
Rest in pepperoni, Mario Mario, 1981 - 2021
He will be missed by all, except for me! WARIO, NUMBER ONE!

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Paper NSM and the Thousand Year Door

Started by mayastarr041, July 22, 2015, 10:12:01 PM

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Alright! New story alert! Super Mario Galaxy was just a starter and since it has no actual storyline, I decided to shift to the Paper Mario series with agreement from some people. So here it is! I will post a prologue either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Here are the characters so far. If you want to be added, just PM me. And remember, don't comment here!
Hero of Trains
Nocturne of Shadow
Don Valentino

(More to be added soon)
Hero of Trains is the BEST! Love you girl!


Hey guys, this is a rewrite of the original. I just wanted to make the story more darker. Dark themes present such as torture, death, blood+gore, language, etc.
Prologue: The Adventure Begins?
You know what? Some weird things happen to me. Have you heard of the legend of the crystal stars? No? Well, you sure are in for a treat!

"Maya!" I heard Toadsworth say to me.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

Do you know Toadsworth? He's an old toad that has a mushroom for a walking stick. I know, very strange.

"We are approaching Rogueport in a while!" he told me as I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"You said that it would take us over a day!" I complained to him. Yeah, he can be a pain in the ass.

"Miscalculation of distance, sorry about that," he said to me.

"I don't pay you for your incompetence Toadsworth!" I growled at him. Sheesh.

"What?!" he exclaimed, "You don't pay me at all!"

"Shut up and drive!" I replied, pinching the bridge of my nose. I wanted to chuck him out of the boat.

He made a face and went back to the helm. The cheep cheeps were swimming happily underwater, not giving a heck about life.

"Oh great!" I told them, "Go ahead! Mock me!"

One obliged as he jumped up and splashed me in the face.

"You mother-!" I began, but a loud horn cut me off.

"We're here!" Toadsworth yelled at me.

"Finally!" I exclaimed as I got off the boat. I began walking away from Toadsworth, but not before I gave him the finger.

"I don't appreciate that!" he roared indignantly.

"Shut your big mouth!" I taunted while looking at Rogueport.

"Talk about the ghettos," I muttered as I scanned my area, "Here goes nothing!"

Somewhere deep and dark
"Muh huh huh!" a harsh laughter echoes throughout.

"So, she has begun," another feminine voice growls, "Not on my watch! Let's go, we have a bounty to receive."

Another figure silently nods as they fade into darkness.
Hero of Trains is the BEST! Love you girl!


Wow! Very good! Much better than Galaxy so far.
Can't wait for more :)


I now have an overwhelming desire to reboot The Great NSM Pokemon Adventure thanks to Maya's inspiration. Unfortunately/fortunately, K-NiGhT has ownership over that.

That or create another story that involves NSM members but then that format starts to lose its charm and the stories start competing and yadda yadda yadda no one likes it.
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book




Hero of Trains is the BEST! Love you girl!

Pianist Da Sootopolis

what is shitpost


Quote from: Pianist Da Sootopolis on July 23, 2015, 08:56:15 PMAwh s***. I'm gonna die XD
Oh trust me, the journey will be really painful! But...who knows what will happen! >:)
Hero of Trains is the BEST! Love you girl!


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on July 23, 2015, 05:16:32 PMHaha suckers I have wings
nocturne of shadow op nerf plz thank you based sakurai
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


oh and for the record I don't cackle.  I snicker, snarl, snort, smirk, slap, spit, sneer, and scorn.


Edited :)

And I'm sure you could guess who the feminine characters were.
Hero of Trains is the BEST! Love you girl!

Pianist Da Sootopolis

what is shitpost


I would like to present Chapter 1, and introducing Pianist, Trains, and a grand appearance of the Shadow Queen's host. Since there was no one, the host will be an OC. No one knows each other here. Enjoy.

Chapter 1: Rogueport
Ah Rogueport. This place looked like the ghettos, a place where only thugs hung out. Honestly, I was scared. I was defenseless and weak. I sighed. I had only one mission, to find the Crystal stars, the very thing I had no idea of.

"Hey!" a voice rang out as I turned to see a blue Bob-omb, "You knew here?"

I nodded.

"City is called Rogueport!" he explained, "A lot of gangs, there is a Mafia group yonder led by Don Valentino. It's best you don't mess with him!"

