11:28 PM
About everything?
Toby - Today at 11:28 PM
no just about what i said regarding now that we know there's definitely a brutal wolf
ThatHiddenCharacter - Today at 11:28 PM
I need to check the thing again, one sec
There could still be a roleblocker instead of a brutal
Toby - Today at 11:29 PM
thats correct
but firearrow didn't correct me on that
ThatHiddenCharacter - Today at 11:30 PM
He might not have remembered the exact setups
I knew what you said didn't seem right though
Toby - Today at 11:31 PM
he referenced Brutal wolf in his latest post here; "Also, brutal wolf is on the table and mah eyebrows are la raised.
" which i think suggests he took time to note what the setup could be
I was thinking from that quote he was already suggesting the brutal wolf is confirmed
but only a wolf would know that
but that was weak so i wanted to question him here and see if he corrected my assumption the brutal wolf is definitely in play
and he got two chances and failed, but you picked up on it right away
ThatHiddenCharacter - Today at 11:34 PM
I guess that's last-resort suspicious
The Tras and BDS stuff seems better to go off of first though
Gerik "FireArrow" - Today at 11:35 PM
Yeah I misread your question as under the assumption
reread it and you did specify "we know there's a brutal" or r something
Toby - Today at 11:37 PM
yes but missing this bit was even weirder 'but its still good to have it confirmed there's a brutal wolf'
and can you explain this "Also, brutal wolf is on the table and mah eyebrows are la raised. " from your post, its as if you assumed there the brutal wolf is in play
Gerik "FireArrow" - Today at 11:37 PM
It's really not that weird because we should be playing under the assumption that there is a brutal
Because role blocker does jack shit
Oh explaination for that
If there is a roleblocker, I'm less suspicious of you
Otherwise for all intents and purposes we should play as if there is a brutal in play
Toby - Today at 11:39 PM
so you think i could be brutal trying to get killed
Gerik "FireArrow" - Today at 11:40 PM
Why would I just to the conclusion that you were trying to kill yourself just because you're a brutal?
Or that you're the brutal and not your partner?
Toby - Today at 11:41 PM
I just dont get why you brought up having your brows raised on me because of the brutal
i want to understand :<
Gerik "FireArrow" - Today at 11:41 PM
Because you asked about brutals in the chat when the game started
Toby - Today at 11:41 PM
Gerik "FireArrow" - Today at 11:41 PM
Rather than asking in the sign ups or something
Toby - Today at 11:42 PM
ok i get you, you brought that point up before
Gerik "FireArrow" - Today at 11:37 PM
Because role blocker does jack shit
i didnt even think of that yet
Gerik "FireArrow" - Today at 11:42 PM
I thought you already said something on it
Toby - Today at 11:43 PM
i mentioned nothing of a roleblocker
Gerik "FireArrow" - Today at 11:43 PM
it wasn;t; that
but it was something about a role blocker
an wolves not caring about something?
fuck i don't want to read through the chat and find it
Toby - Today at 11:44 PM
i dont think i've talked about a roleblocker in chat
i posted in topic now we know there is a roleblocker or brutal wolf
Gerik "FireArrow" - Today at 11:44 PM
so this means there is either a brutal wolf, or a wolf roleblocker
but it's confirmed for humans that we are now all just vanilla, so even though the wolves know what roll we are on they get no real extra benefit really
right at the phase change
Toby - Today at 11:45 PM
Toby - Today at 10:04 PM
so this means there is either a brutal wolf, or a wolf roleblocker
Gerik "FireArrow" - Today at 11:45 PM
Toby - Today at 12:44 PM
i dont think i've talked about a roleblocker in chat
Toby - Today at 11:45 PM
ThatHiddenCharacter - Today at 11:28 PM
There could still be a roleblocker instead of a brutal
all mentions of roleblocker
yeah sorry i forgot i did that
Gerik "FireArrow" - Today at 11:46 PM
So you remembered that there was a possible roleblocker but didn't consider that there was no longer a role for them to block?
Toby - Today at 11:46 PM
i actually didnt put it in topic looks like, i figured i would have said something important like that in topic
Gerik "FireArrow" - Today at 11:46 PM
Or just completely forget that you thought about that
Toby - Today at 11:47 PM
no i forgot that now guardian is dead there is no role for them to block
Gerik "FireArrow" - Today at 11:47 PM

i think it explains itself so i dont need to waffle


I want to know who thought it would be a good idea to wolf Olimar when he was a very likely lynch target this phase (essentially, the wolves sacrificed a near-certain chance at a mislynch for... some reason). That means heavy suspicion on people who were adamant or even otherwise slightly expressed that they thought Olimar was a human (including people who voted for Brainy).

