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Ds Friend Code Topic

Started by Palagerini, July 13, 2008, 02:07:48 PM

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I noticed we had a wii one but not a ds one... so here it is...

Pokemon Pearl: 4468 2680 7704
Conversation on Shoddy Battle:
<death09>my girlfriend broke up with me and sent me pix of her and her new boyfriend in bed
<death09>yeah. i sent them to her dad

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Is D/P the only DS game with friend codes or has my missing DS made me forget about other games?


i'm not quite sure... but other games in the future will/might have them.. i'll go check after band camp -.- ....  which actually reallly boring...   ;)
Conversation on Shoddy Battle:
<death09>my girlfriend broke up with me and sent me pix of her and her new boyfriend in bed
<death09>yeah. i sent them to her dad

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Mario Kart DS, AC:WW, Tetris DS, FF3, and Planet Puzzle League are the other ones I can think of atm.


doesnt metroid hunters have one too?
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yup so does phantom hourglass... (i think)
Conversation on Shoddy Battle:
<death09>my girlfriend broke up with me and sent me pix of her and her new boyfriend in bed
<death09>yeah. i sent them to her dad

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