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The Story of My Life~

Started by mayastarr041, July 18, 2015, 11:05:30 PM

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Tbh, I didn't believe first. But that is because a lot of wackos have come and posted crap before. I believe you now though.

Pianist Da Sootopolis

For fucks sake.
Whether you believe it or not, doesn't really matter. If you don't believe it, this story isn't hurting you in any way, just leave it alone. If you believe it's for attention, don't give them attention.
what is shitpost


Guys just forget it. You guys did more than enough for me. I don't want to talk about depression and all this anymore. I'm scared now of myself. You guys did your best. I'm being a stubborn brat and not listening to any of you. I'm just gonna let life play out and see where it guides me. Let's just go back to how it was. The more we talk about this, I get more and more scared. Starting from now, I'm not talking about me ever again. Let time and life itself forge my destiny. You guys were the best and I will never forget this. Thanks guys.
Hero of Trains is the BEST! Love you girl!


Quote from: Pianist Da Sootopolis on July 21, 2015, 03:59:01 PMFor fucks sake.
Whether you believe it or not, doesn't really matter. If you don't believe it, this story isn't hurting you in any way, just leave it alone. If you believe it's for attention, don't give them attention.

For the first time ever, I completely agree with PDS what the fuck?? Dude if it's not true all you're doing is saying "I told you so" and if it really is you're being so ridiculously horrible??? Stop
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.

Pianist Da Sootopolis

Then do that when you're proven right. Until then, you don't need to keep making the situation worse.
what is shitpost


Quote from: mayastarr041 on July 21, 2015, 03:59:41 PMGuys just forget it. You guys did more than enough for me. I don't want to talk about depression and all this anymore. I'm scared now of myself. You guys did your best. I'm being a stubborn brat and not listening to any of you. I'm just gonna let life play out and see where it guides me. Let's just go back to how it was. The more we talk about this, I get more and more scared. Starting from now, I'm not talking about me ever again. Let time and life itself forge my destiny. You guys were the best and I will never forget this. Thanks guys.
that's my favorite thing about life.  It goes on, and all you have to do is hold on and try to enjoy the ride best you can


This is such a sad story. The part where you talk about Space Junk Galaxy making you cry about your mom...that is the exact same song that makes me cry about loss of my family members...just thinking of it now makes me cry... :-[

I sure hope you don't think this is your family members have died too, but it's all natural. It's part of what God wants. I know a friend who lost literally every one, mom, dad, siblings, relatives. But she carried on. Just like you must do.  :)
Quote from: Altissimo on August 29, 2015, 12:00:16 PM
Since I haven't heard from her personally I don't wanna be like "YO HERE'S THE CHATROOM OK"