"Ok," I replied, "Do you know anything of the Crystal Stars?"

He just laughed.

"No clue," he said, "Just watch out for robbers and thieves. Always be armed with a weapon and just watch your back."

I nodded as I continued on.

"HEY!" I heard a feminine yell as I saw this beautiful girl being confronted by these weird beings. They looked like hybrids as the leader was purple and had on goggles.

"Listen kid," the dude said, "I heard you talking of the crystal stars and I want information, now! Spill it!"

"I will never give any information to any of you freaks!" she replied, "Leave before you guys get hurt, now!"

The dude laughed, "Grab her, boys!"

They approached her as she got in position to fight. They looked at each other warily, until one of those mini dudes launched themselves.
She sidestepped and gave him him a hard kick. She dodged another one and jumped on the others head. Using the leverage, she propelled herself up and landed hard on a poor mini grunt. I looked at her in awe and my respect for her grew when she took out her weapon. It took my breath away. It was a hammer. Not just an ordinary hammer. It was at least 5 feet long and was made out of pure gold. It crackled with electricity as she brandished it. The enemies backed away, but Big grunt foolishly ordered to attack. The girl bashed one in the face as lightning struck him and he was electrocuted. She flipped in the air and down cutted big grunt as he roared in pain. Using her strength, she smacked him in the face sending him flying. Uknown to her a grunt was behind her and was about to strike.
I rushed over to her and kicked the grunt away. He yelped. She turned to face me.

"Who are you?" she asked as she struck a grunt.

"I'm Maya!" I told her, "I'm here seeking information for the crystal stars."

She was silent.

"You don't work for the X-nauts, right?" she asked.

"So that's what they're called," I mused, "Nope! Honest, I thought you might need help."

"Let's kick their butts and then we will talk," she said as I nodded.

I was grateful she didn't attack me or else I would have been dead. We were silent as we fought the grunts. Obviously big grunt knew they were losing as he rallied his soldiers.

"Soldiers!" Big grunt yelled, "Attack at once! Kill them all!"

The grouped in masses and began launching at us in in a wild frenzy. I grabbed her arms and be led her away from the onslaught. The grunts were focused in one place so we had no trouble escaping from them. We raced up the stairs and went in the city.

"Thank God that's over," she sighed as she caressed her arm. There was a bruise. I also felt very tired and I had to plop down and take a seat.

"You did great!" I told her as she weakly smiled.

"As did you," she replied, "I am Trains. What are you here for?"

"Hello Trains," I told her, "Im just here to collect the crystal stars and to supposedly stop the Shadow Queen or whatever she is."

"Ah the crystal stars," she said nodding, "You're right. We need to find them and open the thousand year door to stop her."

"The what now?" I asked.

"I think it would be better for Professor Frankly to explain about all this," Trains told me, looking at me, "He's an intelligent professor, in case you were wondering."

I nodded. As she was about to go, I felt chills over me. The air grew darker and colder and tendrils of Shadows wrapped around us, restricting movement. I felt the presence of death all around me. Out popped a ghostly figure as she made her way to us.

"W-what are you?" Trains asked as she approached us.

"My name shall not be spoken," she growled, "Just know that I will be watching you. I work for evil itself! I am the host of the Shadow queen!"

We gasped.

"The queen?" I whimpered, "No matter. Don't you know evil always loses and good always prevails?"

She cackled, "Not this time, not this time. What about you Maya? You're past makes you the easiest to target and the weakest! Do you think you can bear to see your friends massacred?"

"Shut up! Just shut up!" I yelled at her, "I'm not defined by my past! I could move on!"

"You say these words now, but it will do you no good. Your parents, they really cared for you...." she said with a twinge of sympathy, only a twinge, but it went unnoticed.

"Leave her alone you freak," Trains growled.

The host turned to her and smiled, " Ahh Trains. I've heard so much about you! I know the dark secrets you're harboring. Remember this one kid you....ah, killed?"

Trains paled.

"I think you should leave," I growled, "Now!"

The queen growled and for a moment, something weird happened. She started glowing and her ashen form was engulfed in light. I saw a girl my age, blossoming with life. But the thing was, she looked horrible. It looked like light and darkness were in war. I looked at Trains and she looked at me just as confused.
Her eyes flew open.

