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TWG CV (Off the Grid I): Roll of the Dice

Started by mikey, April 30, 2018, 12:54:04 PM

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TWG CV (Off the Grid I):  Roll of the Dice

THE GRID |Roll 1Roll 2Roll 3
Roll 4One-shot VigilanteBrutal WolfVanilla Human
Roll 5Human Odd-Night SeerVanilla HumanVanilla Wolf
Roll 6Wolf RoleblockerHuman GuardianVanilla Human

3 Wolves
8 Humans

At the beginning of the game, a 6-sided die is rolled.  The number rolled will determine how the setup is filled; a roll of 2 would produce the following setup:

1 Brutal Wolf
2 Vanilla Wolves

1 Human Guardian
7 Vanilla Humans

Whereas a roll of 6 would produce the following setup:

1 Wolf Roleblocker
2 Vanilla Wolves

1 Human Guardian
7 Vanilla Humans

There will always be 3 wolf-aligned roles and 8 human-aligned roles.  They are merely replaced by the roles in the grid.

1. Olimar12345
2. BlackDragonSlayer
3. Trasdegi
4. ThatHiddenCharacter
5. BrainyLucario
6. Toby
7. blueflower999
8. Greg
9. raeko
10. FireArrow
11. E.Gadd Industries

It is now Night 0.  Night 0 ends when Role PMs have been sent out.  DO NOT POST DURING THIS TIME.  SERIOUSLY JUST DON'T DO IT.  NOT EVEN MEMES.


Role PMs have been sent out.  If you have a problem with this, message me privately.  It is now Day 1.  Day 1 ends roughly 48 hours from now, at exactly 4:00 PM CST on May 2, regardless of when the actual update comes. 





It's good to be back!

In case it wasn't obvious, if you're a special you shouldn't claim, even if you're the guardian (due to the potential of being roleblocked).


And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


What does a brutal wolf do? Also, I'll be mia till about wednesday.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


If they're lynched, one of the people voting for them is killed as well. Usually randomized.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Bulbear! Blueflower999


I should probably report in for anyone whose not on Discord or hasn't read it yet. Hi, I'm here.
Discord server (We have continental breakfast):

Jointers Discord server (We have continental music):

Ko-fi page (I have continental continents):


Captain's Log: THC ate my sandwich and E. Gadd stole my mail.
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


So our specials need to be careful to not die if we lynch a Brutal Wolf. Though, if we have a Seer, then there is no chance of there being a Brutal Wolf, so our Seer in that case doesn't need to be wary with their vote.

Also for anyone who hasn't noticed, this is a day start, so we have around 24 hours now to lynch someone


Here is a log that Greg gave me permission to post

Toby added NocturneOfShadow to the group.Today at 6:19 AM
Toby - Today at 6:20 AM
I don't think you are a normal human
gzgregory - Today at 6:20 AM
uh okay
you kinda said that already
is this because of my post telling people not to claim
Toby - Today at 6:21 AM
that along with how you avoided claiming human
I know you're not much of a false claimer(edited)
gzgregory - Today at 6:22 AM
okay well
I'm not a special
but I'm down to roll with it and dodge around the question if you think that'll fool wolves
Toby - Today at 6:22 AM
You didn't say you weren't a wolf
And I only said I didn't think you were normal human
gzgregory - Today at 6:23 AM
uhh I'm not a wolf either?
idk maybe I interpreted what you said wrong
I read it as that you don't think I'm a normal human
but that you still thought I was human
Toby - Today at 6:24 AM
You seem to be panicking a little
I can smell it
but I think you're a wolf now
gzgregory - Today at 6:24 AM
well let's see if I can change that impression
be a pretty awful comeback to TWG getting mislynched on the first day
Toby - Today at 6:25 AM
are you trying to gain pity from me
gzgregory - Today at 6:25 AM
nah I was mostly being facetious
Toby - Today at 6:26 AM
By saying you want to change my impression rather than giving yourself a defence of some sort up front, suggests you are taking my thoughts of you quite seriously
And you didn't acknowledge that I said I thought you panicked a bit
Does that mean it's true
And are you not defending yourself so that you don't show yourself off as panicking more
gzgregory - Today at 6:27 AM
It's a fair impression to have!
I'll admit that it's a bit of an nerve-wracking being interrogated like this over reasoning I don't really understand or agree with
but I mean, come on, do you really think I'd have any qualms claiming human as a wolf
Toby - Today at 6:29 AM
I could go on forever I LOVE it
Missed you greggy
But I must sleep

If anyone wants to comment on it please do, I'll refrain from doing so atm in hopes that it could generate a bit of chat


