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TWG CV (Off the Grid I): Roll of the Dice

Started by mikey, April 30, 2018, 12:54:04 PM

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Have a juicy log on bds where i quite harshly judge him and reaction-ish test-ish him

BlackDragonSlayer - Yesterday at 11:22 PM
Aaaaand I slept through the phase end.
I should have voted for Olimar before I went to bed, honestly, but I still wasn't 100% certain I should do that just in case anything else came up.
Reading through all the thread, I'm even more suspicious of Olimar because, even after I repeatedly explained to him why I found him suspicious, he doesn't seem to get why and seems to be attributing it (likely intentionally) to the idea that I'm suspicious of him because he was telling jokes, not, like I have repeatedly said, the way he went about it.
also brainy lynch was dumb
@Toby Reason I said what I did regarding asking others to explain if anything important had occurred in my absence is because I read through the first part of the log, didn't see anything really important, then lightly skimmed through the rest. I do that all the time.
May 3, 2018
Toby - Today at 12:05 AM
Not voting is dumb
Oh so you had already skimmed through it ?
But still asked if there was anything important that occurred ?
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 12:08 AM
Yeah, because I might have missed something, silly. :stuck_out_tongue:
that's kind of what skimming is
Toby - Today at 12:10 AM
Maybe you need to work on your skimming method !!!
Or you're just scrolling instead of skimming
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 12:12 AM
Toby - Today at 12:14 AM
why not just read
rather than skim
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 12:15 AM
because it was long
and i'm not gonna read through a bunch of useless stuff
Toby - Today at 12:17 AM
oh well hunting wolves sucks i guess
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 12:18 AM
I don't know, to me, reading through the thread and reading through Discord are different beasts.
Because Discord has much, much more quantity (usually), and often much less usable content.
Toby - Today at 12:21 AM
almost everything posted in topic about anyone, is referencing something a person did on discord
i feel like that means paying attention to discord is useful
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 12:23 AM
that's why you provide relevant logs
this is basic stuff toby
Toby - Today at 12:25 AM
i mean i dont want to speak for everyone and i might miss something
i feel like reading content is basic stuff
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 12:26 AM
Yeah, but not everybody should be forced to read through tons of useless drivel just to find the lil' bits of meat, which they might miss entirely regardless because they don't know what they're looking for when looking back at a conversation they weren't actively involved in.
RELEVANT LOGS are a thing, and not a new thing at that.
Toby - Today at 12:30 AM
its ok, if i need to reference back to something in the middle of useless drivel that i wasn't apart of, at a time it may become relevant, I'll post the logs for everyone else to see
so is there a reason why you've been very quiet this game
like are you ok, it seems like you took a huge gap of inactivity are you super busy with stuff
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 12:35 AM
An restarting my computer because lag.
I don't think I've been quiet at all though.
Toby - Today at 12:37 AM
you have 3 posts in topic
you made 4 posts in discord 13.3 hours before phase end (you returned around 15 hours afterwards, 1.3 hours after phase end), 1 post two hours before these 4, then before that your next post is 22 hours before, when you were 'active'. this time would be around 35 hours before phase end. So yeah, I think you've been quiet, because your last active period was about 39 hours ago
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 12:45 AM
I was the one who brought up the whole thing about Olimar, which I'd say had quite the impact so far.
Reason I wasn't very active yesterday is because my dad was visiting + seeing Infinity War.
Toby - Today at 12:45 AM
is there a reason why for the big gap? laying low cause a wolf, disinterested? busy irl stuff?
well true about olimar thing, but that happened at the start of the phase
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 12:46 AM
And, like I said, I waaaay overslept because I'm tired, plus, because the semester's over, I technically don't have any reason to get up early.
Toby - Today at 12:46 AM
you slept 15 hours?
or how long did you sleep for
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 12:47 AM
It was probably less than that.
though it probably was around 11 hours
Toby - Today at 12:47 AM
dont you look at your phone before bed and when you wake up
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 12:48 AM
Sometimes, not always.
Toby - Today at 12:48 AM
ok i really think you just purposefully avoided phase end
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 12:48 AM
i didn't
2PM is just a weird time to end a phase, IMO.
That's why I usually end my phases around 5-8 Pacific Time.
Toby - Today at 12:49 AM
so is 4am but i either stay up or set my alarm to make it for phase end
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 12:49 AM
Toby - Today at 12:50 AM
your not gonna win with an awkward time excuse
did you know what time the phase ended at or did you only realise when you woke up
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 12:50 AM
I'm usually good at waking up when I absolutely have to (exams, important meetings, etc. usually not including TWG), but other than that, I'll usually sleep later rather than earlier.
That's how my body and sleep patterns work.
Toby - Today at 12:53 AM
yeah i sleep a lot too but i always get up to date with everything before bed and after i wake up
are you caught up on the topic?
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 12:58 AM