"Help me!" she choked, crying, "Please!"

"What's wrong?" Trains asked worriedly.

"The power of darkness fights me and is starting to consume me! You need to kill me now, you have to stop the darkness from-"

She yelled in pain as darkness once again seeped through her and overtook her.

"Sorry about that little....transformation," she said, her voice resuming it's darkest form, "This host is fighting and she is powerul, but not powerful enough to overtake me!"

"You're a monster, a savage," I growled as she looked at me amused, "No one should ever go through the horror of that."

 "I have to go now. I don't have time for this anymore," she replied, "Hope you enjoy your....death."

In darkness she was engulfed and immediately the sun peeked out and Rogueport was once again a sunny town. Trains and I looked at each other and we agreed something. We needed to find the Crystal stars and fast.

"Let's go to the professor," Trains said anxiously as we hurried over.

We went to the east side of Rogueport when something rimmed into us.

"Watch where you're going loser!" he yelled at us.

He was obviously a thief because he was in a hurry, he looked very shady, and he had a purse with money falling out.

"Hey, hey, where do you think you're going with that?" Trains asked asked she took out her hammer. She pressed a button and instantly, it morphed into this really cool cannon shooting thing. It was a long as the hammer, except it had a hole where projectiles would fire out. She aimed and fired as a ray of bolt hit the bandit straight in the back.
He yelped and fell down, dropping the purse.

"Meanie!" he yelled as he ran away.

I grabbed the purse and began stealing the money. Go on, judge me.
Trains readied her cannon again and I dropped the purse, putting my hands up.

"Easy," Trains laughed, "I won't hurt you."
I laughed and dropped all the money, "Ah who cares about the money."
Though deep inside I was sad.

We began walking again and I accidently bumped into a person. I saw him tense and growl at us.

"Why won't you watch where you're going," he growled putting a knife to my neck.

Trains got out her weapon, "Calm down now, we don't want any trouble."

"You're the millionth person who has said that to me, but they end up causing the trouble," he growled, glowering at us.

"At least remove the damn knife from my neck!" I told him, "Are you trying to kill me?!"

He was silent, but reluctantly put the knife down, though he looked wary.

"I'm Maya and this is Trains," I greeted, "Who are you?"

"Me?" He asked, twirling his knife skillfully, "Call me Pianist."

"Ok...," I said, "And you are here because?"

"That is none of your business," he replied raising his eyebrows, "I see you're not carrying a weapon. Although the weapon Trains has is really powerful and has had a complicated history and structure. It's from the great city of Piltover, but I don't want to go through this lecture. What brings you guys here?"

"We are trying tog fight the Shadow Queen and obtain the crystal stars," Trains explained as Pianist tensed again.

"The Shadow queen," he growled, "I still have and gaining bone to pick with her. We have a complicated history, especially with the host."

We knew he didn't want to share more so we just stood silent.

"Anyways, any enemy of the Shadow queen is an acquaintance of mine," he told us, "Take your choice. Which weapon?"

He waved his hands and I saw a sword, a gun, and a weird kit.

"Close combat, use the knife," he said, "If you want range, get the gun, and the the kit is for healers, bombs, potions, and stuff like that. Take your pick."

I looked at Trains as she shrugged, "I'm fine if you choose anything."

I focused on the gun and the kit. It was a hard decision to make, and after after while, I chose.

"Give me the kit," I told him as he tossed it to me.

 "You're basically useless in one on one fighting, but will help when a team is injured," he said, "There are no exchanges."

He began walking away.

"Do you want to join us?" Trains asked, "We could use another member."

He looked at us.

"In due time," he said, "In due time."

He walked away, leaving me and Trains.

"Let's go meet the professor," she said as she led me to his house.
Hero of Trains is the BEST! Love you girl!


Chapter 2 is here.

Chapter 2: The Chest
Trains led to me to the professor.

"Ah, in this house!" Trains exclaimed as she pulled me in.

"Hey professor!" Trains said as an old goomba with swirly glasses came into view.

"That's the professor?!" I exclaimed shock, "This old goomba? Is that even possible?!"

Trains shot me a look as the professor reddened.

"WHAT?!" he shouted on the top of his lungs, "How dare you ask if it's possible! Of course it is! I have an IQ so high that numbers can't even describe it! Just because we are underlings doesn't mean you can disrespect us!"

