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I've got a great idea!

Started by The-Real-Link, February 28, 2008, 03:02:06 PM

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I've got an idea. Since a lot of the sheets are missing and the site is kind of messed up right now, why don't we use this as a chance to clean up some of the cruddy sheets? We had been talking about doing this for like....months! We rearrange some of the cruddy sheets, fix some of the broken ones, and make .mus's of all the .sibs! We have plenty of sheets that need to be redone. Like "Kokiri Forest" for example (Sorry, no offense G-Han!) I've already redone a few of them (Working on Kokiri Forest actually...) so I'll get them in as soon as JaMaHa has got the site ready for new stuff. I'm mean, this is a great chance to do it! I'll list the sheets below that I've already rearranged or are in progress right now. (I'll try to get links to the mus's up too.)

Animal Crossing

Only Me (Finished)
Town (Pending)

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Kokiri Forest (Pending/In Progress)
Market Theme (Pending)

Super Smash Bros. Melee

Dreamland (In Progress)

Pokemon: Red, Blue, Yellow

Pokemon Battle (Sib to Mus conv. in progress)


Totally the best idea I've heard in a while besides Hugo's.


I totally it would make the site more professional



The 'light arrows' song from Legend of Zelda oot was also a sib. but now its gone..
so how do you want to rearrange that?


That is a good idea.

However, I have seen messy sheets replace some fairly decent sheets in the past. I'm not going to mention which ones... but because of this, I believe that there should be some kind of voting process where users (or moderators) vote on whether the "cleaned-up version" should replace the other user's work.

That way, the original arranger won't be as offended when he looks on the site and realizes that his sheets have been replaced.
Remember: Don't Shoot the Food.

Concerto No.20 in D minor

There doesn't need to be a vote, just my keen trained eye. ;)


We decided to just get rid of all the SIBs. It's for the good of things. :P


@Concerto: XD Does that mean you get to use your lazer vision to?

@Dekudude: FINALLY!!!!! I guess Grim's not really here to complain about it anymore....I never liked sibs anyways.


good. also can you make sure stuff isn't zipped if it doesn't have to be? because a lot of Frank's (RIP) old stuff is zipped and it's a smaller file than... oh wait. that's the point of zipping. yeah, well can you unzip his stuff unless it's way to big?

damn commies.

Beethoven II

So we lost quite a bit of songs, oh well!  I hate dthe sibs anyways.

But, you need to get rid of all the links to those sheets, recount the sheets, and inform the public with an update :D


Quote from: The-Real-Link on March 01, 2008, 07:17:03 AM@Dekudude: FINALLY!!!!! I guess Grim's not really here to complain about it anymore....I never liked sibs anyways.


Johnny T

Is it just me, or should the arrangement of Song of Time from Ocarina of Time have the first quarter note as a pickup note rather than having all of those rests at the beginning and the end?


Good start of an idea. I HATE .sibs!!!! However, some songs you mentioned don't need fixing. I quite liked  Dreamland from SSBM.

EDIT: If we do do this, please fix SMB 2: Overworld. It's the 2nd hardest song to read (next to SMW: Dead, Which I would also like fixed)


I'll redo Brinstar from Metroid. This song is weird... Could be written in 3/4 and look a little better. If not 3/4, 12/8. Pretty hard to read stuff.
I'll do a complete revamp of the House in Link's Awakening. I think I should get my name for this one...guys....look at the arrangement. Not good. One of the_grimace's flops.
I'll redo all of the Alttp Scorch's to Finale. That should be fun :)
EDIT: If anyone has any of the scorch files, will you pm them to me? I only have Victory, and the site has already taken them off.
If I see more, I'll claim them here.


YES!!! I have two to my name, but after the server crash...
1. They aren't credited to me
2. They are the old versions that I made better versions of!
If you need links to the songs I made, pm me