also not everyone holds themselves to the same standards you do
this is an important lesson for twg and life
Toby - Today at 12:59 AM
hey, did you know what time the phase ended at or did you only realise when you woke up
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 12:59 AM
probably not
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 1:00 AM
I'd err on the side of "I probably just assumed it ended later than it did without checking"
Toby - Today at 1:00 AM
this is such a straight yes or no question
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 1:01 AM
well the answer isn't
so maybe you should change your question
Toby - Today at 1:01 AM
well can you give a answer without a 'probably'
a correct one
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 1:01 AM
this whole line of questioning is petty and extremely strange
I've already given you my answer; if you don't like it, maybe you're asking the question the wrong way.
Toby - Today at 1:02 AM
did you know what time the phase ended, before it ended?
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 1:02 AM
Also, you're focusing particularly on me and not being so judgemental of other people who pretty much did the exact same thing I did.
Toby - Today at 1:02 AM
is anyone else here
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 1:02 AM
Toby - Today at 1:02 AM
me tiehr
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 1:02 AM
but they sure were earlier
Toby - Today at 1:03 AM
yeah, but you were 'sleeping'
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 1:03 AM
Toby - Today at 1:03 AM
i still really want a straight answer for if you knew what time the phase ended
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 1:04 AM
I already gave you my answer. It is accurate.
Toby - Today at 1:04 AM
did you take time to look up when it ended
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 1:04 AM
I know I did at the beginning of the game, but I probably forgot it and assumed it ended later than it did without bothering to go back and check.
Toby - Today at 1:05 AM
phase ended just over 4 hours ago how can you not be more sure
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 1:05 AM
I am giving you an answer.
Toby - Today at 1:05 AM
but its not even the correct one
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 1:06 AM
It is.
I don't know why you assume it isn't correct.
Toby - Today at 1:06 AM
you're making assumptions rather than telling it straight
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 1:06 AM
No, I am telling it straight.
Toby - Today at 1:06 AM
@Alive help
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 1:07 AM
I don't know what you want out of me.
Toby - Today at 1:07 AM
a wolf is trying to deceive me help
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 1:07 AM
I am answering accurately to the situation. I don't know what else you want out of me.
Toby - Today at 1:08 AM
i want you to not guess your answer
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 1:08 AM
what do you mean
i am not guessing
Toby - Today at 1:08 AM
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 1:08 AM
i am telling you what happened
Toby - Today at 1:08 AM
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 1:08 AM
because that is what happened
If you're not satisfied with the answer, then the probably is probably with you.
Toby - Today at 1:11 AM
you're clearly wanting to avoid giving a straight answer, as to not fall into the trap I have set for you, if you  answer a certain way. but you've just created a whole new trap for yourself that i 'assume' you 'probably' fell straight into
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 1:11 AM
there is not trap
if i were a wolf
i would give you a yes/no answer
and thus avoid explaining the nuance of the situation
A wolf would just say yes/no without elaborating on anything.
I don't know why you're making this so ridiculously complicated for yourself.
Toby - Today at 1:13 AM
im assuming that answering honestly, you know will look bad for you, and you're afraid to answer dishonestly, so you just want to give a vague answer instead
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 1:13 AM
Toby - Today at 1:14 AM
why can you not just say whether or not you thought the phase ended sooner/later than it did
instead you're adding that you probably thought that
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 1:14 AM
i gave you an answer
it is the answer that is true
i don't know what else you want me to say
Toby - Today at 1:14 AM
meaning that i'm reading and from a constructive view should ignore that because it's an uncertainty
its like asking someone holding an ice cream cone if they bought ice cream and they answer i dont know
or in your case
answering 'probably'
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 1:15 AM
no it isn't
Toby - Today at 1:16 AM
yeah its actually worse in your case
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 1:16 AM
no it isn't
ur being silly bub
Toby - Today at 1:16 AM
because there's no third party in the equation (ice cream man) its all just about you and your thought process with no third party factors yet you still cant give a straight answer lmao
lets stop i have my day 2 vote
my fingers are tired
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 1:18 AM
ask a dumb question get a dumb answer
Toby - Today at 1:20 AM
so now you defend your actions to say that my question was dumb
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 1:20 AM
I already said that.
I simply said it again.
"this whole line of questioning is petty and extremely strange"
"I've already given you my answer; if you don't like it, maybe you're asking the question the wrong way."
You are shooting yourself in the foot when you ask the wrong questions and get what you perceive are the wrong answers.
Toby - Today at 1:24 AM
pls tell me what is the question i should have asked
BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 1:24 AM
You shouldn't have. :morton2:

My thoughts on it are mostly already said inside, but I think bds is really just wanting to avoid a straight answer to the last question, which my thoughts on that are already covered. It's also odd he kind of planted the seed with the olimar thing, which he brings up as him thinking was him having a sufficient impact on the game:

BlackDragonSlayer - Today at 12:45 AM
I was the one who brought up the whole thing about Olimar, which I'd say had quite the impact so far.

it's interesting because he disappeared after this adding nothing to it, and couldn't even show up to vote.

Now he has repetitively said in chat he thought the Brainy lynch was dumb and that we should have lynched Olimar instead. This is someone who has barely read the chat, making a comment that the lynch that everyone else had been active for the whole time, was dumb.

Here is another log with me and bds which is very weak but I think he still behaved oddly, and I know blueflower doesn't see discord so this is also for him to see another me/bds interaction this game

Toby - Last Tuesday at 5:42 AM
Is it possible both of you are wolves and you're using this early moment to distance yourself
BlackDragonSlayer - Last Tuesday at 5:42 AM
I mean, it is possible, but I don't think it's very likely.
Toby - Last Tuesday at 5:43 AM
Wouldn't you know whether or not it was false/true 100%
Rather than saying it's possible and very unlikely
I would expect a human to say no because they know their role pm
BlackDragonSlayer - Last Tuesday at 5:44 AM
From my perspective, yeah, but not from your perspective, or anybody else's.
Toby - Last Tuesday at 5:45 AM
But as a human shouldn't you be looking at everything from your perspective rather than  trying to think about how things are viewed from everyone else's perspective
BlackDragonSlayer - Last Tuesday at 5:45 AM
So if I say "obviously not" then that doesn't hold up from any other perspective.
My answer was in regards to the outsider perspective.
No, I don't think so, especially in regards to an answer like this.
If I give an answer from my own perspective, then it's absolutely useless.
Toby - Last Tuesday at 5:46 AM
But what if it's the answer everyone wants
Because we want to read you
So I want your perspective
BlackDragonSlayer - Last Tuesday at 5:47 AM
For a question like that, it's still useless though.
If you want a serious answer to the question, it does no good.
Because when answering the question, my perspective is, of course, useless.
Toby - Last Tuesday at 5:48 AM
But what if someone thought it was useful, should you really write it off as being useless?
Greg - Last Tuesday at 5:48 AM
this seems like a strange line of questioning
after all, wouldn't a wolf also know for sure?
BlackDragonSlayer - Last Tuesday at 5:48 AM
"But what if someone thought it was useful" then i would have trouble taking them seriously
Toby - Last Tuesday at 5:49 AM
I don't think I've seen you ever not answer a question properly because you don't take it seriously, as a human
You seem to answer everything very logically no matter the question
BlackDragonSlayer - Last Tuesday at 5:49 AM
"not answer a question properly" see, that's a matter of opinion
but i am pretty sure i have answered things outside my own perspective before
as i said
my perspective would be useless in such answers
It's called "trying to be objective."
Toby - Last Tuesday at 5:50 AM
But I would rather for such a question directed towards you that you would give your perspective and not everyone else's
I think it's wolf like to think about other people's perspective before your own
BlackDragonSlayer - Last Tuesday at 5:52 AM
I disagree, personally. But if you really think that, I guess I can't change your opinion.

maybe someone can take something more from that


Riddle me this, Toby: why, as a wolf who really wanted to lynch Olimar that badly, would I intetionally not show up to vote for him? If you had actually bothered to check my "last active" time you would've known I actually wasn't online during that time (who would've guessed, oh wait, everybody because I was blunt about it ::) ).
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

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When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on May 02, 2018, 10:07:51 PMRiddle me this, Toby: why, as a wolf who really wanted to lynch Olimar that badly, would I intetionally not show up to vote for him? If you had actually bothered to check my "last active" time you would've known I actually wasn't online during that time (who would've guessed, oh wait, everybody because I was blunt about it ::) ).

im not a stalker

Plus I didn't think about checking your last active times until you came online, so would be useless.

