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Metal Gear Solid 4?

Started by Link, May 02, 2008, 06:56:05 PM

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razer, go look it up.  Anywhere will tell you that multiplatform games are simply better on the 360 because it is generally easiest to develop for.  There are a few exceptions that I forget, but mostly the 360 comes out on top with smoothness and lots of times graphics.  There also really isn't too much difference between games that look better on the PS3 compared to the 360, the hardware is only a little better, not insanely better like everybody seems to scream about.  I would wait till after E3 to think about getting a PS3 just in case they announce the 120GB model then.

And Davey, all the places you listed are shitty places to get reviews from.  However, MGS4 is an awesome game according to EVERYONE, so I think you're safe saying that.  (Almost, as 10/10 is just being ridiculous)

me irl


okay, i consent. but if devs put in more effort for PS3 games they would look and run better than 360 games.

damn commies.


The problem is less of effort, and more of the ease, time consumption, and cost.

me irl

Concerto No.20 in D minor

I think we can all agree, mgs4 is AMAZING.


me irl


Yeah...I'm still on Act 3.  I was going to start plaing MGO, but then there was that whole "glitching" incident...


I got it yesterday along with my new PS3. I'm already (or 'only' depending on how you look at it) half way through Act 2. This game looks amazing on my big screen TV.

damn commies.