Quote from: FireArrow on May 03, 2018, 02:51:20 PMBDS: You know how any other human would of answered to Toby's assault? "No, I've got a life other than TWG." Instead, you did this weird ass thing were you completely avoiding giving a straight answer and run your mouth justifying all these things you don't need to justify. To put it in Toby words, it looked like you were trying to avoid a trap he set... what's funny is the said trap didn't even exist. The fact that you couldn't of just given a consise, honest response for missing the phase change (something that happens to most people), really doesn't look good in your favor.
I did say that (not in those exact words, however), but Toby kept pressing. I maintain that I gave an accurate, honest, and thorough answer.

QuoteMoreover, Toby did bring up a good point that you showed up talking about your strong suspicion for Olimar (who ended up being the gaurdian!) and strong human read on brainy only too disappear and come to say "I told you so?" Wolves aren't invested in actually saving their human reads or getting their wolf targets lynched, and this just reeks of that. Like, maybe you had real life things stopping you but you didn't even vote. As the guy supposedly good enough to represent NSM, you should at least know that not voting is bad for humans 100% of the time.
Firstly, before the time I was gone, there was pretty much no indication that Brainy was anywhere close to being a serious lynching target. Secondly, I already admitted that not voting for Olimar when I had the chance was a mistake.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: Toby on May 03, 2018, 02:19:36 PMOlimar12345 - Today at 9:15 PM
Raeko is right; discussion during the night only helps the wolves.
If there is a special human role, they can function independently.
It's not worth shooting our selves in the foot.
Just to maybe help a special
To be honest, that's a really weak reason to suspect Olimar as a special.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Private Log With E. Gadd
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 6:37 PM
Hokay, I'm not friends with Mikey, I don't guess, sooo I'll just send this to him later.
Anyhoo, what was that all about?

Golden Silver - Yesterday at 6:38 PM
toby was being dumb
and then claiming it made me suspicious for not giving an underdeveloped answer to his silly question
I gave him a very in-depth and completely accurate answer, and apparently, he wasn't satisfied enough with that.

E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 6:40 PM
See, I read through it all, and yeah, I honestly don't see where you're at fault here. I still think Toby's a human, if not just a tad more obsessive than I previously thought him to be, but still, that's put some uncertainty in my read on him

Golden Silver - Yesterday at 6:41 PM
I think it looks bad for him being so obsessive, but that's just me personally.

E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 6:41 PM
Like the whole "I set an alarm to get up at 4 AM just to play TWG" :thonk:

Golden Silver - Yesterday at 6:42 PM
does he seriously expect everyone to do that
sometimes i just completely sleep through my alarms
sometimes i don't
there's not a simple yes/no answer to that
"do you sleep through your alarms"
"well sometimes i do, sometimes i dont"
"i want a yes/no answer"

E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 6:43 PM
Idk, there's credibility on both sides, but I'm leaning more in your favor (of being human). And I still think Olimar's being hecka petty and if anyone's a wolf of you three, it's him.
YEAH EXACTLY, I don't get that
Strong human lean on E. Gadd right now, because it's very unlikely he would have agreed to wolfing Olimar.

Tras, I think, is a lot more suspicious, because if he were a wolf, he would know that Olimar isn't a wolf, and also that Olimar was very likely to be the next lynching target (thus securing two mislynches), though that doesn't entirely explain why Olimar was then wolfed. Tras and Toby could make interesting partners, and it wouldn't surprise me if Toby would be willing to bus Tras for his suspicious end of phase vote switch (leading to the pressure that's building up on Tras).
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on May 03, 2018, 04:36:51 PMTras and Toby could make interesting partners, and it wouldn't surprise me if Toby would be willing to bus Tras for his suspicious end of phase vote switch (leading to the pressure that's building up on Tras).

it was pretty much me that made Tras switch vote. it wasn't suspicious. his olimar vote was based on olimar's weird vote, which got cleared up.



