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Opening Music Files on Chromebook?

Started by A Crab, December 17, 2015, 10:34:48 AM

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A Crab

So recently I got into transcribing music so I did a snare, bass drum, and cymbol part for "Gohdan", the Tower of the Gods boss in Wind Waker. I wrote it listening to the YouTube video, but I used Commander6's piano part as a guide for tempo and overall sound. I opened it on my desktop but I'm having problems doing it on Chromebook; it says it doesn't support the file type and I should go to the Web Store. However, I downloaded two PDF readers, about three .mus and music converters, and a .mid converter I believe and it still won't even open it so I can listen to it. Is there something I'm missing? I click on the MUS and MID to listen and it just won't open. I'm wondering if I need a certain application or add-on or if there's any way at all I can listen to that at 160 beats per minute.


Which program did you use to transcribe? To open .mus files, you need to have finale notepad. I'm not sure how chromebooks handle midi playback, but they playback no issue on Windows. PDFs definitely should not be an issue...but just say what program you used to transcribe on desktop and we'll go from there.
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Piano player