"Professor," Trains interjected calmly.

"I demand an apology! I demand it!" he yelled on top of his lungs.

"Professor," Trains replied more sternly.

"Do I look stupid to you girl?! Do I?! ANSWER ME!" he ranted.

"Professor!" Trains said, "We're getting off topic! We are here for the crystal stars."

When Trains said that, all traces of anger left him as I shot her a grateful look. She nodded.

"The crystal stars?" the professor asked.

"You know about them, right?" I replied as he glared at me.

"Of course I know about it. The reason I came here was to study that very subject. But why do you tykes want to learn about the legendary treasure? You know that most say it's little more than a fairy tale, don't you?" he asked.

"We believe the it's the truth professor," Trains said, "We need it to stop the Shadow Queen!"

"Good point! And well made! In that case, I'll cooperate with you however I can," the professor told us, "First of all, about the treasure... There are many mysteries surrounding it. Some say it's an infinitely vast treasure hoard, while others say it's a magical item. Some books say it's actually a monster, while still others claim it's an empty chest... So many different theories... Obviously, it's impossible to divine the truth among them."

"So all theories are different?" I asked.

"Yes, they are...but they all agree on one point: to find the treasure, one must have the Crystal Stars! As the saying goes, if you want to find the legendary treasure... You first must collect the seven Crystal Stars," he continued.

"And the Thousand Year Door is underneath Rogueport, right?" Trains asked.

"Correct! And the Thousand-Year Door is supposedly here, deep beneath this town, yet the critical piece of the puzzle--the Magical Map--is lost. If only we had that map!" he cried.

"Wait, I think I have it!" I suddenly said as I reached into my pocket. I took out a crinkled map.

"WHAAAT??? Hummina hubbity hubbida hippity hoobida hammala huffala hoofala... REALLY?" the professor exclaimed, excited, "You... You actually have it? Could I...just take a quick look at it, if you don't mind?"

"Go for it," I told him, "It's the least I can do."

"Astounding! This is it! The real thing! The one and only Magical Map! You, girl, are my HERO! You're great! Fantastic! WONDERFUL, even! With this... We can find the Crystal Stars just by holding this aloft before the legendary door!" the professor rapidly said, "Good golly, what are we doing just sitting here, then?!? Trains! Girl! Off we must go, this instant! Let's take the Magical map to the legendary door!"

"I'm Maya," I told him.

"Whatever My-Uh," he said, "Let's go!"

He rushed past us outside as I looked at Trains. She shrugged then smiled.

"He gets excited over knowledge," she whispered as I nodded in understanding.

I saw a gate greeting us.

"I bet you didn't know this rotten old thing came off, did you? Heh heh!" he chuckled as the gate just fell apart, "We can use this pipe to get down under the city streets! Come on! Both of you! Let's get moving!"

We went into the pipe and we were transported underground. We went to the right and suddenly we heard a voice.

"Hey! Hey, man!" the voice spoke, "What's up? Who's the hottie that's coming in here?"

"Who the heck said that?" I asked as we saw 3 goombas approaching us. A regular goomba, a flying goomba, and a goomba with a spike on top.

"Why don't you hang with us for a while?" Spiky asked, "We play reaal nice."

We looked at each other then laughed.

"We're flattered," I began.

"I'm not!" Trains giggled.

I smiled, "Listen buddies. We are human and you guys are....monsters. No offence, but you guys are too short and you guys are not my type."

"I agree," Trains concurred as they grew red.

"Oh, so you think you're better than us?" the goomba asked.

"No one disses us like that and gets away with it! No one! Get them!" Spiky said as they charged us.

Trains shoved us out of the way and took out her cannon. BANG! A blue bolt came out of the cannon and destroyed the goombas."

"WAAAH!" they cried as they ran away.

"Nice job Trains!" I said, "Give me five!"

She gave me five as we raced down. We raced through the sewers and made it to a large room with two green twirly stuff.

"Spunia's," Trains muttered as she took out the cannon. Stealthily, she shot the spunias and they went goodbye!

We went to the right and saw a blue switch.

"Oh! It's a blue switch!" I said, "What shall we do?!"

Frankly rolled his eyes, "Hit the dang thing woman!"