Also, you probably didn't want to have participated in the lynching of a human. Or maybe being part of the lynch has nothing to do with it, but your desire to contribute to the game for the lynch was certain lacking. I think that is more of a wolf trait for you personally, than a human trait.


Quote from: BrainyLucario on May 03, 2018, 05:55:37 AMKill Tras now. Trust me. KILL TRAS!!!!

Also you're dead, you can't say game related stuff, not even in a death post.


Quote from: Toby on May 03, 2018, 06:20:30 AMAlso you're dead, you can't say game related stuff, not even in a death post.
Quote that rule then
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


Quote from: BrainyLucario on May 03, 2018, 06:32:49 AMQuote that rule then

Quote3. Only living players are permitted to post in a TWG game thread. Dead players are not permitted to post or discuss the game with surviving players. Living players are not allowed to send private messages to dead players. People not in the current TWG are prohibited from posting in the game thread.


Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Bulbear! Blueflower999


Olimar died he was the guardian it is now day 2 this has been mobile updates


Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Additionally, brainylucario has been issued a warning


This happened on discord:

Olimar12345 - Today at 9:15 PM
Raeko is right; discussion during the night only helps the wolves.
If there is a special human role, they can function independently.
It's not worth shooting our selves in the foot.
Just to maybe help a special

This is the only reason I really see for someone to target Olimar - with the thought he could be special.

This happened 45mins before phase end though, so it would be a bit of a quick change that I don't see one wolf making on his own.

Below is the a list of members last active times:

Greg: Today at 15:50:31
Bds: Today at 20:09:24
firearrow: Today at 21:43:49
Blue: Today at 18:14:47
Thc: Today at 18:36:28
E. gadd: Today at 16:16:15
Tras: Today at 22:09:33
Raeko: April 30, 2018, 22:27:59

The only thing to add onto this, is when searching I noticed THC was online on discord, but his last active time was about 6 hours ago for the forum.

If we are to believe at least 2 wolves communicated and changed the wolfing based on this discord post, that would leave:


Also, apparently there's an important log between olimar and Tras that should be revealed? Olimar's last words:

Olimar12345 - Today at 9:12 PM
Oh sorry I forgot this chat was the place for that.
If I die peruse bds and tras.
I don't think I'm likely to die, but jic
Toby - Today at 9:51 PM
tras is like number 1 human in my books
Olimar12345 - Today at 9:52 PM
The day 1 vote paired with the obliviousness to night talk is strong
Toby - Today at 9:53 PM
mostly because of this chat he initiated with greg, in private
[11:15 AM] Trasdegi: Hi
[11:16 AM] Trasdegi: I was wondering, what does Toby's wolf game look like?
[11:16 AM] Trasdegi: i.e. does he also go around questioning and recation- testing people like he's doing?
[11:17 AM] Trasdegi: Since you're a veteran, I figured you might know
[11:25 AM] gzgregory: iirc Toby is always like this, more or less
Olimar12345 - Today at 9:53 PM
Lol why would he ask Greg
Out of everyone else
Toby - Today at 9:54 PM
i havent been a wolf here yet since i joined back
and i had mentioned knowing greg from the past
Olimar12345 - Today at 9:54 PM
How would Greg remember though
He just got back too
Toby - Today at 9:55 PM
yeah but idk, he might have thought greg would remember
he started the chat like just after i had mentioned no one had seen my wolf game
Olimar12345 - Today at 9:55 PM
T-5 till death of someone
Why is asking about your wolf game suspicious?
Toby - Today at 9:59 PM
no its good
not suspicious
Olimar12345 - Today at 9:59 PM
If I die ask tras for the log with me and him
Toby - Today at 9:59 PM
why whats on it?
Olimar12345 - Today at 10:00 PM
Just ask him for it, it's only important if I die though
Toby - Today at 10:01 PM
lol ok


Quote from: Toby on May 03, 2018, 02:19:36 PMThe only thing to add onto this, is when searching I noticed THC was online on discord, but his last active time was about 6 hours ago for the forum.
I have my computer on and Discord is open in the background. I haven't actually been on Discord since I was last on the forums.
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