Trasdegi log
[11:15 AM] Trasdegi: Hi
[11:16 AM] Trasdegi: I was wondering, what does Toby's wolf game look like?
[11:16 AM] Trasdegi: i.e. does he also go around questioning and recation- testing people like he's doing?
[11:17 AM] Trasdegi: Since you're a veteran, I figured you might know
[11:25 AM] gzgregory: iirc Toby is always like this, more or less
[11:25 AM] gzgregory: although it's been long enough that I don't remember in detail
[11:26 AM] Trasdegi: hmm
[11:26 AM] Trasdegi: that won't really help us, but thanks, anyway
[11:26 AM] gzgregory: sure
[11:27 AM] gzgregory: did you read bds and olimar's argument?
[11:27 AM] gzgregory: I'm curious what you think about it
[11:28 AM] Trasdegi: well, they argued very strong over nothing more than early-game jokes and misunderstandings
[11:29 AM] Trasdegi: I don't see that as w/w because that was too strong for someone just wanting to distance themselves
[11:29 AM] gzgregory: w/w meaning wolf/wolf right?
[11:29 AM] Trasdegi: like, it got to the point that it looks suspicious
[11:29 AM] Trasdegi: yes
[11:29 AM] gzgregory: okay well
[11:29 AM] gzgregory: what about the possibility they're both human
[11:30 AM] Trasdegi: that's (of course) possible
[11:30 AM] Trasdegi: in that case, very dedicated humans at finding suspicious people
[11:31 AM] gzgregory: yeah but do you think it's what happened
[11:32 AM] gzgregory: or do you think one of them's a wolf
[11:32 AM] Trasdegi: well, both seem as likely to me
[11:33 AM] gzgregory: did one of them come off as more suspicious in your opinion
[11:33 AM] gzgregory: sorry for grilling you like this, but since I haven't played with you before I gotta know what your deal is!
[11:34 AM] Trasdegi: I'm glancing through it again
[11:36 AM] Trasdegi: Olimar seemed more aggressive to me
[11:36 AM] gzgregory: alright thanks for your thoughts!
[11:37 AM] gzgregory: personally I think Olimar's suspicious but it's for an unrelated reason
[11:37 AM] gzgregory: namely, he said that he keeps forgetting there's three wolves in the game
[11:37 AM] gzgregory: which seems to me like an attempt to make himself look like he's not a wolf
[11:37 AM] Trasdegi: hmm, true
[11:37 AM] gzgregory: BUT WHO KNOWS
[11:38 AM] Trasdegi: of course

E Gadd log
[11:38 AM] gzgregory: hey so
[11:38 AM] gzgregory: I don't believe we've played together before
[11:39 AM] E. Gadd Industries: Nope
[11:39 AM] gzgregory: so I'm gonna make an effort for once and try to figure out what your deal is!
[11:39 AM] E. Gadd Industries: Also hi, nice to meet you
[11:39 AM] E. Gadd Industries: What my deal is? You mean like questions or...?
[11:39 AM] gzgregory: oh uh
[11:40 AM] gzgregory: did you ever go by a different name on the forum
[11:40 AM] E. Gadd Industries: No, I've always been E. Gadd
[11:40 AM] gzgregory: ok just checking
[11:40 AM] gzgregory: yeah I'm gonna ask you some of your thoughts
[11:40 AM] gzgregory: about the BDS/Olimar argument that happened earlier
[11:41 AM] gzgregory: since that's the big thing I guess???
[11:41 AM] gzgregory: did you read through it
[11:41 AM] E. Gadd Industries: I read through (I think it was) the second half
[11:43 AM] gzgregory: what'd you think about it?
[11:43 AM] gzgregory: i.e. do you think either (or both) came off as suspicious
[11:45 AM] E. Gadd Industries: It was odd, but then again, I can't say I'm surprised something like that came up; this is a day start, so people will try to look for ANYthing remotely suspicious to try to ensure a somewhat-safe lynch (sorry, I'm maintaining irl conversations)
[11:45 AM] E. Gadd Industries: I gtg to Stats, so I'll talk in a bit
[11:46 AM] gzgregory: aight seeya
[11:50 AM] E. Gadd Industries: I'll be back in approx. an hour:rolling_eyes::rolling_eyes:
[1:21 PM] E. Gadd Industries: To continue my thoughts, I don't believe they're both wolves, because that would be WAYYYYYY too risky of a move, imo. I'm more inclined to believe they're both humans that got way too into it (because iirc, BDS has done stuff like that in previous day-start games). If anyone's a wolf, I'd think it'd be Olimar; I don't recall how defensive he usually is, but I don't think I've ever seen him THIS defensive. But I also believe we'd be better off to look for suspicious activity elsewhere & only lynch Olimar if absolutely nothing else appears
[4:04 PM] gzgregory: cool, thanks for your thoughts!

So here's a couple of logs I have with Tras and E Gadd. To summarize, I asked both of them for their thoughts on the BDS/Olimar argument that occurred in the chat earlier: both of them find it unlikely for both of them to be wolves (which I agree with), and both of them leaned towards Olimar looking more wolfy out of the two.

Another interesting fact: THC mentioned in the chat briefly that he thought Olimar looked more suspicious as well.

My original thought was that Olimar seemed wolfy due to a previous comment he'd made, where he said that he kept forgetting that there were actually three wolves. This seemed like an attempt to make himself look like he wasn't a wolf to me, at first glance. However, the consensus that Olimar is suspicious is making me second-guess my initial impression, and now I think it's unlikely he's actually a wolf. Thoughts?
