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TWG CV (Off the Grid I): Roll of the Dice

Started by mikey, April 30, 2018, 12:54:04 PM

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Quote from: BrainyLucario on May 02, 2018, 07:50:30 AMI agree. Though THC is far from a good third option

Who would you say makes a better third option?


Quote from: Toby on May 02, 2018, 08:25:12 AMWho would you say makes a better third option?
Tras, E. Gadd, Blueflower, Raeko, are all possible canidates, but if I had to pick one, i'd say Trasdegi or Blueflower are good canidates.

Tras for how he's playing and Blue for lack of contributin, placing a vote on Olimar for reasons that Olimar is doing a good job defending imo
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


^to tack onto the Blue thing, I'd like to reiterate that Blue knew the least about the situation and was the first to place a vote on it.
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Quote from: Olimar12345 on May 02, 2018, 08:52:52 AM^to tack onto the Blue thing, I'd like to reiterate that Blue knew the least about the situation and was the first to place a vote on it.

I like this point.

Also, apparently blueflower, you don't use discord? Is there any chance you would be able to for this game?


Voting Blueflower for reasons in my previous posts. Willing to change if some of the people I've pinged in the discord chat decide to come and converse about other options.
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!



I'm going to place my vote on Blueflower. Olimar's point was something i never took into account in my post criticizing blueflower, so it's kind of swayed my vote.
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


Quote from: Greg on May 02, 2018, 11:22:52 AMCan you explain why?
Because there are several better options which have more backing to them
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


Quote from: Olimar12345 on May 02, 2018, 04:53:43 AMJust caught up with the thread. I've been discord-only until now.

@Blue this is what you get for not joining the discord chat.
*shrugs* If anyone wants to talk to me they can just message me personally. :P Reading the thread is much more important than joining a supplemental group chat. This is a forum-based game.

QuoteYour vote on me is extremely suspicious and bandwagon-y, because you know that I have been active there but choose not to peruse that before voting for me.
Uh, no? Firstly I specified that it wasn't a strong suspicion. Secondly it's not a bandwagon because I wasn't following in anyone else's footsteps. Thirdly I had no way of knowing whether you're active in the Discord or not because I'm not in it.

This is my general level of activity. Compare it to the previous game where I was a human. This in addition to the fact that there are less active players than me (one hasn't even posted in the thread yet) leaves me curious why I'm being targeted.

Quote from: BrainyLucario on May 02, 2018, 12:01:55 PMin my post criticizing blueflower
Where is this? I'm not seeing it.
Bulbear! Blueflower999

E. Gadd Industries

HOOOOKAY gonna be honest, I've not looked at this thread at all until just now. Sooooo yeah. Sorry!! I'll be more active! Anyhoo, to comment on the suspected possibility that I just copied Tras's reasoning, I'm rather confused... both reasoning were shared via PM, and I haven't really communicated with anyone (aside from Greg, obviously). My presence overall in this game has been minimal (again, sorry!!) but my reasoning still stands. That said, I do want to take a bit more time to read through and more deeply analyze posts and such. Could someone provide a tl;dr of major events on Discord (aside from the BDS/Olimar kerfuffle)? Is there anything?
Also, I'm going Olimar just in case I can't get around to making my other post before phase end. This is for reasoning given in the log Greg posted. STAY TUNED FOR MORE
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

The entrance to my lab is hidden... somewhere...



Quote from: blueflower999 on May 02, 2018, 12:27:35 PMWhere is this? I'm not seeing it.
Quote from: BrainyLucario on May 02, 2018, 08:34:19 AMTras, E. Gadd, Blueflower, Raeko, are all possible canidates, but if I had to pick one, i'd say Trasdegi or Blueflower are good canidates.

Tras for how he's playing and Blue for lack of contribution, placing a vote on Olimar for reasons that Olimar is doing a good job defending imo
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


But given your statement, I'm more inclined to vote Tras now. You made some good points in your defense post
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on May 02, 2018, 12:37:39 PMAnyhoo, to comment on the suspected possibility that I just copied Tras's reasoning, I'm rather confused... both reasoning were shared via PM, and I haven't really communicated with anyone (aside from Greg, obviously).

My point on that was moreso you were piggy backing on this reasoning that was also made public. see the log I posted when I brought up this possibility


Before i start, please note that I call BrainyLucario, Pearl a lot.