Trains smacked it with her hammer as it created a staircase. We raced up it and found a big gaping hole. We entered the hole and saw a black chest.

"Whoa!" a voice spoke out, "Hey! You! Can you hear me?"

"Yes?" I asked.

"You can?!? That must mean you're the hero of legend! Only the great hero of legend can hear my voice. Yeah! Everyone else...nothing," he replied excitedly, "See, long ago, an evil spirit cast a curse on me, locking me in this box. I was bummed. "I've been here ever since, waiting a long, LONG time for the hero to come by!"

"Ok?" Trains asked, "And?"

"...So, yeah, anyway, people...What brings a hero like you to a place like this?" the chest asked.

Trains and I looked at each other.

"The crystal stars," I replied bluntly.

"Oh, yeah? Searching for the Crystal Stars, are you, now? So you really are a hero," the chest continued, "Well, you're DEFINITELY going to need my help if you hope to get those bad boys. So, first you should look for the key to this box. Then use it to let me out. Definitely.Well, I know MY vote goes to you finding that key. I'm sure it's around here somewhere. C'mon! Being stuck in a box is no picnic! I'm counting on you, O Great Legendary Hero!"

We exited.

"Do you trust him?" Trains asked.

I shook my head, "No, but I don't think we have a choice."

Trains nodded grimly. We saw a ledge and we dropped off, landing on another platform. We saw the black key a few inches away. We grabbed it, dropped of the ledge again and raced inside to the chest.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! You brought the key! Yes! Oh, man, I owe you BIG!" he shouted for joy.

We opened the chest as lightning struck and we saw a very scary face smile.

"YESSSSSSSSS! Thank...Ha! Thank NOTHING! Whee hee! Foooooools!" he laughed, "Oh, BOY, did you fall for it! I BURNED you! What, you think I was gonna help you?!? Instead, I'm gonna spread a little of the suffering I've endured in that stupid box! Yeah! Sorry, but those are the brakes! I'm gonna cast an evil, terrible curse upon you! Buggly-wuggly-WOOOOOOO! You're cursed! Whee hee hee hee hee! Enjoy that curse, sucker! You got what you deserved!!!"

"Ok?" I replied, not feeling any different.

"You wanna hear all about the sweet curse I just dropped? Then listen well!" he said as we nodded, "From now on, you'll turn into a paper airplane in some areas! Whee hee! Trembling yet? Suffer the rest of your days under my terrible curse! Whee hee hee hee hee hee! Oh, I can't help but chortle! You're DOOMED!!! This curse is pretty rough, I guess, so I suppose I owe it to you to explain it. Ready? If you stand on an airplane panel like this one, the floor will start to glow."

"OOH freaky, but continue," Trains acted.

"Yeah, OK, you're on the panel. And then, bam! You're a paper airplane! I guess if you got good at it, you might fly a long way...but that's the ONLY good thing," he said sadly, "So, be honest. Isn't this curse just about the worst thing that's ever happened to you?"

"Oh yes! Very!" I said as Trains nodded.

"Whee hee hee hee hee hee! If you concentrate, you MIGHT return to normal! Maybe! Farewell, you foolish fool! Whee hee hee hee!" he laughed as he disappeared.
Hero of Trains is the BEST! Love you girl!


Chapter 3 is here.

Chapter 3: The Door and the Antagonists
"That guy was.....werid," Trains bluntly stated as I nodded.

"Let's try our curse out!" I exclaimed as we raced out to the airplane panel.

The panel started glowing as I felt my insides shifting.

"Concentrate Maya!" Trains said as we focused on a paper airplane.

Miraculously, out bodies started folding up into tiny pieces as it assumed the form of the plane. Strangely, it didn't hurt. Instead, it felt fuzzy and a bit ticklish.

"Gosh, that tickles," Trains giggled as we steered our way all the way to the left where we landed on a ledge.

Immediately after we landed, we assumed our regular form.

"Holy crud that felt....AWESOME!" I exclaimed as Trains and I laughed.

"Alright alright, you've had your fun," Frankly told us, "Now, let's enter!"

We entered to find a huge mysterious room. It radiated power, ancient power. We took the room in as professor Frankly was the first to speak.

"Oh! Trains! Maya!! It's the Thousand-Year Door spoken of in the legends! I can't believe it's real!" the professor squealed, "So the legends are all true! There it is, big as life! Come! Let's move closer!"

