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Theatre of the Oblongular Geographiles

Started by Ōkami~MD, April 28, 2016, 10:36:16 AM

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Welcome to Ōkami's Theatre of the Oblongular Geographiles where you build countries from part of another country. This basically started one geography lesson where our geography teacher gave us a country and we had to take off some of it and create a new country.

The country I was given was Pakistan, so here is my country :)

NAME: Squbo (pronounced sk-ew-bo)
LOCATION: Was once the southern quarter of Pakistan

Squbo is a country based on the trade of internet shopping and is a sponsor of Argos, and as such, every Squboan embassy must have an Argos in it. The court system is based off ace attorney because I'm too lazy to detail a new one here :P and anyone can defend or prosecute. Unfortunately this has lead to riots in villages with divided opinions. There is a weak democracy in Squbo, as there are votes for everyone but these are only for the next rounds Argos employees. The Democator (democratic dictator) is named Lexiconex Rollerex, and will be so until he leaves the country. When a Democator leaves the country every person in Squbo makes for Squbo City's Hall of the Democator, and the first person to shout Ix amex thex newex democatorex, is the new Democator.

Language is fairly similar to English, except an x must be added to every word ending in a vowel and a ex to every word that ends in a consanant. For example: Howex Nowex Brownex Cowex. However when the letter is a W at the end you must add an AX: the sentance is now, Howax nowax brownex cowex. Finally you add an S to the beginning of every sentance.

A MODEL SENTANCE IS: Showax nowax brownex cowex
                                  : Sattentionex scumex
                                  : SBBC radiox fourex isex muchex betterex thanex radiox fourex extrax

Squbo uses the Squob as a currency. The exchange rate is 40p for §1 (the symbol is this ---> §)


I would like to hear your countries! The next poster has to take a chunk out of Papua New Guinea for their next country. The next poster will decide the country for the poster after them.


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow

hello? there should be GIF here can u help me find it


I thought this was going to be some spambot's advertising thread and now I'm disappointed.

Dunno why.