raeko - Today at 12:46 AM
I just got home
Toby - Today at 12:46 AM
do you know your role
raeko - Today at 12:46 AM
I'll work on catching up on things this evening
... Yes? Lol
Toby - Today at 12:47 AM
forum says your last active time was before role pm's were even sent out
unless someone told you your role over discord :thinking:
raeko - Today at 12:56 AM
that's not reliable, I checked my PM
Toby - Today at 12:57 AM
it updates every time you go to a new page, including messages
raeko - Today at 12:57 AM
we're not going down this route
no we are not
this is the reason i browse as private on FFR
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 12:58 AM
blame me for getting toby on the route of checking "last active" times
Toby - Today at 12:59 AM
feelsbad i hate using it, i dont stalk whoisonline, i just wanted to see who was last active recently
raeko - Today at 1:00 AM
if you keep hounding me for this I am going to think you're a wolf, looking for an easy out because I haven't been here, I won't take it lightly so consider if that's a real point you want to consider as a part of the game or not :wink:
you can call me out for literally anything else
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 1:04 AM
"looking for an easy out" i mean, he's already done that with me
Toby - Today at 1:06 AM
the point is out there i wont add anything else


I forgot e gadd was in this game and I dont like he chooses the little activity he has to be behind the scenes.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


@BDS if you could control todays lynch, who would it be?
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: Toby on May 03, 2018, 05:10:35 PMsorry

raeko - Today at 12:46 AM
I just got home
Toby - Today at 12:46 AM
do you know your role
raeko - Today at 12:46 AM
I'll work on catching up on things this evening
... Yes? Lol
Toby - Today at 12:47 AM
forum says your last active time was before role pm's were even sent out
unless someone told you your role over discord :thinking:
raeko - Today at 12:56 AM
that's not reliable, I checked my PM
Toby - Today at 12:57 AM
it updates every time you go to a new page, including messages
raeko - Today at 12:57 AM
we're not going down this route
no we are not
this is the reason i browse as private on FFR
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 12:58 AM
blame me for getting toby on the route of checking "last active" times
Toby - Today at 12:59 AM
feelsbad i hate using it, i dont stalk whoisonline, i just wanted to see who was last active recently
raeko - Today at 1:00 AM
if you keep hounding me for this I am going to think you're a wolf, looking for an easy out because I haven't been here, I won't take it lightly so consider if that's a real point you want to consider as a part of the game or not :wink:
you can call me out for literally anything else
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 1:04 AM
"looking for an easy out" i mean, he's already done that with me
Toby - Today at 1:06 AM
the point is out there i wont add anything else

Hi thread! Get ready for me to show you all how Toby is a wolf

Let's start with the fact that he posted this log of his "suspicions" about me after I called him out in the Discord for being objectively wolfy.

I called him out for PR hunting. PR hunting, especially very early in the game, actively harms town. And look! Our PR is dead :thinking:

this is the PR hunting I'm talking about

Quote from: Toby on May 01, 2018, 11:30:54 AMHere is a log that Greg gave me permission to post

Toby added NocturneOfShadow to the group.Today at 6:19 AM
Toby - Today at 6:20 AM
I don't think you are a normal human
gzgregory - Today at 6:20 AM
uh okay
you kinda said that already
is this because of my post telling people not to claim
Toby - Today at 6:21 AM
that along with how you avoided claiming human
I know you're not much of a false claimer(edited)
gzgregory - Today at 6:22 AM
okay well
I'm not a special
but I'm down to roll with it and dodge around the question if you think that'll fool wolves
Toby - Today at 6:22 AM
You didn't say you weren't a wolf
And I only said I didn't think you were normal human
gzgregory - Today at 6:23 AM
uhh I'm not a wolf either?
idk maybe I interpreted what you said wrong
I read it as that you don't think I'm a normal human
but that you still thought I was human
Toby - Today at 6:24 AM
You seem to be panicking a little
I can smell it
but I think you're a wolf now
gzgregory - Today at 6:24 AM
well let's see if I can change that impression
be a pretty awful comeback to TWG getting mislynched on the first day
Toby - Today at 6:25 AM
are you trying to gain pity from me
gzgregory - Today at 6:25 AM
nah I was mostly being facetious
Toby - Today at 6:26 AM
By saying you want to change my impression rather than giving yourself a defence of some sort up front, suggests you are taking my thoughts of you quite seriously
And you didn't acknowledge that I said I thought you panicked a bit
Does that mean it's true
And are you not defending yourself so that you don't show yourself off as panicking more
gzgregory - Today at 6:27 AM
It's a fair impression to have!
I'll admit that it's a bit of an nerve-wracking being interrogated like this over reasoning I don't really understand or agree with
but I mean, come on, do you really think I'd have any qualms claiming human as a wolf
Toby - Today at 6:29 AM
I could go on forever I LOVE it
Missed you greggy
But I must sleep

