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Which cloud storages can I use with this site?

Started by FugalOmen, November 25, 2017, 02:03:35 AM

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Hi, so I haven't been on the forums for a while. That's because the last time I tried to share a score I was told not to use Mediafire, and between a combination of frustration with restrictions and lack of understanding as to why Mediafire could not be used, I gave up. Now I've decided to ask, which cloud storages are allowed on this site? I remember DropBox can be used, and I think either OneDrive or Google Drive can be used too, but can't remember which one and don't know if any others can be used.


Oh, the reason people don't like MediaFire is because of the ads. It's laggy and annoying.

Also you've pretty much listed the most used ones (heck, I think the only ones ever used here are Dropbox and Google Drive), so I'd recommend one of those, instead of bothering to search for any others. We technically don't restrict any cloud storage, it's just that we have preferences for convenience.
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Quote from: WaluigiTime64I strive for second place and I will fight for the position.


Thank you for the information. It's much appreciated.


I remember when MediaFire didn't suck...

Those were better times.


I also remember when Photobucket didn't suck. Now it's completely unusable and destroyed my Let's Plays.