We moved closer as we stood on top of the panel. The whole room started shaking.

"W-what's going on?!" I yelled over the shaking as the professor and Trains held on.

"I have no idea!" Trains replied.

The shaking grew stronger and stronger when suddenly, the bottom of the panel lit up and 7 empty circles spread out through the panel. The map rested on my hands as it grew brighter. I looked at the map closely and I saw a drawing of a castle on the top right corner. There was a picture of a star, a silver star. Immediately, a shock wave spread out through the room as the shaking resumed. After a while, all shaking ceased as the room returned to its quiet, ancient, damp state.

"Hrmmm... It appears that information related to the locations of the Crystal Stars appeared...And that shining light..."Professor Frankly mused, "It looked as if a mysterious power was given to Maya...Well... One way or another... We should return to my place and study the map closely."

We nodded as we went back to his study.

3rd Person POV: Blueflower and Braixen
"Come on Braix," Blueflower groaned, trying to get his lazy pet fox to wake up, "We have to go. We're lost. We can't just lounge around."

Braixen growled lightly as he refused to move from his spot. Blueflower thought and thought. He rushed to grab a bucket of water.

"Braix," Blueflower said, "Last chance, get up, now."

Braixen shifted, yawned, and fell asleep again.

Blue sighed, "You asked for it buddy."

Blue dropped the bucket of water all over Braixen. Braixen yelped, jumping up, shocked. Blue started laughing.

"I warned you buddy!" he laughed.

Braixen lunged at Blueflower's head.

"AGH!" Blue yelled, "Get off! Get off you fatass!"

Braixen growled as he began messing up Blue's hair. Suddenly, the whole place shook as Braixen yelped and jumped to Blue's arms. Blueflower held him tightly, refusing to let him go. Immediately, the shaking slowed down and eventually stopped.

"What was that?" Blue asked, shaking.

"I believe I can answer your question," a voice spoke out of nowhere.

Braixen growled as he and Blue took a step back.

"Who-who are you?" Blue asked.

"Peace. We do not want any harm," a feminine voice also spoke.

"I am Blumiere," the man said, "And this is my bride to be Timpani. We saw you trekking through the forest, lost and we were wondering if you can help us."

Blumiere was a strange being. He was not human, as it could be seen by his monocle and his blue face. Timpani on the other hand was a regular human girl.

"Yes, we are lost," Blueflower replied, "What was the shaking about? How can we get out of here?"

"The shaking means that someone activated the crystal stars," Timpani explained, "Apparently, the Shadow Queen is rising again. And I think we have a solution to your problem. Blumiere?"

"Yes dear Timpani," he replied, "If the heroes manage to defeat the Shadow Queen, then, good for them! If they don't, the world will be plunged into eternal darkness. You do not have to worry about that. Maybe we can help you. In exchange for could help us somehow. I promise you, we will not harm you, but there will dangers and trials ahead. If you are willing to accept."

Braixen and Blueflower shared a look and understanding passed through them.

"We are willing," Blue said as Braixen nodded.

"Very well," Blumiere smiled as they disappeared into darkness.

3rd Person POV: Nocturne's and Maestro's POV
The shaking interrupted Nocturne from his deep thought.

"Oh great," Nocturne grumbled, "I finally get to have a cool yacht and I get to enjoy it, but this shaking is ruining my damn day! I paid thousands for this yacht!"

Sighing, Nocturne extended his wings and flew to his master's lair. It was a dark castle. It was a castle under the Earth, under its crusts. It was surrounded by lava as lightning flashed once in a while. As Nocturne entered his castle, guards bowed to him. After 100's of flights of stairs, Nocturne finally made it to an extremely large room with pitch black doors that radiated evil. Nocturne knocked five times as the door slowly creaked open. Nocturne entered the room and bowed at an altar.

"Who dares bother me?!" a firm voice spoke, but softened, "Ah, it is you Nocturne. What brings you here my faithful servant?"

"Those fools has started their trek for the Crystal Stars," Nocturne replied, "They are there to stop the Shadow Queen."

The voice laughed.

"I pity those poor fools,"the voice continued,"They are actually stepping close to their inevitable doom. Nocturne, pledge your loyalty to the Shadow Queen."