If anyone wants to comment on it please do, I'll refrain from doing so atm in hopes that it could generate a bit of chat

He said he was attempting to gain a reaction. This is clearly not all he was intending since he could get a reaction by asking any number of other things. The way it started doesn't even seem like a reaction test it seems like pure not-giving-a-shit PR hunting. I've brought this to his attention, and his response has cemented the fact that he is a wolf.

Since I'm calling him a wolf he's decided I'm a wolf. It's classic OMGUS. His main argument involves some inaccurate out of game information about when I supposedly last logged in and checked my PMs. I would like to point out to the thread that 1) I did check my PMs, the forum time or something else was inaccurate and 2) even if I hadn't checked my PMs, this makes absolutely no difference to the game. I would have the same random chance of being a wolf whether or not I read my own PM. I don't even understand how this is meant to implicate me in any way since it doesn't make a difference. It has no bearing on the game whatsoever. Whether or not humans eyes read a PM would not change my role and if you didn't think I was wolfy for any other reason, this makes absolutely zero sense as a reason to consider.

I'd like to point out that he tried to use the exact same strat against BDS. Doesn't seem like very legit wolf hunting to me


Check your settings. Forum time is accurate but you could have the wrong timezone set.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


I 100% have the wrong time zone set on my own account because I never changed it, but shouldn't other people's personal settings apply when viewing my profile?

either way, this isn't relevant to the game. It shouldn't really be discussed since it's actually out-of-game information, but anyway


TWG CV (Off the Grid I):  Roll of the Dice

THE GRID |Roll 1Roll 2Roll 3
Roll 4One-shot VigilanteBrutal WolfVanilla Human
Roll 5Human Odd-Night SeerVanilla HumanVanilla Wolf
Roll 6Wolf RoleblockerHuman GuardianVanilla Human

3 Wolves
8 Humans

At the beginning of the game, a 6-sided die is rolled.  The number rolled will determine how the setup is filled; a roll of 2 would produce the following setup:

1 Brutal Wolf
2 Vanilla Wolves

1 Human Guardian
7 Vanilla Humans

Whereas a roll of 6 would produce the following setup:

1 Wolf Roleblocker
2 Vanilla Wolves

1 Human Guardian
7 Vanilla Humans

There will always be 3 wolf-aligned roles and 8 human-aligned roles.  They are merely replaced by the roles in the grid.

1. Olimar12345
2. BlackDragonSlayer
3. Trasdegi
4. ThatHiddenCharacter
5. BrainyLucario
6. Toby
7. blueflower999
8. Greg
9. raeko
10. FireArrow
11. E.Gadd Industries

Olimar12345 was murdered!  He was a Guardian.  It is now Day 2.  Day 2 ends 48 hours from my earlier post, roughly 42 hours from this post, on May 5 at 4:00 PM CST.

E. Gadd Industries

Just gonna jump in here & say that I never checked my role PM (officially) until sometime today. But I've known since the start of the game (or near then) because I checked my emails and anytime I get a PM here, I get an email containing the message. So there are definitely ways around Toby's argument here.

Quote from: FireArrow on May 03, 2018, 05:35:22 PMI forgot e gadd was in this game and I dont like he chooses the little activity he has to be behind the scenes.
I mean, it's more convenient for someone rushing around trying not to drown in responsibility to talk to people in real time than to sit down and type out a post like this. But I guess whatever. I'll definitely be trying to be more active as the game progresses, and I'm actually developing some reads. Those will be posted sometime tomorrow. This gives me time to finalize everything, scrap together posts & the like.
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

The entrance to my lab is hidden... somewhere...
