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Started by FireArrow, January 23, 2015, 11:42:46 PM

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I think everyone made a big deal about the curses instead of figuring out how to live with them :/ Of all the people I'd say BDS got the worse combination of curses, but even that could have been worked around by word choice.

also does everyone get the joke in my death post now lol

Mr. Tanooki Suit

This game was probably not the best idea, I must admit. People got automatically suspicious of curses for no apparent reason and the penalty for breaking curses was MUCH too severe (god killing for a minor slip up? Really?). Could have been balanced, but ended up sort of making it less fun. Curses should have had some sort of boon... Just ended up killing it.

Good attempt, though, FireArrow. Just try to balance it out more next time!!~


Quote from: Mr. Tanooki Suit on January 28, 2015, 09:41:42 AMThis game was probably not the best idea, I must admit. People got automatically suspicious of curses for no apparent reason and the penalty for breaking curses was MUCH too severe (god killing for a minor slip up? Really?). Could have been balanced, but ended up sort of making it less fun. Curses should have had some sort of boon... Just ended up killing it.

Good attempt, though, FireArrow. Just try to balance it out more next time!!~
I knew that saying potato would probably cure the curse as I had similar parameters :P