So a point to make against brainy, i don't like how they have been constantly taking a different independent opinion to everyone else, and supporting it with little reasoning. They did this with the olimar/bds dispute, see here:
Toby - Today at 12:13 AM
what i think is interesting is that tras and e. gadd both said they thought that olimar and bds couldn't be h/h because it seemed like ... just too much was put into it I guess?
now this is also an opinion I shared in public
I would like to know if anyone else it agreeing/disagree with this thought
my thought was more based on bds' side. When I played in hydradoodle, bds was my human partner, and when discussing in the final 3 if we thought the wolf was pikachu or samus, bds defended samus because he thought he distanced himself too much from waluigi (an already dead and confirmed wolf)  day 1
Pearl (BrainyLucario) - Today at 12:44 AM
i think it could be h/h
Toby - Today at 12:45 AM
hi pearl!
Pearl (BrainyLucario) - Today at 12:45 AM
Toby - Today at 12:45 AM
you do? can you give any extra reasoning as to why
Pearl (BrainyLucario) - Today at 12:47 AM
Well, it's mostly the fact that we're automatically assuming that this argument is important and outlines a wolf.
Pearl (BrainyLucario) - Today at 12:48 AM
Sure, this conversation should be looked at as we continue but pointing fingers at olimar for something as stupid as this is never a good idea
Pearl (BrainyLucario) - Today at 12:50 AM
I'm definitely not going to play an aggressive game this time, given my last two games
Pearl (BrainyLucario) - Today at 12:50 AM
so don't expect me to rush to conclusions
(i wasn't finished)
Toby - Today at 12:50 AM
pearl, I don't think we are necessarily saying it's important, but I think it showed a lot of content and personality from olimar
are you all caught up in the chat, pearl?
Pearl (BrainyLucario) - Today at 12:51 AM
Not really
Toby - Today at 12:51 AM
have you read the entire bds/olimar chat?
Greg - Today at 12:52 AM
we should probably post that in the topic
so it's more accessible
gimme a sec
Pearl (BrainyLucario) - Today at 12:53 AM
no i'm not
Toby - Today at 12:53 AM
pearl, do you think it's fair to give your thoughts on the situation and read it as 'stupid' when you havent read it's entirety ?
are you trying to distance yourself from the idea of being a wolf by having an independent opinion?
Pearl (BrainyLucario) - Today at 12:55 AM
My opinion is neutral on this anyways.
It usually is neutral

Me and greg were also having a conversation at the time but I cut it out to make this an easier read.

So pearl knows little information on the situation between bds/olimar, but still wants to stand out and have an opinion on the matter. It is as if they want to distance themselves from the idea they could be a wolf, because they are seemingly putting themselves into conflict and sharing strong opinions. When in fact, pearl didn't have the info necessary for an opinion like such to be valid.

As time went on Pearl still retained her approval for Olimar:

its in here
Pearl (BrainyLucario) - Today at 2:27 PM
Well if it makes you feel better I'm saying it now. My activity past 4 o'clock CST will be next to none
Also, I've come to a decision.
Between BDS and Olimar, I'm going to have to side with Olimar
It's mostly a gut feeling, but I feel like their is just a universal agreement that olimar is the wolf out of these two.

But can only back it up with a gut feeling, I just feel like after reading the logs themselves, and seemingly feeling strong about olimar without even reading it, as a human they would at least be able to back up their viewpoint with something

Also, recently Brainy has given the thought that THC is following his usual meta

see here
Greg - Today at 8:22 PM
yo Brainy lemme rephrase my question
why do you disagree with my reasoning for voting for THC
Pearl (BrainyLucario) - Today at 8:22 PM
Because your reasoning seems based on how he's acting now and not his meta
this is normal
Greg - Today at 8:23 PM
anyone else down to corroborate that feeling?
Gerik "FireArrow" - Today at 8:24 PM
Pearl (BrainyLucario) - Today at 8:24 PM
I mean THC  is a decent lynch but i just don't think it's the best one to choose now
Toby - Today at 8:24 PM
i dont think this is normal of thc though
and i dont think anyone else thinks its normal
you're the only one who has said its normal, pearl
Pearl (BrainyLucario) - Today at 8:25 PM
I mean vote for him if you want. I'm not stopping you
Toby - Today at 8:25 PM
not even thc said this is normal for him

So Pearl is saying this is normal for THC, when in fact, I don't think anyone, not even THC believes he is acting within his norm?

aaaand, something slightly separate but still relevant, the fact that Pearl didn't let us know that their activity levels would drop due to irl circumstances, and instead E. Gadd had to let us know instead, rubbed me up the wrong way. Here's a little log when I ask Pearl about this:

da log
Toby - Today at 2:03 PM
Pearl, I would have thought it just be more humanly for you to say it yourself rather than have E. Gadd do it for you, it's as if you might have wanted to keep it hidden but you still let your friend E. Gadd know
I wouldn't say I make assumptions, more like point out possibilities, and then I wish for people to comment on them to see how possible they are
Pearl (BrainyLucario) - Today at 2:27 PM
Well if it makes you feel better I'm saying it now. My activity past 4 o'clock CST will be next to none
Toby - Today at 2:30 PM
If you have a reason why you didn't  say your activity would be restricted before, I'd like to here it, or was it something that you just didn't give much thought of I guess ?
Pearl (BrainyLucario) - Today at 2:30 PM
The latter

I gave them a safe option and they took it 'the latter' I would have wanted more from a human, an excuse as to why E. gadd did it for us. tbh I shouldn't have given the safe option, but I felt bad for grilling and digging into irl stuff.

Like do E. gadd and Pearl know each other irl and did Pearl tell/text E. gadd or something outside of discord/twg that they wont be active and E. gadd was supposed to let everyone know? Or did Pearl just think to not mention it, but E. Gadd, a human, thought hey, it's in best interest for humans to know that one of the player's activity levels are going to drop.

just putting some points out here, and I want E. Gadd to give a good comment on what he thinks of Pearl, maybe reveal any logs with Pearl, and especially comment on this last point I have made and let us know exactly how that sort of situation where he knew of Pear's activity levels, happened.