"Master," Nocturne replied, "You know I won't do that. My unswerving loyalty is for you and only you."

"You have a good heart Nocturne,"the voice laughed,"I will reward you handsomely for this, but you will not actually do that. Pretend you are on their side and help to kill these heroes, mercilessly. Once you do, our job will be complete, but if the heroes manage to stay alive, then I have other plans that will not fail. Do not fail me Nocturne."

Nocturne bowed as he extended his wings and flew out of the castle.

The unknown voice laughed silently,"Those heroes do not know what they are doing. They are inching themselves towards destruction. They do not know what other forces lay in store for them. I am powerful. I am the one. I AM MAESTRO."
Lightning flashed.

3rd Person POV: JDMEK's POV
"Great," JD growled as he once again tried to avoid the shower bullets aimed for him, "I try to help them, but they end up stabbing me in the back."

He ran away and turned right at an alley.

"No," he growled, "NO!"

It was a dead end as hordes of people followed him in the alley.

"I help you and you betray me,"  JD glowered.

"We can't allow you to live," said a masked citizen, "You have done great service for us and we appreciate it, but we will not take the risk of keeping you alive. Kill him!"

They approached JD as he backed away to a wall. Instantly, JD was teleported in a flash.

"What the?!" the masked man exclaimed.

JD found himself in a strange world. A strange....dimension?

"Wh-where am I?" JD groaned, massaging his head.

"Ahahahahaha," a laughter rang out, "How do you do?"

JD whirled around and found him face to face with a short purple/yellow jester that was grinning.

"Who are you?" JD asked.

"Ah! Where are my manners?" he exclaimed, "I am Dimentio! Pleaser of crowds! Master of dimensions!"

"What do you want with me?" JD replied.

"Must I want something to have summoned you here?" Dimentio asked, "Fine, I want you by my side."

"Why do you want me?" Jd asked, bewildered.

"I have been following your progress," Dimentio mused, "And I saw everything. If you join me, I can promise you almost anything you want. I know you have a hatred against heroes trying to save the world as they led you to your, ah, apparent meeting with them."

JD growled, "Yes, that is true. If I join you, what will you do for me?"

"I can train you," Dimentio replied, "I could strengthen your magical skills and sharpen your knowledge of trickery!"

"Hmm," JD thought for a while, "That sounds very nice! I don't have anything to lose! I accept your proposition!"

"Perfect!" Dimentio clapped, "Now let's get you acquainted with your training room! This is Dimension D! Allow me to explain....."

3rd Person POV: Alti's POV
"P-Please!" rang out a voice, "Spare me, lady!"

Altissimo raised an eyebrow, "And why would I do that?"

"Because!" the scared man said, "I was trying to help an old lady fend off against a robber! I was doing good, not evil!"

"Don't you see?" Alti asked while she stabbed the man in the shoulder as he shouted in pain, "I don't fight against bad guys. I fight against the heroes."

"No!" he yelled as Alti bludgeoned the man with her feet.

The man soon died, his face squashed like a melon. She wiped all traces of blood on her victim as shaking started. Alti raised her eyebrows.

"Looks like someone is searching for the crystal stars," Alti mused, "More heroes to pick off! I will make sure every one of them are disposed of."

She looked off into the city.

We went to Frankly's room and he examined it.

"Ah!" he exclaimed, "The map is basically an integrated navigation system that leads to the Crystal Stars! The first crystal star should be near Petal Meadows! The pipe should lead you to the destination!"

"Petal Meadows?" Trains asked.

"Yes. The area is a vast meadow that lies far to the east of Rogueport. To tell you the truth... I've always thought that place was a tad suspicious. The name Petal Meadows did come up from time to time in my research," the professor replied, "I'm fairly certain that somewhere beneath the city is a pipe to Petal Meadows. If you could just find that, you'd get there instantly. Pipe travel's efficient."

"Oh yeah, it's pretty fun," I said, "But it feels like I'm crawling down a toilet. It's damp, it smells, and I feel like barfing."

"Too bad!" he exclaimed, "Now off you go!"

"Thanks Professor!" Trains thanked as we exited.

We approached the pipe.

"Are you ready for this Trains?" I asked as she nervously nodded, "Let's do this."

"Do you need help?" someone asked. We whirled around and saw a familiar face.
Hero of Trains is the BEST! Love you girl!