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Started by ShadowChords, October 06, 2015, 08:28:04 AM

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I can arrange for quartets and quintets. I'm willing to review any Pokemon arrangement.

And here's my YT channel:


Although, many people have mistaken me for Hispanic
I can arrange for quartets and quintets. I'm willing to review any Pokemon arrangement.

And here's my YT channel:


You might as well be speaking Spanish as I can barely comprehend your English with that level of grammar.

Pianist Da Sootopolis

Quote from: ShadowChords on October 10, 2015, 06:23:30 PM1. Anti-muslim speech can't racist because Islam is a FUCKING RELIGION
Uhm what lol.
It's not racist technically, but it's still bigoted and therefore just as bad.

Quote2. I don't give myself the expectation of being respected
I don't see how this is relevant
Quote3. Actually, yes. Satire excuses things.
No, it doesn't. Jon Stewart still has to be held responsible for satirical shit.
Quote4. I'm making fun conservatives and anti-immigration people because THEY'RE racist. In fact, I bet I'm twice as liberal as you.
Direct hate speech /= Satire
Quote5. I know it's hard to tell, but idk how to make an Instagram account private.
what is shitpost


That's enough of this, last thing we need is a debate about bigotry.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.